Conversation Between Powderfinger and The Rodent

Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 9
  1. 12-27-12
    Just had a look, it's working now...
  2. 12-27-12
    I did another pic...if it doesn't register, it's les-miserables
  3. 11-09-12
    Guinness is a drug, a that's fact! If my Old Man drinks Drambuie he's f*****! full on. 30 beers F me dead!
  4. 11-09-12
    Guinness is my poison mate. I can drink that stuff till it comes out my ears. I've been known to drink 30-40 pints of the stuff on a night out.

    If I drink liquor, it's usually only around Christmas and has to be Drambuie, awesome drink. Can't mix it with Guinness though, it blows my head off.