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Denzel Washington, Chris Pine, Rosario Dawson, Kevin Dunn View All


Tony Scott (Director), Mark Bomback (Writer) View All

Release: Nov. 4th, 2010
Runtime: 1 hour, 38 minutes
A runaway train, transporting deadly, toxic chemicals, is barreling down on Stanton, Pennsylvania, and proves to be unstoppable until a veteran engineer and young conductor risk their lives to try and stop it with a switch engine.
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5 Unstoppable
Untoppable Director:Tony Scott Writer:Mark Bomback. Plot:A rail company frantically works to prevent an unmanned, half-mile-long freight train carrying combustible liquids and poisonous gas from wipin...
8 Unstoppable
The only thing that was unstoppable in this movie was Tony Scott's camera on wheels, holy cow just sit still already and film a scene....

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Reviewed by

Tony Scott and Denzel Washington team up yet again in this nail bitter of a thriller that has Washington and Chris Pine doing their best to try and stop an unmanned runaway train.
Tony Scott and Denzel Washington team up yet again in this nail bitter of a thriller that has Washington and Chris Pine doing their best to try and stop an unmanned runaway train.
But attaching their engine manually to the runaway train is a life threatening task in itself , and the engine of the runaway train is more powerful than their own engine---so stopping it is not easy....
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