dadgumblah's Avatar
Last Activity: 2 days ago


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5,267 POSTS


12¼ years HERE

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Texas Location
Movies, books, food Interests
Freelance doofus Occupation
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."
Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 15
  1. 08-05-15
    Thanks for going through my top 100 list and blitzing it with rep. Was pretty shocked and baffled when I came on and saw that I had 34 new reps!
  2. 08-02-15
    You got it, my friend!
  3. 08-02-15
    Thanks for all the rep today and reading my comments.
  4. 06-24-15
    Thanks for the rep, dadgumblah. Did you find anything that you thought you might like?
Dunkirk   8/06/18
There are many stunning vistas caught on screen, including the massive amounts of men lining the long pier kno

A Quiet Place   7/13/18
But the film is pretty much stolen by the young, real-life deaf actress, Millicent Simmonds, who plays Krasins

Avengers: Infinity War   5/04/18
Rocket being called a rabbit; Star-Lord being jealous, in a very amusing way, of his crew oohing-and-aahing ov

Black Panther   4/17/18
Everyone has a beginning but not every character in the Marvel canon gets a trio of movies or a stand-alone mo

View All Reviews (29)
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