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blibblobblib 11-10-02 11:01 PM

The Chamber of Secrets
So what did everyone think? Cant believe theres not any comment of this yet! Did ya think it stuck to the book? better or worst than the first?

Yoda 11-10-02 11:02 PM

Well, there aren't any comments in this forum yet because it won't be out for another five days. :)

blibblobblib 11-10-02 11:06 PM

Holy macaroni!
A film thats out in the UK before it is in the States??!!
Ive never known that to happen before.
It came out on Friday here :)
I LOVED it...i should imagine all other HP fans will too. :yup:

firegod 11-10-02 11:10 PM

The preview came out on Friday in the UK. General release doesn't come untill the 15th, both in the UK and the States.

blibblobblib 11-10-02 11:22 PM

Do u live in the uk firegod? if ya do check ya cinema listings Coz i thought that it didnt come out until the 15th as well, but it was out in SouthHampton on the friday when i saw it and then its on all weekend as well. Its also out in Essex and Exeter. I doubt its just these cinemas that have it out but its listed to be out the whole week here. I heard that "Orange County" had to be pushed back over here or something coz of the earlier Potter release?

firegod 11-10-02 11:34 PM

Nope; I don't live in the UK, and I don't know anything about an early full release. My scources (mostly web sites) still say the full release is on the 15th. I just now looked around for news on the subject and couldn't find a thing.

Monkeypunch 11-21-02 12:01 AM

I've seen this and well, I'm not all that impressed. I liked the book a lot, and the movie has none of the fun or charm of it. It's like a series of action sequences with no context. Everyone except the main three characters gets shorted on screen time and characterization, including, extremely unwisely, Ginny Weasley, who is a major part of the story. Why no Peeves the Poltergeist? Why do Fred and George Weasley, main characters in the books, barely exist in the movie? Why were both Snape and Gilderoy Lockheart relegated to near cameos in this film? And why is the kid playing Draco Malfoy such a bad actor? He honestly must have had marbles in his mouth throughout his major scenes. The film was three hours long. They had the time to do this right, and they didn't. I shudder to think What they're going to do to the next book. I hope with the departure of Chris Columbus the films will get better.

blibblobblib 11-21-02 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Monkeypunch
Everyone except the main three characters gets shorted on screen time and characterization, including, extremely unwisely, Ginny Weasley, who is a major part of the story. Why no Peeves the Poltergeist? Why do Fred and George Weasley, main characters in the books, barely exist in the movie? Why were both Snape and Gilderoy Lockheart relegated to near cameos in this film?
I loved the film because i loved the books but i totally agree with what you said about the other characters. Ginny Weaslys attempt at being upset that she had nearley killed everyone and destroyed Hogwarts was just pathetic. She was hardly in it for the twist to be even remotley shocking. And i have no idea where Peevs has gone? He was meant to be in the first one as well played by Brit actor, Rick Mayall but he never showed up?
The thing that annoys me the most though is Snape. One of the main aspects that makes the books so addictive is the relationship with Sanpe and the pupils. He is ABSOLOULTY EVIL in the books and plays a huge role in the stories in each book. But in this film and the first we only see him a few times. And each time we do see him, Rickman plays him off as being some camp grumpy depressed teacher.....its just wrong! i know Alan Rickman can make this man as evil as possible and he really needs to start doing it :furious:
As for the kid that played Draco Malfroy, i thought he was quite good, and his dad, the actor who played him (cant remember his name) out done Snapes evilness by miles!

Sir Toose 11-22-02 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Monkeypunch
I hope with the departure of Chris Columbus the films will get better.
Who's doing the next one?

It's always freaky when one director starts and another finishes... look at the dramatic differences in the Batman films.

The Silver Bullet 11-22-02 09:31 PM

Alfonso Cuarón is directing The Prisoner of Azkaban. Which, in my opinion, should be the best of the first three films. It is dark. It is disturbing. It has some awesome characters. And dementors. And you gotta love that.

As for the kid that played Draco Malfroy, i thought he was quite good, and his dad, the actor who played him (cant remember his name) out done Snapes evilness by miles!
The actor who played Lucius Malfoy [not Malfroy] was Jason Isaacs who is also playing both Captain Hook and Mr. Darling in the new Peter Pan film.

Monkeypunch 11-23-02 03:36 AM

Originally posted by blibblobblib

And i have no idea where Peevs has gone? He was meant to be in the first one as well played by Brit actor, Rick Mayall but he never showed up?
Rik Mayall, who played Rick on "The Young Ones," My FAVORITE Television show of all-time, was supposed to be in the first Harry Potter but they cut him out? DAMN! Now I really don't like the movie! As for Prisoner of Azkaban, I do hope they do it right. So far it's the book I liked the most, but as I'm reading it, The Goblet of Fire is really damn good.....Who do you think for Sirius Black and Professor Lupin? I figure they'd be british actors, so I don't think anyone I could think of would work. I thought Sirius could be played by Johnny Depp, myself. Lupin is a lot harder. Maybe Kevin Kline, thinking about him in Orange County. He'd do pretty good.

Aniko 11-24-02 11:45 AM

I just saw Chamber of Secrets last night with the kids. I’m one of the few who didn’t read the books and didn’t know the storyline going into it. As an adult I enjoyed did the couple next to me.

As a parent.....I’m just glad someone had forwarned me on how scary it is....and that I made my husband go with us. Half-way through my 9yr. old daughter just got too scared and left with my husband. I think it as the petrified cat that did it. 7yr. old son sat through the entire movie and enjoyed all of it, with only one break (which is phenomenal for him). My advice to any parent taking more that one child....take someone else with you to help out. Aside from some intense moments and scary 2 hours and 50 minutes... @.@ ...that’s an awfully long time for any child to sit through a movie. I saw many adults taking kids out throughout the movie.

Thanks for the name Silver....and I agree with you blibbblob.... Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) was wonderfully evil. Poor Rickman though...he really didn’t get a chance to shine like Isaccs. He had a awful lot of close-up head shots (I loved his eyes), where Rickman didn’t.

My son’s favorite part was Ron being scared in the spider cave. “Can we panic yet?”

blibblobblib 11-25-02 01:14 PM

So Jason Isaacs was responsible for the deliciously evil Lucious MalFOY? (Thanx to Silver:D ) He definatly needs to give Alan Rickman some tips on the methods of evilness. I hope that this new director does make The Prizoner of Azkaban much darker than the previos two. It needs to be or it just wont stick to the book enough. I always think Tim Burton could do an excellant Potter film. Maybe the Goblet of Fire? that would be awsome, not sure if its his cup of tea though....

Sir Toose 11-30-02 05:35 PM

I'll edit this later with more detail... I loved this film. I thought it was much stronger than the first and I completely enjoyed it. I can't pick out anything I didn't like except maybe for the big snake.. (Odelisk?) being almost dinosaur-ish. No big deal on that though...

Very good film

Yoda 11-30-02 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Toose
Basilisk. It's an actual Dictionary word, I think. It's hard to tell what some of those words are with those wacky Britland accents though, eh? :D

Anyway, I agree with you. Personally, I loved the first film, but the second was even better in most ways (though not as dramatic/emotional, in my opinion). Excellent flick. We've got a hell of a series before us. If all seven get made, and are as well-crafted as the first two, it'll truly be a historic saga. Imagine the 14-disc DVD box set. :eek: If we're still using DVDs by then, of course. :)

blibblobblib 12-04-02 10:45 AM

Considering i didnt think the film was all that good befoe, i thoguht i would give it a 2nd cahnce and try again so i saw it again yesterday and i give in, it was really good. Still has the same problems as i pointed out before but for some reason i did enjoy it more the 2nd time.
Do u guys ever get this? see a film once, hate it, then see it again and love it? that happend with me and "Gladiator"

I still think Malfoy is really good in it. wonderfully horrid :D

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