The Shoutbox
Romania. I love the cut of your jib.
I think my favorite is perhaps Vernor Vinge's A Deepness in the Sky, but the books you list are all great, also. Rama was one of the first ones I read, so perhaps I hold it in high regard due to it being the first or one of the first I ever read. Then again, it almost doesn't qualify, being more of a BDO contact than alien first contact.
Originally Posted by Sedai
Perhaps the finest of the first contact stories? I would put it at or near the top...
To clarify, I don't think I've read all that many first contact novels to be weighing in on an all time list. But something like H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds or Niven and Pournelle's The Mote in God's Eye or even something brand new like Andy Weir's Project Hail Mary spring to mind. Again, I'm not the most qualified person to be talking to. Those are just some of my favorites.
Originally Posted by John McClane
i got a migraine but i’ve cracked the blinds just enough for Hunter to look out. dude is enthralled with traffic. won’t play with toys but he’ll stare at trucks for hours
Sorry to hear about your migraine. I was enamoured with fire truck toys as a kid, so he’ll be alright.
i got a migraine but i’ve cracked the blinds just enough for Hunter to look out. dude is enthralled with traffic. won’t play with toys but he’ll stare at trucks for hours
Originally Posted by Sedai
Perhaps the finest of the first contact stories? I would put it at or near the top...
Perhaps the finest of the first contact stories? I would put it at or near the top...
Originally Posted by Sedai
Looks like Villeneuve is tackling Rendezvous with Rama after he completes his Dune stuff. Excellent news!
YES! One of my favorite sci-fi novels.
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
I think there’s a certain kind of self-serious drama that tended to be Oscar-bait in the past; these days it is, indeed, a bit more complex.
Anyone in a wheelchair. Or twisted up like a pretzel ... in a wheelchair. Or Eddie Redmayne. Or Olivia Colman (who I actually like).

But I understand wanting to watch something like Babylon. I liked Whiplash and enjoyed First Man. Couldn't get through La La Land. But there's something sort of cynical and calculating in casting what are arguably the most glamorous and buzzworthy male and female actors as your leads. And yes, it's a film about the seamier side of early Hollywood but I think the casting invites jaundiced speculation.

Or ... and excuse me while I carry on a schizophrenic debate with myself ... the casting of Pitt and Robbie is in itself a commentary on the grim underbelly hiding under Hollywood's glitzy veneer.

I guess the only way to know for sure is to actually watch it and since there's little chance of that happening ... I'll STFU.
Looks like Villeneuve is tackling Rendezvous with Rama after he completes his Dune stuff. Excellent news!
Originally Posted by mattiasflgrtll6
I can't really tell what is Oscar bait most of the time, all I know is if the movie genuinely makes me feel something it succeeded.
I think there’s a certain kind of self-serious drama that tended to be Oscar-bait in the past; these days it is, indeed, a bit more complex.