Movies with the worst DEUS EX MACHINA!!!


Registered User
Die Hard 5 definitely deserves a mention.

Where the villain's henchman decides to just go kamikaze into the building in her helicopter for no reason, and just ends up killing herself.

The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King: The Army of the Dead coming in at the end of the Battle of Pellenor Fields and basically wiping out the entire evil army, who still must be over 50,000 strong. This did not happen in the books, and just gives off the impression that all the lives that have been lost fighting the good old fashioned way were kinda in vain.
The eagles are much worse, The Army of the Dead ex machina is actually set up earlier in the film where as The Eagles literally come right out of left field at the end of the movie with no warning whatsoever and the only thing even remotely related to the Eagles earlier was a scene(TWO movies earlier) in the Fellowship where Gandalf calls a eagle to save him from Saruman. Which that scene in of itself is an Ex Machina as well.

Registered User
Suprised no one mentioned films like Independence Day, and similar alien invasion films (ex. War of the Worlds).

Advanced alien mother-ship defeated with a computer virus from the 90s? C'mon. Might as well have just had it end with Jesus making his Second Coming and destroying the aliens.

Welcome to the human race...
Suprised no one mentioned films like Independence Day, and similar alien invasion films (ex. War of the Worlds).

Advanced alien mother-ship defeated with a computer virus from the 90s? C'mon. Might as well have just had it end with Jesus making his Second Coming and destroying the aliens.
In that regard, there's no going past the ending of Signs.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Registered User
In that regard, there's no going past the ending of Signs.
That was another one I was thinking of, thanks

In that regard, there's no going past the ending of Signs.
Um...isn't that the entire point of signs?

Welcome to the human race...
Um...isn't that the entire point of signs?
I can't tell if this is supposed to be a genuine comment on how the ending of Signs played out of if it's just a very literal interpretation of me typing "no going past the ending".

I can't tell if this is supposed to be a genuine comment on how the ending of Signs played out of if it's just a very literal interpretation of me typing "no going past the ending".
The film is about Gibson's character coming back to his faith. In order for that to happen God literally had to intervene. It's Deus Ex Machina by design.

Welcome to the human race...
The film is about Gibson's character coming back to his faith. In order for that to happen God literally had to intervene. It's Deus Ex Machina by design.
...good point. Still seems like an awfully round-about way of doing it, though.

Superman: The Movie

The bomb has gone off, Superman has failed, Luthor has won, a bunch of people are dead and Lois is killed.

So suddenly, out of nowhere, Supes has the power to reverse time. Never done it before, never did it again afterward.
It's as though the filmmakers had painted themselves into a corner.

What that ending also does, is poopoo the entire movie. I mean, he even says "All those things I could do, all those powers, and I couldn't even save him"... If you were so devastated about Jonathan Kent's death, why not just reverse time, Supes? Go ahead. You have the power to save him now.