Film Journal


My new rule, and by me sharing this here it should therefore be known that i will perhaps keep making my presence evident to a small degree on this thread, yea, my brethren and sistren, my new rule is this:

ALL silent films are ipso facto in the inner sanctum of my watching cathedral, ontop of these just the established arthouse classics, and this is the rule, at least 5 times without subtitles, to soak up all that the visuals are, actions speak louder than words it's been said, and through many a supplement there's been those who consumed films in another language than their own, it's just the family i've been gifted with that sees it as strange.

There can be no more than 50 films ongoing, and i must finish at least 20 a month not including short films. Having said this, i am forbidden to keep count, as King David was punished when he counted his stuff, found in the historical portion of the Old Testament.

Select tv shows are included, for example: The Venture Bros.

At times i'll watch a film from beginning to end, current film might be it Luchino Visconti's Rocco and His Brothers, without the subtitles on the Eureka DVD.

There has to be made room for everything in the collection, but what comes first is the finest, like that wedding at Cana, the custom there is said to be to have the best first, but when the cinematic equivalent to the risen Lord appears before mine eyes, the best will then be last.

Finally on this particular post let it be said, that what used to be favorite films are under construction, see faves as a building, mine is closed and due to be open for the public no sooner than the summer of 2025.

It is pandemonium inside my head, and i sincerely regret my naive and idiotic plans. On a lighter side, i realized that watching home movies from the 40's is hella therapeutic. I want to disappear into the books on my kindle and films, even things on the internet, but to be a part of anything is too presumptuous of my inherent worth as a human being.