MoFo Fantasy Baseball - 2024 Season


Starving for home runs is a bad place to be. Of course I need everything but my biggest weakness are HRs. With Olson, Busch, Ohtani, and some guys that are good for at least 20 this season I'd think I'd see them more regularly. Not so much.

A system of cells interlinked
If anyone was curious about this, if you have a reliever pitch 0.1 innings total, and he gives up a grand slam, the ERA is 108.00, and your Whip is 12.00
I have just picked up Manoah, so I should be able to beat this in the next couple of weeks!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I have Cruz in my other league, and yeah, oof. But it sounds worse than it is. Just means four runs. Four runs x three outs x nine innings = 108.

Thank you, but it still gives one a start when they see 108.00 lol

Oh no! was a good movie

God I hate slumps. What's worse is benching the premiere slumping player because if he suddenly breaks out of his slump in major fashion then I'd miss out on that breakout day. Doh'! Back and forth I go. Screw it im gonna play them. Maybe the upside offsets the wounds.

The solution is to realize that almost all "slumps" and "hot streaks" are illusions. Not even worth benching or starting people for, nevermind dropping or picking up or what have you.

The solution is to realize that almost all "slumps" and "hot streaks" are illusions. Not even worth benching or starting people for, nevermind dropping or picking up or what have you.
Yeah, I keep forgetting. That damned 2011 season ruined me. Its like an old bad habit which never goes away. Maybe I should do the 12 steps for how I play Fantasy sports?! God knows how many PMs I'd have to send out to make amends

The trick is not minding
I am willing to trade a SP (I have a lot, many who are capable of getting decent QS).
I’d like to shore up my RP specifically holds and Saves. I’d also consider quite seriously a SS.

Edit: Wheeler is the only SP that I won’t consider trading, but Darvish et all are

Fun league history Sedai probably won't mind me sharing: his team used to be called something else. The first day of his first year of playing roto one of his pitchers had a crappy outing and his team ERA was 108.00 and he thought he was screwed for the whole year. Then I explained the same thing he just explained and he changed his team name to the Clueless Clowns, and kept it for years.
Is that still his team name? Have I been @Sedai's alt all this time?


A system of cells interlinked
Tough week for the Clockwork Angels. Another round of injuries doing some real damage...again.

Have a couple of guys coming back this week, so will hopefully be able to fill some holes soon. Turner injury is rough, as he was playing at a really high level again. Ouch!

I'll be watching the Braves@Dodgers game today on my phone while at work. 4 players going in that one. The MLB app is for real folks, 7 day free trial.

This one's an hour long, ill watch it in parts, but looks fascinating.

I am last in both baseball leagues I'm in. Why do I play this silly game lol.

At least this isnt happening in Japan, I could imagine their Fantasy Baseball leagues. I'm just 15 min 30 sec into the video I posted .... oh my God! We should send the Peace Corps over there to save them...from themselves! Just how they described their High School Baseball culture alone. Friday Night Lights meets The Running Man.

A system of cells interlinked
Update in case anyone is wondering: Manoah is still bad.

Meanwhile, my wife had foot surgery Friday, so everything has sort of fallen by the wayside as far as FBB and song tournaments etc. Things should get back to normal over this next week.

Update in case anyone is wondering: Manoah is still bad.

Meanwhile, my wife had foot surgery Friday, so everything has sort of fallen by the wayside as far as FBB and song tournaments etc. Things should get back to normal over this next week.
Please wish her well for me.