Rate The Favorite Movies List


*1.* Sansho the Bailiff
*2.* 2001: A Space Odyssey- 4.5 stars
*3.* Persona- 5 stars
*4.* Trouble in Paradise
*5.* McCabe & Mrs. Miller-2.5 stars
*6.* Psycho- 4 stars
*7.* Marketa Lazarova
*8.* Last Year at Marienbad
*9.* Mulholland Drive-4.5 stars
*10.* Synecdoche, New York
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Slimgee55's Avatar
Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
HOw could you ever give V for Vendetta 2 stars?!?!?!?!
"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware: joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." -Henry Miller

1. A clockwork orange- 4 stars
2. memento- 4 stars
4. Batman trilogy- I'll go with 3.5 stars
6. Moon- 3.5 stars
7. DOnniedarko- 5 stars
9. Harry potter- 3.5-4 stars
10. Alice in Wonderland- 3 stars

Slimgee55's Avatar
Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
You like older movies don't you?
1. Donnie Darko- 4.5
2. The Pianist- 3.5
4. The Silence of The Lambs- 3.5
5. Eraserhead- 4
8. Inception- 4-4.5
9. Brothers- 3
10. Rosemary's Baby-4

1. A Clockwork Orange

2. Memento

4. Batman Begins/ Dark Knight

5. V for Vendetta

7. Donnie Darko

8. Sweeney Todd

9. Requiem For A Dream

10. 2001: A Space Odyssey
5-time MoFo Award winner.



Gone With The Wind

Charlie's Angels

The Straight Story

Taxi Driver


Death Race 2000

Enter The Dragon

Man Bites Dog

Interview With The Vampire

Don't give the prick the satisfaction.

1. Young Guns - Never seen.
2. Starship Troopers - Never seen.
3. Robocop - 3/5
4. Rise of the Planet of the Apes - 4.5/5
5. Alien 3 - 5/5
6. The Dark Knight - 4.5/5
7. The Dark Knight Rises - 4/5
8. Ghostbusters - 3/5
9. Predator - 4/5
10. Batman Begins - 4.5/5

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
1. The Lord of the Rings - can't rate trilogy
2. Harry Potter - This is a movie character
3. Batman
Rating Burton's Batman
4. Star Wars
Rating first Star Wars
5. Indiana Jones - This is a character
6. Back to the Future

7. Planet of the Apes - Which one?
8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest -

9. Stephen King's It

10. Jurassic Park
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

10. 2001: A Space Odyssey
HK, I understand you think Kubrick is dry and all, but don't you think atleast the visuals in 2001 are worth half a star?

HK, I understand you think Kubrick is dry and all, but don't you think atleast the visuals in 2001 are worth half a star?
On some days I might, but that really is the most boring film I've ever sat through. It took five attempts before I was able to do it and it's the only film I've ever fallen asleep during. I wasn't even tired. And this was all before I became the zero attention span, miserable grump I am now.

1. Pulp Fiction

2. American History X

3. City of God

4. Goodfellas

5. A Clockwork Orange

6. Army of Darkness

7. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

8. Dark City

9. Lord of the Rings

10. Memento

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy:

Indiana Jones Trio:


Stephen King's It:

I haven't watched the Harry Potter films.
If I had a dollar for every existential crisis I've ever had, does money really even matter?

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Fiscal's List:

1. The Fountain
2. The Darjeeling Limited/The Royal Tenenbaums
3. There Will Be Blood
/Boogie Nights

4. GoodFellas

5. 2001: A Space Odyssey

6. Taxi Driver
7. American Psycho

8. Lost In Translation

9. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
10. Moon
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Heat 8/10
Goodfellas 8/10
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 7.5/10

I've seen some of the others, but not enough to recollect a rating.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
1. The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

2. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

3. The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

4. Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

5. Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom

6. Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade

7. Raiders Of The Lost Ark

8. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

9. Alien
10. Stephen King's It