Flimmaker's Top 100 Movies

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Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Solid list so far, and the first two Terminator films, A Clockwork Orange and Boogie Nights are great choices (all of them are a bit too high)(or low, whatever). I'm interested to see what makes it into the top 50.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Keep on Rockin in the Free World

Risky Business
Tom has about five films that he did an amazing job as an actor. This is one of them. Also happens to be the second film he made and that made him a star. Cool slick film that never seems to run out of steam.
FYI it was the 6th.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Really interested to see what you find Tom's four other best performances are. He's my favourite actor, and I don't think I've disliked a single film I've seen him in.

The Terminator, A Clockwork Orange, and The Social Network are favorites of mine as well
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Born on the 4th of July
Rain Man
Last Samurai
and Tropic Thunders Cameo
I think Collateral's got to be in there, though I haven't seen born on 4th of july

Are you really a filmaker?

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
I think Collateral's got to be in there, though I haven't seen born on 4th of july
Fair enough, well then id switch out Tropic Thunder i think. BoFoJ is a tour de force performance.

On second thought, A few good men might make the cut as well, bumping risky business i'd say.

Really interested to see what you find Tom's four other best performances are. He's my favourite actor, and I don't think I've disliked a single film I've seen him in.
His performance in Minority Report is one of them (that is #95 on my list). And there is one more film on my list that has one of his five best performances.

The two films that are not on my list that make his top five are Born on the Fourth of July (he is the reason this movie is good), and Jerry MaGuire.

I am neutral on Tom Cruise. And I think he is crazy and a bit of a prima Donna. But he can act really well when he puts his mind to it. He was born to be a star.
Going 18600 miles per second.

jfk and born on the 4th of july are that directors best films

60. Election

Alexander Payne hasn't made a bad film yet. Election could be his best film. Starring Matthew Broderick and a young Reese Witherspoon, this satire was so prophetic that when the 2000 election came I am sure people were like "we should have seen this coming!" This film goes over several things, teacher students relationship that go over the limits, a teacher trying to not get attracted to a student, the campaign and election process, infidelity, and of course rigging of an election. Tracy Flick is one of the greatest characters not only in a high school film, but films in general.

59. Mystic River

A film that never lets up until the end. The start of the film does a great tie in to the overall plot later on. How would react to hearing that finding out that your daughter was murdered? Sean Penn and Tim Robbins were the champions of this film. Their performances were just about as perfect as you could be. Clint Eastwood's best directing work.

58. Catch me if you can

Ever wondered about the life of a great con artist? If you do. Watch this film. Every bit of this film is enjoyable. Leonardo DiCaprio is actor that should have been around in the 50s because it seems that is the time period he plays alot. And he excels at it. Tom Hanks is of course top notch. Steve Spielberg goes away from his normal adventure films. But still makes this an adventure worth while.

57. High Fidelity

It feels like I could go and meet all the characters in this movie after I finish watching it. That is how real the acting is. Perhaps John Cusack's and Jack Black's best work. High Fidelity is a film that anyone can relate too even if you are not a music junkie. But if you are this is for sure the film for you. It comes with an awesome soundtrack. This world is cool, easy going, but hectic at the same time. But that is life.

56. Juno

Best film of 2007. Juno discussed issues that had been swept under the rug. What if you get pregnant at 16? Do you get an abortion? Do you keep it? Or do you give it away? Juno promotes pro life of course. The creation of the character Juno by Ellen Page's performance is phenomenal. One of the best characters in film in the last 20 years. She is quirky, punky, rude, but means well and in the end of the day is just a 16 year old girl just trying to figure things out. Jason Reitman created films with characters that we just grow to love and care about. Juno is the type of film that showcases that the most.

Ohh... Juno? Well, it was fun while it lasted.
What don't you like abut Juno?
It is a film I could watch over and over again. That and the character of Juno herself was a great character if your into character study. Ranks pretty high to me .

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
It's a pretty weak film, in my eyes. I find Juno to be very pretentious, because it seems to think, just because it's quirky and offbeat, it's instantly brilliant. In truth, it's not nearly as clever, charming or funny as it thinks it is. Add to it the plain horrible acting (except for J.K Simmons, who is awesome in everything), the overrated screenplay, and the fact it seems to glorify teen pregnancy for most of the time (at least up until the end).


You see I found the quirkiness wonderful. I thought it was funny, clever and charming. I didn't like the character Juno at first because she was being a punk, but the way her character shows vulnerability won me over The acting is great. Ellen Page was amazing (she was nominated for an academy award for this movie you know). The writing in itself I thought was genius. I felt it was a cautionary tale. And promoted pro life in case you ever found yourself in that situation.

It did everything it set out to do and more. I loved it so much. Many more people did too as it has 94% on Rotten Tomatoes. But it's not everyone's cup of tea I guess.

55. Cool Hand Luke

Paul Newman was one of the greatest actors of all time. Here he gives his best performance as Luke in Cool Hand Luke. This film is a movie that showcases a man that has been beaten, torn down. But he never gave up hope. And with Newmans charisma he makes the movie an irresistible.

54. The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption is a hard film to get. Once you do you realize the greatness of this film. It shows what prisons really can be. And what a true friendship is. And what a man will do for his freedom when he was innocent all along. Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins were incredible and made this film go on a level it would not have gone on otherwise.

53. Almost Famous

Almost Famous is a movie that you wish would never end. So lovely, so nice. The music is so awesome. It is just so cool. Cameron Crowe creates something that resonates with all of us. All these characters are wonderful. It is a story that speaks not to one but all generations.

54. Say Anything

This concludes the Cameron Crowe portion of this list. Cameron Crowe knows how to create films that can touch you. Say Anything is his best work. It uses the usual teen romance. But puts a tweak in it and makes it more realistic. It shows that love can come through, and even during a difficult situation that it will be okay.

51. 25th Hour

25th hour shows what a Drug dealer does on his last day of freedom before a jail sentence. It is a film that shows anger and regret over choices that have shaped this person's life. Spike Lee is able to use his usual style with this film and realistically show this mans last day. Edward Norton always stands out. This role was no exception.