Down With Feminism


Welcome to the human race...
I just wanna say that Iro's signature takes his post to a new level:

I do what I can.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Where to start here. You're combining so many different things in your post.

Firstly, why does the word feminism imply superiority? It's never been read like that by me ever.

Men and women should have equal rights and opportunities, why shouldn't they?

Of course everyone in this world doesn't have the same opportunities. If I was living in Saudi Arabia I wouldn't have the opportunity of playing music in the street. If I was in London I would. The same opportunity doesn't exist in those two societies. But if I was working as a bus driver in London as a woman I'd expect the same pay and opportunities as a man bus driver within the same company.

What has do gooders got to do with anything?

Thanks for agreeing we should be able to vote, I'm glad you agree with that right! The fact that you don't use your vote is a shame on you for not using the privilege that so many people in this world have fought and died for.

Men and woman are of equal value, but no they are not the same, but as far employment, wages, law and society, their treatment should be equal.
I just wonder if it's really about equality then why doesn't it have a gender neutral term? To be honest I don't really know anything about Feminism. But I think they took the way things were back then and made it out like the worst case scenario was the norm when it really wasn't. A man used to support his whole family on one income. A working man could afford a nice house. A woman could stay at home, care for the household, and raise the kids. Raising kids is basically a full time job. Now both parents are working and the kids are being raised by strangers in daycare and public schools. It's great that it's now easier for women to have a career, but our society and our culture lost something of value that we once had.

I don't vote because the political system is a corrupt farce. But that's a separate issue.

I agree that in terms of laws, employment, wages, society, etc... that women should be treated fairly. But I don't know if they should be treated the same as men. Equal is a word that to me feels loaded. Like treating women differently from men, because they are different, is somehow unfair. Men and women can be equal and still have different rights and opportunities, including rights and opportunities that men don't have. Equal means giving up benefits that women have as well as gaining the benefits that men have, but I think Feminists want to keep their benefits and have the benefits that men have. I don't think it's about equality, I think it's about superiority, and it's just disguised. I think we can strive for improvement, but I don't think it can ever truly be completely equal. I think Feminists are trying to accomplish an impossible lofty ideal. Then again, it's not a topic that I have invested much research into.

Here is a fun riddle for everyone.

What does it take for a woman to win album of the year?

WARNING: "For a woman to win" spoilers below
Eight Guys

Click image for larger version

Name:	SwiftAlbum.jpg
Views:	789
Size:	213.2 KB
ID:	24953  

Amusing to read at the weekend that feminism was the most searched-for word in Merriam-Webster in 2017, up 70% from 2016.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I realize I'm a woman's biggest threat, but that's just the way I came out. When I'm walking down the street at night, I know she's afraid. And I'm NEVER afraid. But I can't change this
100% sexual predator haahhaha sorry matt dont take it personally, its just so funny what you wrote I KNOW SHE IS AFRAID IN THE STREET AT NIGHT came out really creepy but also hilarious in black humor kind of way

Seriously, though, I'm kind of baffled by the amount of "feminism" interpretations of art. Like, they take a work of art that did not even have any feminism traits to begin with and enforce their world view to fit their agenda. There's that awful film reviewer on Letterboxd that does not even review movies, but rants about herself, feminism, trans etc. I think this is going too far, as it's just substituting valid movie criticism with gender politics.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

There's that awful film reviewer on Letterboxd that does not even review movies, but rants about herself, feminism, trans etc. I think this is going too far, as it's just substituting valid movie criticism with gender politics.

There are like 20 of these people. There super popular but there reviews are terrible and make no sense.
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
From what Ive seen she does bizzaro surrealistic pop videos about mostly nothing.
The visuals were all I had in mind while writing this. She did not make any on feminism.

I was glad to see this pop up.

In my opinion, as a Christian, women and men aren't equal. Women have it much harder. It's because they're smarter than us. Intelligence is an exceptionaly dangerous thing. I even think that thinking is the cause of everyone's problems. It maybe even transcends into the physical world. In the sense that even physics is a part of thinking. I admit I had some trouble with women, but almost exclusively online. In the sense that they're querellous, always have to win an argument etc. And they always do, because they're smarter. I've given up the ghost a long time ago. I don't even remotely consider entering a fight with a woman. I know a priori she's always right because she's intellectually superior.

I love women more than anything.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I only got to where she starts talking about Vietnam and the radical feminists. Will try to finish that later but thanks for posting Mr Min.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I have to say one of the things that bothered me about the new Star Wars movie was Rey saying to Finn, while they were running, "DON'T HOLD MY HAND!"

As if that's such a terrible thing for a guy to do for a girl.
I certainly wouldn't want a total stranger grabbing my hand. It's not a man/woman thing, it's a personal boundaries thing.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

I love that woman's book Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women. Christina Sommers views are the ones I find interesting and agree with most and if I had to label myself a feminist, it's the 'equity feminism' that I would 'follow'.

Gender feminism can **** off.

feminism leads to women being so modern that they do not want children . feminism is leading western and other modern societies to commit effective suicide by rapidly reducing population . down with feminism !!