Movie Forums Top 100 War Movies - Group Watch

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So what are the big essential war movies that you're rewatching? You might motivate me to check them out or at least jog my old memory as I tend to forget movie titles.
Spartacus 1960
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp 1943
To Be or Not to Be 1942
The Great War 1959
The Bridge on the River Kwai 1957
Coming Home 1978

Trouble with a capital "T"
Spartacus 1960
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp 1943
To Be or Not to Be 1942
The Great War 1959
The Bridge on the River Kwai 1957
Coming Home 1978
Funny thing is I just rewatched both of these: The Bridge on the River Kwai 1957 & Coming Home 1978 and my opinion only went up so I included them on my ballot. If I hadn't rewatched them I probably wouldn't have voted for them.
I've not The Great War that would've been a cool choice for the group watch.

I'm planning on rewatching Spartacus before the countdown.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I might actually disband this thread for the remainder of the preliminary thread as I don't think activity on it will pick up. If someone else wants to take over though, go for it by all means.
I really hate to say goodbye to this group watch, but it looks like participation has dropped off and that's that.

But this was a freaking huge success! We had 32 war movies. I watched 30 of them and had seen the other 2 recently. We've had a number of people join in and some damn good war films, some of which are making my ballot.

For me this was the most fun I've had on MoFo in years and that's including HoFs. I love this idea of a group watch and all of them so far have been successful, I hope we'll do another next countdown.

I salute our host and creator of the group watch, SpelingError

I might actually disband this thread for the remainder of the preliminary thread as I don't think activity on it will pick up. If someone else wants to take over though, go for it by all means.
Thank you for your work hosting, it was a pleasure!

I'm sorry I didn't participate in this. Life is hella busy for me, but I'm happy to see you all got around a couple of under-seen ones I've enjoyed, i.e. The 12th Man and Anthropoid. Look forward to how that war countdown shapes up.
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