Favorite Korean Movies


Always the same sometimes!!
the Yellow Sea (2010) is utterly brilliant & the chaser is a very good film too

A top 5:

1. Memories of Murder
2. Oasis
3. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... And Spring
4. Why has Bodhi Dharma left for the East?
5. A Bittersweet Life

Others: J.S.A. , Tae Guk Gi, The Chaser, Mother.

I still need to see a lot more Korean movies...

It's a homage to that film... the title gave that away. Not a rip off in the slightest, but its own wonderful spin on the original film, also lots of things in the Korean film that don't even appear in the Eastwood film.
Yes, "The Good, the Bad, and the Weird" is simply a tip of the hat to "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly." It's funny, inventive, and non-stop action. I saw it a couple of years ago with my wife (who is Korean). Although the DVD had no subtitles, I was able to follow the action. You'll catch references to many famous characters, including Indiana Jones. Well worth tracking down.

Agree with many of the recommendations here, and am spotting several I'd like to catch up with. Every now and then I find some, notably Ta Gu Ki, to be marred by over-the-top sentimentality at the end. Korean movie-goers love a good cry. (And then there's Korean TV drama!)
Scarecrow: I haven't got a brain ... only straw. Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain? Scarecrow: I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they? Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

Il Mare(2000). the film was remade by Warner Brothers in 2006 starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reevs. i like both the original Korean version and the Hollywood version. i've watched them more than 5 times!

I know now!!

In Korea everyone loves it, me too
A few days a go, went to a Korean restaurant in Garden Grove. They make their own Kim Chee. It was slightly sweet and very tangy rich and spicy. I drank some Korean beer with it. The next day, I completely lost my voice. My vocal chords felt raspy and I couldn't talk. I drank a Chinese tea for two days and now I'm fine. Go figure!

There is no movie like ,,Tale of Two Sisters,,
Best and scariest horror movie ever.Everything in that movie is brilliant !

Haven't seen many Korean films, tbh. I would probably the first of Vengeance film. Sympathy For Mr Vengeance, i think it's called. The last one of the vengeance trilogy is the weakest, though.

There is no movie like ,,Tale of Two Sisters,,
Best and scariest horror movie ever.Everything in that movie is brilliant !
Now this is a movie I've been planning to watch. I love the director's other movie A Bittersweet Life.

I would probably the first of Vengeance film. Sympathy For Mr Vengeance, i think it's called. The last one of the vengeance trilogy is the weakest, though.
I think so too. Though I still prefer Oldboy to Sympathy for mr vengeance.

Now this is a movie I've been planning to watch. I love the director's other movie A Bittersweet Life.
Love that film but very very different to A Tale of Two Sisters, it's still fantastic though. Do watch it. Both do have the wonderful colour palette the director seems to like.

Now this is a movie I've been planning to watch. I love the director's other movie A Bittersweet Life.
Tale of 2 Sisters is hell of depressing mistery,drama and horror.When a final credits was over i didn't release what exactly was happening...then i have find explanations on web and i felt goosebumps whole night ! Even now when im writing about that i feel that creepiness.This is perfect mystery,brilliant horror and brilliant drama,and all 3 genres combined works amazing.Without a doubt,my favorite horror,not typical jump fest or gore,but a dead serious horror,with dead serious plot,atmosphere,cinematography and everything.

The Front Line

A Korean movie about the beginning of the Korean War, where the South And North Korea find themselves killing thousands over one bloody hill.
In a sense it's an anti-war movie as one South Korean soldier puts it: " I don't hate the communists, I hate the war" .
The absurdity of it all is shown when a cease fire occurs supposedly finally ending the conflict only to resume for another twelve hours, where both the North and South companies wind up forever parts of the bloody hill that they kept taking and re-taking for over three years.

I guess it is the time to revive this thread! Here's my top 5 Korean movies:

1. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
2. Poetry
3. Oldboy
4. Oasis
5. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

Blind Beast (Moju), and Oldboy.

My Way

From the director of Ta Gu Ki, comes another great Korean war movie about two cousins who start of as rivals and enemies and end up as friends. What starts up as a childhood marathon rivalry in Korea turns into much more as they incredibly fight for the Japanese, Russian and German armies.

Read somewhere that Kim Ki-Duk's new film won the Grand prize at the Venice Film Festival... Anyway, there's a marvellous Korean film by Hong sang-so called On The Occasion Of Remembering The Turning Gate. Highly recommended!

Read somewhere that Kim Ki-Duk's new film won the Grand prize at the Venice Film Festival... Anyway, there's a marvellous Korean film by Hong sang-so called On The Occasion Of Remembering The Turning Gate. Highly recommended!
Haven't heard much about this movie but then again, I usually stay away from love stories unless I'm the participant.

I've actually only ever seen one movie although I am trying to watch more foreign language films. That was The Host which was a great movie.

Read somewhere that Kim Ki-Duk's new film won the Grand prize at the Venice Film Festival...
For a film called Pieta. It won the Golden Lion Award. He is apparently the first Korean director to win the award.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Old Boy, Shiri and Maundy Thursday are some of good korean movies

Registered User
I cant figure out the name of this movie. Its about a warrior that has a sidekick that can morph into animals mainly a donkey and they must battle strong ancient forces, one for instance is the wind in which turns into a human. it has screen play similar to Arahan. Does any one know what movie this is?