Can Someone Explain to Me: Dr. Strangelove?


Originally Posted by Watch_Tower
OP, is it the story you did not understand or all the fuss around the importance of Strangelove as a movie?
Neither, I just thought bits and pieces were kind of confusing or unexplained like why Dr. Strangelove is considered so central to the movie that his name makes it in the title even though he seems to contribute very little other than explaining details about the missile system.

Originally Posted by Watch_Tower
In terms of Kubrick, Strangelove is my favourite but then again, I'm not such a big Kubrick fan. I did enjoy Spartacus and quite liked 2001 when I first watched it and thought very highly of it but I feel I got wrapped up in all the Kubrick mania of my film buff friends and just wanted to go along with it. Upon re-watching, it's a pretty weak movie apart from the middle part with HAL. Too long, too drawn out, large parts where literally nothing happens and an ending so far up it's own arse, I think Kubrick forgot what the sun looks like.
I'm inclined to agree. I don't allow myself to get that attached to any creator so I can maintain an objective view of their work.

Originally Posted by Watch_Tower
But from a technical perspective, it's quite brilliant, at times I was just like, "how'd they do that?"
The monkeys WERE amazingly realistic.
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Top 100 Action Movie Countdown (2015): List | Thread
"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

I just saw it. I speak only for myself when I say it was entertaining but not close to being a great movie.

I liked the premise. The visuals and stage setting were excellently done (you can count on Kubrick to get that part right). There were a few chuckleworthy moments, but mostly just lazy stereotypes. Much less drama and tension than one would expect, though the board room meeting was well done. Perhaps they could have developed the general more as a character and explain the descent of his madness. I don't know. It needed something.

The punchline is some goofy neo-Nazi caricature who wants to make a eugenicized harem. Okay... whatever.