Notice for new users


Trouble with a capital "T"
Hello, figured I would break the ice and introduce myself. I used to lurk at a few forums (RT and Corrie) in the past but didn't interact much. Obviously a Bruce Campbell fan. Hope to get to know some of you going forward.
Welcome! btw did you read the notice

6. Don't come with one-sided views. The internet wasn't initially created for anoymous slandering, but since it's come to that, you have the ability to express your views or thoughts concerning films here. Take advantage of that!
I dont understand what that last one means...dont come with one-sided views?

I dont understand what that last one means...dont come with one-sided views?
I've always taken it as meaning to show some tolerance toward views that may not agree with yours. Disagreement is healthy, intolerance isn't. Others may of course disagree.

All that was written by a mod about 15 years ago, too. Not really rules, just that mod's general suggestions. The first few are the really important ones, anyway.

Might be worth updating this, however, just to reduce any possible confusion.

As a new member of this forum I would like to say hi to everyone and also glad to read these forum rules.

thanks for the instructions

As a new member of this forum I would like to say hi to everyone and also glad to read these forum rules.

thanks for the instructions
also no scammers and no spammers especially scam links or u get reported and banned