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I saw this one the day it was released, and I thought it was enjoyable, and worth the 8 bucks I spent on it. I watched it again last night, and my feelings are the same: a good, diverting 2 hours. You won't watch this one and feel like you've wasted time.

About the photography, and correct me if you think I'm wrong, but I found it to be framed like a comic book. I think the angles used were like something out of an old comic, and the color and lighting brought it across too.


TWT, did you notice that in Rounders, Matt Damon lost everything important to him, but at the end he's still a happy gambler? I found that quite amusing, and not in a good way.
[Edited by Steve N. on 07-02-2001]
**** the Lakers!

Spoilers notice dude, spoilers notice.


Well, sort of. He won big in the end. I don't know that the movie necessarily promotes gambling. Anyone who sees that movie would be likely to stay away, after having seen how difficult living in that world can be. I think the basic idea was that Mike was damn good at what he did, and so he decided he had to do it.


Yes, it was comic-book like a bit. Overall the cinematogrophy (hmmm, did I spell that correctly?) was absolutely stunning. It was so good, I had a little bit of trouble paying attention to the movie itself.

As for the very ending: it seems like everyone has been complaining about the "words" at the end, but what they need to realize is that that is also part of the whole comic book "thing" -- as are the freeze frames. Unbreakable had more "moments" than just about any other movie. It was absolutely loaded with seconds you could freeze. Very photogenic.

Registered User

I'm so glad someone else saw that about the comic book look and feel to it. I know there were some times when I wanted to physically put the little bubble next to Bruce Willis' head. If anyone was a prototypical comic villain, it was Samuel L Jackson, and I finally figured it out when I was first complaining about his hair. It's total comic book.


Just to clear things up a bit, M. Night Shyamalan is a bit comic book fun, so this was likely a labor of love. It's also the first of a trilogy of movies, the next of which is called "Signs", and is allegedly about crop-circles in Pennsylvania. I heard rumors that Mel Gibson might start. I can't wait.

I bought Unbreakable on DVD, and let me tell you something: I am as much in awe of this movie as I have ever been. My new fixation is with the movie's score. It's amazing. I am actually listening to the score alone in the background -- it's great even without the movie.

Now With Moveable Parts
Okay,so I'm a little late to this one but I just saw it last night and I really liked it.Yeah it was slow by todays standards but HELLO!ever see Raging Bull?Slow can add so much.Unbreakable could have been like an hour longer.Don't say I didn't tell you all so when they come out with a sequel.We haven't heard the last of Mr.Glass....

Great film. Very original, it turned the whole comic book genre on it's head.

Jackson makes a great villain. Wonderful comic book feel.

I also just saw this film.

I have to agree with what Samantha said. My only problem with this film was that I COULDN'T HEAR IT! I actually found myself leaning forward drastically, craning my neck, trying to catch the tiniest bit of conversation that could give a hint as to what this portion of the movie was about. I felt like Charlie Brown listening to grown-ups talk: I knew they were saying something important, but all I could hear was random, indistinct mutterings. It was very frustrating to try to follow the film while missing major pieces of the dialogue (such as the whole restaurant scene between David and his wife. I didn't make out a WORD of that scene. Honest to God). I felt like I needed some sort of amp to watch this movie, or the script so I could read along and put the plot together.

But then, my speakers suck.

Why did people laugh at the kitchen / gun scene? I thought it was very tense. I actually thought the kid was going to shoot.

Otherwise, I liked it. Looking forward to Shyamalan (sp)'s next work.
Everything is destined to reappear as simulation.
Jean Baudrillard
America, 1988

Because the kid was a fruitcake. That kid needs some serious therapy. Btw, Twt. I bought the dvd too. I wanted to see more about the kid after the kitchen scene.

Good for you. I love my Unbreakable DVD. Great movie...I can't wait for his next flick with Mel Gibson...titled "Signs." Arrgggh...I wish I at least had a release date to look forward to.

I really enjoyed thi movie, ima big comic book fam, and i like samuel l jackson, i thought this was a great movie.
"Who comes at 12:00 on a Sunday night to rent Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid?"
-Hollywood Video rental guy to me

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by Sullivan

Why did people laugh at the kitchen / gun scene? I thought it was very tense. I actually thought the kid was going to shoot.
I totally laughed at the gun scene in the kitchen.Maybe if I saw it in the theater,I wouldn't have,but I saw it at home and I couldn't help it.They were talking to him as though he was weilding a squirt gun or something..."Now,put the gun down honey."Something about that scene didn't sit well with me...I can't put my finger on it.It just felt silly.A key part of the movie if it was done differently.

The people in the theatre when I saw it laughed to -- and the theatre was pretty full. It was the "No shooting friends, Joseph" line that did it.

Now With Moveable Parts
LOL...yup,that's the one that got me too. jeez that's such a cheap line.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I watched this recently and I thought it was a great film. Buruce Willis I thought anyway was awesome and Sam Jackson played another good charector.

The film kept me fixed to the screen all the way through and when Sam Jackson fell down the stairs it had me cringing.

I do wonder if there will be a sequel but would it be poor as most sequels are. Im not saying that I wont Bruce in a pair of pants and a cape but some sort of sequel maybe good. If it is done properly then it would be amazing but also I dont really know what thet coud do?

Fairplay I liked the whole film and I do wonder to myself why didnt I watch this sooner? lol
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I have watched this movie Last month....I really enjoyed this movie.I have seen this movie online....... Buruce Willis looking Great in this movie He done very good job in this movie........