Down With Feminism


i am not talking about fathering or mothering a horde of children but to raise two per couple , so that the population is maintained . and you don't have to rely on immigrants to take care of you in your old age .
This is rich. You want this “couple” to have 2 children, yet you don’t have children of your own.

Who are these immigrants you mention? Do people really emigrate to India to take care of old people?

Been watching the Handmaid's Tale too much I think.
LOL. Love this show. Wednesday is the day here when a new episode releases. Can’t wait.

In Catholicism the purpose of a marriage is to bear a child
Good Lord, I am Roman Catholic & I never wanted children so I never did have a child.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

This is rich. You want this “couple” to have 2 children, yet you don’t have children of your own.

Who are these immigrants you mention? Do people really emigrate to India to take care of old people?
i don't need to have children of my own . my country still has a growing population . but western societies are declining alarmingly in population of their own---i mean offspring . i am asking westerners to have at least two children per couple so that at least their population is maintained . even at this level , it would still be less than my country . but the alarming decline in western population would stop .

i am talking about immigration into western societies , not india . india has it's own bangladeshi immigrant problem now coupled with rohingya immigrant problem , but i am not talking about that . if you westerners decide not to have children ( as many already have decided ) the question arises as to who will take care of them when they are old and can no longer fend for themselves . obviously the answer is immigrants from other countries .

i don't need to have children of my own . .. i am asking westerners to have at least two children per couple so that at least their population is maintained .
This is getting funnier & funnier.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
i don't need to have children of my own . my country still has a growing population . but western societies are declining alarmingly in population of their own---i mean offspring . i am asking westerners to have at least two children per couple so that at least their population is maintained . even at this level , it would still be less than my country . but the alarming decline in western population would stop .

i am talking about immigration into western societies , not india . india has it's own bangladeshi immigrant problem now coupled with rohingya immigrant problem , but i am not talking about that . if you westerners decide not to have children ( as many already have decided ) the question arises as to who will take care of them when they are old and can no longer fend for themselves . obviously the answer is immigrants from other countries .

I live in the US, have no kids, and will take care of myself, just like billions before me. I honestly don't care one bit how the demographics will be - I'm more interested in what movies, music, comedy they like, how they act...

I could care less where their parents had sex.

This is getting funnier & funnier.
not funny at least to me . your civilization is committing suicide by producing fewer and fewer children while my civilization ( poorer though it may be ) at least is going to survive because my countrymen and women do have some population growth rate .

I live in the US, have no kids, and will take care of myself, just like billions before me. I honestly don't care one bit how the demographics will be - I'm more interested in what movies, music, comedy they like, how they act...

I could care less where their parents had sex.
i do hope that it turns all right in the end ; that the immigrants assimilate and westernise . that's what is prophesied by the politically correct people---the liberals . and i do hope for your sake that it turns out that way .

but theory ( what the liberals say ) and reality can turn out very different from each other .

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Why do some men feel so threatened by feminism? It's sort of sad. I have NEVER met one of the dreaded "feminazi's" that the far right wing always warns us about, and none of you have either, I'd reckon.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Why do some men feel so threatened by feminism? It's sort of sad. I have NEVER met one of the dreaded "feminazi's" that the far right wing always warns us about, and none of you have either, I'd reckon.
I have and it isn't pretty. It's best to avoid extremists of any kind.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
OMG I just remembered another. How could I forget as I shared a house with her!

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
i do hope that it turns all right in the end ; that the immigrants assimilate and westernise . that's what is prophesied by the politically correct people---the liberals . and i do hope for your sake that it turns out that way .

but theory ( what the liberals say ) and reality can turn out very different from each other .

Ash - I always ask you concerning India because you live there, but it doesn't sound like you've lived here lately.. Political correctness has nothing to do with what you are talking about, and it isn't only one group - could be 20 groups guilty of it. I have as many "conservative" friends/acquaintances and they are over child-bearing age anyway, and this is all over the US, but also in many white nations. Traditions have gone out the window, and people are doing more what they FEEL like. You've mentioned this at least 20 times.. Is there another reason why this seems to bother you so much? I'm asking out of curiosity because this issue is a non-issue for me.

People are more worried about not going homeless..

Trouble with a capital "T"
i don't need to have children of my own . my country still has a growing population . but western societies are declining alarmingly in population of their own---i mean offspring . i am asking westerners to have at least two children per couple so that at least their population is maintained . even at this level , it would still be less than my country . but the alarming decline in western population would stop .

i am talking about immigration into western societies , not india . india has it's own bangladeshi immigrant problem now coupled with rohingya immigrant problem , but i am not talking about that . if you westerners decide not to have children ( as many already have decided ) the question arises as to who will take care of them when they are old and can no longer fend for themselves . obviously the answer is immigrants from other countries .
You mean Muslim immigrants, don't you?

You mean Muslim immigrants, don't you?
Not entirely. Some of the Bangladeshis are hindus .

Ash - I always ask you concerning India because you live there, but it doesn't sound like you've lived here lately.. Political correctness has nothing to do with what you are talking about, and it isn't only one group - could be 20 groups guilty of it. I have as many "conservative" friends/acquaintances and they are over child-bearing age anyway, and this is all over the US, but also in many white nations. Traditions have gone out the window, and people are doing more what they FEEL like. You've mentioned this at least 20 times.. Is there another reason why this seems to bother you so much? I'm asking out of curiosity because this issue is a non-issue for me.

People are more worried about not going homeless..
Obviously I wonder if immigrants from another country are really going to adjust to your ways . What if they don't ? Instead of this uncertainty that is lying like a Damocles sword on your heads , why don't your women produce more children who will fill up future job positions and so there is no reason for bringing in these immigrants anyway .

Why do some men feel so threatened by feminism? It's sort of sad. I have NEVER met one of the dreaded "feminazi's"
Well, I've never met a neo-Nazi yet I still feel threatened by them.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I was glad to see this pop up.

In my opinion, as a Christian, women and men aren't equal. Women have it much harder. It's because they're smarter than us. Intelligence is an exceptionaly dangerous thing. I even think that thinking is the cause of everyone's problems. It maybe even transcends into the physical world. In the sense that even physics is a part of thinking. I admit I had some trouble with women, but almost exclusively online. In the sense that they're querellous, always have to win an argument etc. And they always do, because they're smarter. I've given up the ghost a long time ago. I don't even remotely consider entering a fight with a woman. I know a priori she's always right because she's intellectually superior.

I love women more than anything.
As a Christian I love God more than anything (or at least I try to pursue that ideal). It's sad if as a Christian you love women more than God. I do agree that women are generally smarter than men. There are a lot of men who make a strong case for the missing link. However... there does seem to be a lot more male intellectuals than women historically, but in modern Western society women are going to university and pursuing careers while men are sitting at home playing video games and smoking pot. But women also mature faster than men, and that does mean that a man can live in his parents basement until he's forty and then still go out and start a career and find a wife and have a family. Women can't really do that. They have a shorter shelf life in that regard so they have to get started earlier. Once a woman starts a family and has kids, being pregnant for 9 months and then having a strong emotional connection to the little life they just brought into the world makes it hard to pursue a career. Men aren't as attached to their children and instinctively tend to pursue careers as their primary focus in life instead of raising their children. That's why you see so many single mothers and the mother is almost always left with the child while the man just leaves. That's why I also think it's important to have heterosexual relationships. It's human instinct. The man works and the woman raises the children, and together they create a family. It's been the model for thousands of years, but now our society has turned upside down. Women are trying to be men, overthrow men, and force men into the female role. They are missing out on the most beautiful and unique thing about being a woman, and they are destroying their own civilization. Genesis 3:16 says:

To the woman He said,
“I will greatly multiply
Your pain in childbirth,
In pain you will bring forth children;
Yet your desire will be for your husband,
And he will rule over you.”

That was written before recorded history, that's how old it is. It's still relevant today, but people want to ignore it because they don't like the truth.

I don't like how so many people are quick to throw out traditions that have lasted thousands of years in favor of Marxist theories that have resulted in the deaths of 200 million people world-wide. If we as a society don't return to the Judeo-Christian values that have allowed our countries to become wealthy, prosperous, and free then we will destroy ourselves. The society that held Judeo-Christian values is the one that freed us from oppression when the murderous national socialism of the fascist Nazi's was trying to enact genocide on so many groups of people. We are adopting the same fascist attitude of cramming our oppinions down people's throats at gun point with hate speech law. We are continuing to move towards the very socialism that our grandfathers had to go to war against. We as a society will destroy ourselves and will be defenseless against our enemies who want to kill us. We are so busy watching TV and playing video games that we are totally unaware of the corruption in their governments and the activities of the evil forces that want us dead.

Subjectivity has lead many people to replace the word "think" with the word "feel." Post-Modernism has taken relativity too far and made many people believe that they can't know anything at all. The government has done such a lousy job with education that we have a whole generation of ignorant brain-washed naive children who aren't growing up, aren't taking responsibility, and expect a free handout in life. It's going to end in disaster if we don't return to truth and morality. I'm disgusted with the mass murder of infants by abortion, the rampant sexual perversion, and the giving up of freedom in our societies today. We destroy the careers of celebrities while mindlessly following everything they say and letting our young children wallow in ignorance in lousy schools and freely absorb the filth of pornography on the internet unmonitored by their parents. It's detestable to me. I try my hardest to be tolerant. I try to tolerate people who are intolerant of me. I try to tolerate people who support the death of freedom and democracy out of ignorance and naivety. I try to tolerate the people who support the destruction of the home and the family. I try to tolerate the people who absorb vast amounts of pornography while criticising celebrities for sexual harassment allegations. I try to tolerate the people who assassinate satire. I try to tolerate the people who project their own evil onto me. I try to tolerate the people who do not see any value in tradition and want to suddenly rapidly and drastically change countries into what has only produced hell holes of death and destruction. I feel sorry for them because they are headed towards horrible nightmares they can't even imagine, and they don't even lift a finger to look a little deeper into the dangers they're facing. I forgive them. I try to love them as much as I can. And I hope they'll come around. But I do not think of myself as a part of this world. I'm just passing through, and I'm shocked by what I see. I'm shocked by the ignorance and they hypocrisy. I'm shocked by the resentment for the rich masked as caring for the poor. People blame religion for corruption in the world, but can't see the corruption within their self and every single one of us. I'm often arrogant, but I take no pride in anything I've ever done in my life. I was born in sin, a wretched individual who lied, was selfish, was mean to others, and did all kinds of things that I regret. If there is any good in me now it is because God put it there, and the credit is his not mine. I'm sorry for all the times I've said hurtful things to others, but I'm going to try to be better. I'm going to try to be more obedient to God, and to be more loving to everyone around me. I'm not very good at it, but I'll try. And I'll try to make the world a better place. I'll try to stop my country from destroying itself. I'll try to help the poor and needy as much as I can. I will not accept the lies of people who smile and present themselves as good people and claim to be doing good while all the while steering our societies towards death and destruction.

Whenever I've even mentioned Judeo-Christian values I've experienced people responding harshly and aggressively with something about the Crusades and the Inquisition. Every human system is corrupt. In the Bible, in the letters from the Apostles to the first churches, they were battling with heresy and people infiltrating the church to corrupt it. The fact that there is corruption in the church doesn't mean the values are wrong. People are inherently corrupt and will corrupt anything they touch, but the Christian values fight against that and pursue love and peace. Pointing out corruption doesn't mean the ideals are corrupt, it just means people are corrupt. I wish people would stop trying to pursue utopia on Earth. It can't be obtained. People instinctively rebel against it and need a certain amount of chaos. People want to do drugs because they want to feel good and escape reality, and we hurt each other, and murder and rape are just the extremes of violence and lust that we all struggle with.

One of the most pathetic arguments I often hear is that it's okay because it's natural and animals do it. Animals cannibalise each other and rape each other. Just because something is natural doesn't make it good. Just because animals do it doesn't make it okay. The reason why this forum is a nice place to be is because there are rules and administrators that curb our tendencies that would otherwise turn every website into 4-Chan. 80% of crimes go unsolved and our jails are over populated with just the 20% that do get caught. Every human society has gone to war. Every human culture has problems with sexual assault/harassment, government corruption, and crime.

Some people say our society is more moral today because of equality, yet crime rates are higher than ever. And rather than focus on the 80% of rapes and murders that are going unsolved, we're adding to the plate of our law enforcement policing speech and hurt feelings. This world is insane.

I don't really feel a part of you. We Christians are sheep among wolves. I tried as hard as could to get along with Miss Vicky, for example. I pleaded with you for help, and what were your responses? Condemnation and a lack of empathy. Even though I have nothing but love for all of you, you hate me and my values because I speak truth and you hate truth. Not all of you, but most of you. I love you even if you're Marxists. I love you even if you're social justice warriors. I love you even if you're homosexuals. I love you even if you're bigots. I forgive all of you for every hurtful comment, for every lie, for every selfish attitude, for everything. I do not bear a grudge even against the people who've hurt me most. I don't blame them either. I've made an effort even to be friends with some people who projected their bigotry onto me, or their racism, or their sexism, or their hatred for my religion. I try to love Muslims and Communists, and everyone regardless. I try not to judge others, even though I've often criticised and insulted others too, I don't see that as good behavior in myself and want to change it. But it doesn't matter. I will be hated by many simply because I stand for something they hate: truth. Something they deny the very existence of in their desperate attempt to maintain their self-delusion. People even hate me for silly reasons like criticising Star Wars or The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, or Hollywood Blockbusters, lol.

I say all of this because I have only one goal. If it's possible, maybe, hopefully, some of you, even if it's only one person, might come into the saving knowledge of truth about God that grants immortality and perfect peace and love. The human race is headed towards death and destruction. Salvation is out there. Even though people have no reason to ridicule Jesus Christ, his very name is used so casually by many as a curse. He is mocked and scorned and hated, and I'm one of his disciples so I will be hated by the world too. I accept that. I hope some of you will become a little more aware and open minded. I'm willing to talk to anyone who wants to. But I'm going to stay out of any debate that springs up as a response to this post. I won't turn this thread into a religious debate. I've said what I wanted to say, and I'm not here to argue or change anyone's mind. May God be glorified forever and ever.

As a Christian I love God more than anything (or at least I try to pursue that ideal)
Do you really love God more than people? I think this is an extremely swampy ground right here. I was brought up as a Christian too, but I was always told that the love for God is different than the love for Man, and that these cannot be compared. Preaching that the love for God is the most important and superior to the love for Man might be dangerous.
I do agree that women are generally smarter than men. There are a lot of men who make a strong case for the missing link.
And so are many women like this. I don't think general intelligence of sexes is even measurable. Theoretically, you can refute many of these scientific studies (whose you do not even cite) by questioning the sample, the choice of a group of respondents et cetera.
in modern Western society women are going to university and pursuing careers while men are sitting at home playing video games and smoking pot
In modern Western society men are going to university and pursuing careers while women are promiscuously partying, or staring into the screens of their smartphones all day, <- this statement is just as much a generalization as yours.
But women also mature faster than men
Physically? No doubt. Mentally? Probably too in most cases. However, I saw many cases that make it hard to believe. Why don't we rather talk in terms of an individual, and not 'them all'?
and that does mean that a man can live in his parents basement until he's forty and then still go out and start a career and find a wife and have a family. Women can't really do that.
Why is that? If there are some lonely/single men, then there must be lonely/single women too, so I can't see a reason why a woman at the age of 40 can't find a man - be it for a long term relationship, or just for sex. I'd say it's even easier for a mature woman to find a sex partner than for a mature man. Career starting might be hard for both sexes at such age, because you need time to get good at something, and at such age you have lost some of this time you should have used for it, but hey, nothing's lost. It's still possible.
Once a woman starts a family and has kids, being pregnant for 9 months and then having a strong emotional connection to the little life they just brought into the world makes it hard to pursue a career.
I imagine. The society expecting women to take this path is just what's wrong, then.
It's been the model for thousands of years, but now our society has turned upside down.
You know, slavery was a thing for thousands of years, too, but apparently somewhere in the 19th century the society started turning upside down.
Women are trying to be men
Can't see anything wrong with this. The other two are bad, though.
I don't like how so many people are quick to throw out traditions that have lasted thousands of years
I also used to think that traditions are very important, but in the end every individual has the right to live by the tradition, or create his own. If a tradition just dies, it might be sad from a cultural point of view, but it would be only a natural process.
If we as a society don't return to the Judeo-Christian values that have allowed our countries to become wealthy, prosperous, and free then we will destroy ourselves.
Now that's a Luddite kind of thinking. There are many more ways of looking at ourselves, than just by embracing the Judeo-Christian values. You stick to your own beliefs and values, and that's alright - you have the right to do it, but don't forget about other cultures. All the cultures of Asia - you might disagree, you might dislike, but you have to at least try to understand that some people might have a different worldview than you.
We are so busy watching TV and playing video games that we are totally unaware of the corruption in their governments and the activities of the evil forces that want us dead

Subjectivity has lead many people to replace the word "think" with the word "feel."
This is not true at all. If anything, they replaced the word "be" with the word "feel". And it's not a matter of subjectivity. Your Christian-oriented view on the world is also a subjective one.
It's going to end in disaster if we don't return to truth and morality.
The question is why should it be your truth and morality?
I'm disgusted with the mass murder of infants by abortion
And I'm disgusted with the fact that a woman who has been raped can't get rid of the memory of the rape, because she has to take care of a child that is the fruit of this rape. I'm disgusted with the fact that some people believe it's worse to erase a miniscule fetus, than to condemn this to-be child to the life filled with suffering.
the giving up of freedom in our societies today
But by being an anti-abortionist you are against the freedom. Against the freedom of a choice. Against the rights of a grown-up human being.
We destroy the careers of celebrities while mindlessly following everything they say and letting our young children wallow in ignorance in lousy schools and freely absorb the filth of pornography on the internet unmonitored by their parents.
I don't even know what you mean by the first part of this. Are you talking about the #metoo movement? Or what? As far as your second point about the pornography, I think that any kind of prohibition would only, conversely, make things worse, and trying to censorship the Internet for a child will only make the child more eager to see the contents that were censored. Quite realistically, the little children will not discover pornography, and even if they will, it will just seem weird to them, they will not understand, and therefore no harm will be done. Older children will discover pornography sooner, or later, whether you like it or not, and no censorship or ban is going to stop them. It's not a coincidence that highly religious countries have the highest number of porn consumers in the world.
I try to tolerate the people who project their own evil onto me.
*sends n̶e̶g̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ evil waves Sutherland style*
If there is any good in me now it is because God put it there, and the credit is his not mine.
No. The credit goes partly to the people around you that have a strong influence on you, and partly to you yourself for striving to be a good human being. Religion only helps you becoming a good human being. It's not that God magically makes you one. If that was true, then all credit for evil goes to God too. Oh wait, it goes to Satan. Yep, forgot about it.
Just because something is natural doesn't make it good.
That's why I also think it's important to have heterosexual relationships. It's human instinct
Oh boy.
Some people say our society is more moral today because of equality, yet crime rates are higher than ever.
I have nothing but love for all of you, you hate me and my values because I speak truth and you hate truth.
You speak your truth. Maybe people are annoyed with the fact you perceive your truth as the only truth?
But I'm going to stay out of any debate that springs up as a response to this post.
̶J̶e̶s̶u̶s̶ ̶C̶h̶r̶i̶s̶t̶ Oh Vishnu, all my effort in vain!

Oh think all that came from all those nasty women who actually dared to want a life outside the kitchen...

No women intellectuals throughout history, are you listening to yourself? Society has been patriarchal since the dawn of time, you said it yourself with your Genesis comment that we will be ruled over by our husbands. As recently as the last century, women had no rights legally to their own children if their husband chose to abandon them, rape within the marriage was perfectly legal, laws were made to prevent us from advancing and to keep us down where men wanted us...there to do the dirty work of cleaning house and raising kids, and free and ready sexpot available on tap. How are you expecting we had any female intellectuals emerging in that sort of environment at all? For centuries we were owned by our fathers, then our husbands, while boys grew up with the world at their feet, choices, opportunities. An expectation that they could go out into the world and live their life exactly how they wanted, have sex with who they wanted. Women, don't dare get ideas above your station now.

That is why feminism happened and why it is needed, and still needed. You said it yourself that rapes and sexual assaults are up, why is that the fault of the victims and not the people who are doing it? Or the societies that in some cases even support rape and victim blaming?

As for all this sex stuff being immoral, are condoms immoral? Or just contraceptive pills? Again that is patriarchy at work, as condemning the pill as immorality when it is no such thing is only further taking choice out of the hands of the woman in a relationship. A man can choose to have sex and feel no shame over not wanting kids of it so using protection, but a woman protecting herself is wrong?

As for the heterosexual part, I always found it ironically hilarious the terms of the lifting of the UK ban on homosexuality in the 60s. While it was illegal, there was no specific law that targeted lesbians, only gay men. The reason being that the government didn't want women to know that it was an option so they didn't want to draw attention to it in case all those silly women get any ideas that we can get sexual gratification somewhere other than a penis!

okay if women and men are equal then why only men have to open the car door for women, why women don't pay respect to men and open car door for them?

@alexkevin This is a tradition, and a deeply-rooted one at that. I don't think men have to do all these things, and it would be absolutely wonderful to see a woman doing this for a man since it's such a simple yet dignified act of politeness.

@alexkevin This is a tradition, and a deeply-rooted one at that. I don't think men have to do all these things, and it would be absolutely wonderful to see a woman doing this for a man since it's such a simple yet dignified act of politeness.
Yes Absolutely right but I have not seen any women doing such act of politeness yet.