The 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards Official Thread.


Revolutioary Road or The Curious Case should've taken it instead of Slumdog Millionaire.

yes ive seen all the nominated films and i stand by my statement , and if your going to say that mickey wins only because hes old as **** and was able to jump of a few ropes or limp a little bit idk if thats what u mean by physical transformation , but leo did outstanding acting especially towards the end fight scene if youve seen revolutionary road
"Get Busy Livin or Get Busy Dyin"

and as for slumdog , it totally does deserve it , it reminds me of forrest gump and its a masterpiece but i would of been happy if benjamin button won best picture as well

and as for slumdog , it totally does deserve it , it reminds me of forrest gump and its a masterpiece but i would of been happy if benjamin button won best picture as well
What? Benjamin Button reminded me a lot of Forest Gump, and like I said I haven't seen Slumdog yet, but I haven't heard anything about Slumdog being similar to Forrest Gump.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
if your going to say that mickey wins only because hes old as **** and was able to jump of a few ropes or limp a little bit idk

No, I mean by all that muscle, just take one look at him as Randy "The Ram" then look at him now. See how his muscles are a lot bigger? That's what I mean by physical transformation.
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

No, I mean by all that muscle, just take one look at him as Randy "The Ram" then look at him now. See how his muscles are a lot bigger? That's what I mean by physical transformation.
His muscles were pretty big in Sin City.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
His muscles were pretty big in Sin City.
Yes, but not as big as Ram's

But for one of my favorite Rourke's performances, go see The Rainmaker directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
And Swed summed up my thoughts on Slumdog damn near perfect:

Slumdog Millionaire (Danny Boyle, 2008)

Yikes, this movie kind of sucked. I don't wanna reduce myself to just throwing around a bunch of critic buzz words here, but I'd say contrived, predictable, silly and ridiculous would all do the trick in accurately pinning down this one. If you can think of a sterotypical bad movie trapping, Slumdog's got it and it's got it bad. Cookie-cutter characters? Yep. A dumb, single-minded plot that weaves through time frames a lot less expertly than some of these reviews would have you believe? Yep. Unbelieveable coincidences that M Night Shyamalan would have a hard time fitting into a movie? Oh yeah.

I mean, come on, how can you have a fairytale romance featuring two leads (at least in their teenage and young adult incarnations) who have about as much chemistry together as two people who have zero chemistry together? Seriously. And what is the purpose (I know there isn't a purpose, but I'm asking anyway) of the brother's crime syndicate subplot? It's a lame, modern, Indian take on Dickensian fluffery. Fine. Why does it feel it also has to be City of God 2: Return to the City of God? I have a lot of other complaints, but this is getting boring and if you want to get bored, I'd suggest you just go watch Slumdog Millionaire.

Now, okay, I did mildly enjoy some of the flashbacks of main character Jamal's childhood, but it's nothing your average moviegoer hasn't seen before. I also dug some of the choices Boyle made, like foregoing a clumsy narration as well as some pitch-perfect soundtrack selections. And, yeah, I give Boyle credit - Slumdog's a technically very well-made movie that's shot superbly. But for a film that's banking so much on hitting you in the gut and winning over your heart, technically well-made isn't gonna cut it. How is the movie "winning" and how is it even remotely a crowd pleaser when it's this flippin artificial? And soooooo predictable? And, for the love of God, how many rhetorical questions can I fit in this post?!

Guess I'm in the overwhelming minority on this one, but sheesh, I don't get it.

Are you kidding me? Have you even seen The Wrestler? I mean sure Leo and Sean both did well in their roles, but Rourke physical transformation made him deserve the award alone.
Sorry, but I can't agree with the last part of that at all. I've not seen The Wrestler yet, so I can't say who's performance is better, but I'll never say that someone's performance is better just because of what an actor or actress put their body through for the role. While that might add to a performance, if that's all there is, then there really isn't anything there. To say that Rourke deserved the nod over Leo and Sean just because of how hard he trained on his body is ridiculous IMO.