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Terrible ending... Once again Roman Reigns with 5 moves of doom get the victory with a highly predictable Spear and kick out at 2 50 times in the match... AJ Styles deserved that win and I was hoping to see Seth Rollins return at the end but nothing
I was hearing the match was allot better then that. But I always thought too honor his cousin that Roman should adapt the Samoan Spike too his move set once and a while and I think if turn him heel he could use it.

Best WCW Wrestlers

10 Dean Malenko
9 Harlem Heat
8 Ray Mysterio Jr
7 Ultimo Dragon
6 The Giant
5 Chris Jericho
4 Diamond Dallas Page

3 Chris Benoit
I dont care that wwe wants to forget his name or never put him in the hall because his tragedy. I myself always thought that whole killing his family then himself because of Roid rage seem a convienant way too cover up a mass murder. Either way You cannot deny that Benoit was one of the best wrestlers ever too lace up his boots. didnt matter who you were he made you tap. From Wo Ric and Cactus Jack too HHH for the title.

Benoit was a good wrestler but I think he is hyped up by internet fans that just want to put him in the Hall of Fame because they know it won't happen. People act like him murdering his family is nothing important. I'm part of that old fashioned crowd that thinks murderers should not be celebrated.

Terrible ending... Once again Roman Reigns with 5 moves of doom get the victory with a highly predictable Spear and kick out at 2 50 times in the match... AJ Styles deserved that win and I was hoping to see Seth Rollins return at the end but nothing
I think it was a solid match but it didn't make sense that after one forearm Reigns is knocked out and can't get back into the ring but after three more and a beat down from the Bullet Club and a bunch more moves he could keep kicking out. Outside of that I knew from the moment the match restarted the first time how it was going to end. It was just a set up for Extreme Rules. I don't think AJ will win but at least it will be an entertaining match and set up Reigns for a full on heel turn.

Best WCW Wrestler

I dont care that wwe wants to forget his name or never put him in the hall because his tragedy. I myself always thought that whole killing his family then himself because of Roid rage seem a convienant way too cover up a mass murder. Either way You cannot deny that Benoit was one of the best wrestlers ever too lace up his boots. didnt matter who you were he made you tap. From Wo Ric and Cactus Jack too HHH for the title.
Chris Benoit was possibly the best pro-wrestler in the world, purely as an in-ring technician. He wrestled in Mexico, Europe, Australia, Japan, and the USA. He was respected by everyone in the business, worldwide.

He did kill his wife, and then a day later killed his son. This is fact. If there was any foul play it would have been discovered, there is no conspiracy here. The last thing the local police wanted to believe happened, and the evidence was there before them. Kevin Sullivan didnt kill them with a bunch of satanists, yes people have said that

Benoit had extensive brain damage from taking hard chair shots to the back of his head, and pretty much assortment of trauma from spots or falls. He was the breed that told the other person to hit him for real, yes Im serious, and no thats not how most the guys do it. Besides that he was on an assortmernt of HGH, and painkillers. Nancy Benoit was fearful of him and said so to others weeks leading up to her death. He was hearing voices, and having severe memory loss.

What I believe happened is distasteful, but ...I dont know if makes sense is the right wordage, Ive heard reports they were into bondage, and choking. What could have very likely happened is they were doing that and he got carried away and killed her. Then he panicked and froze. He didnt know what to do, and didnt have the courage to call the police. Either before he killed Nancy, or after, he started drinking HARD. A day later he killed his son, and then he killed himself.

No I dont think the greatest worker in my generation should be in the Hall of Fame. It literally bothers me to say this, he is the greatest shame of the business in my generation too, thats why. Workrate isnt everything man.

Benoit had extensive brain damage from taking hard chair shots to the back of his head, and pretty much assortment of trauma from spots or falls. He was the breed that told the other person to hit him for real, yes Im serious, and no thats not how most the guys do it. Besides that he was on an assortmernt of HGH, and painkillers. Nancy Benoit was fearful of him and said so to others weeks leading up to her death. He was hearing voices, and having severe memory loss.
And don't forget the diving headbutts he did, which I believe definitely contributed to his head problems. He even did one from on top of a cage vs Angle one time.

Benoit was a good wrestler but I think he is hyped up by internet fans that just want to put him in the Hall of Fame because they know it won't happen. People act like him murdering his family is nothing important. I'm part of that old fashioned crowd that thinks murderers should not be celebrated.
Was only meaning talent wise not about his deeds that ended his life. Its a tragic thing its why I am totally against any strength inhancing drugs in any sport.

Just found out Ric Flair does his own Podcast, Ill be listening to ALL of these

WOOOOOOOOOOoooo!!!!!! Nation With Ric Flair

His Best Ones are with Stone Cold, Mic By God Foley and Kurt Angle.
I just finished his first episode with Kurt Angle, truly a pleasure to listen to. Whats was funny is it was Flairs first podcasst and he wanted to tell as many stories as Angle. Im gonna go thru all of these in order, though it is temptin to want to hear the ones you mentioned, and a 2 parter with Eric Bischoff Those 2 loathed each other.

The next one with Dave Meltzer should be complete money. Meltzer is the authority on what has truly taken place in the business behind the scenes for over 30 years. Vince McMahon does not like Dave Meltzer because Meltzer can and has contradicted the way Vince wants to tell history.

I don't care what belt he's wearing. The man was fantastic and my favourite wrestler. His Summer Slam bout with Bret Hart was about as good as it gets. He was at his best with Bobby Heenan, though. I loved Bobby Heenan.

I don't care what belt he's wearing. The man was fantastic and my favourite wrestler. His Summer Slam bout with Bret Hart was about as good as it gets. He was at his best with Bobby Heenan, though. I loved Bobby Heenan.
They badly need to bring the "managers" back into the business to do the talking for some of these guiys. You know theres another Heenan, Heyman, or Cornette out there, and not all workers have great charismas & gimmicks. It would help the product overall. You think Andre vs Hogan would have made just as much money if Andre had to cut his own promos leading up to it? I dont. Heenan was as awesome a manager as any.

I don't care what belt he's wearing. The man was fantastic and my favourite wrestler. His Summer Slam bout with Bret Hart was about as good as it gets. He was at his best with Bobby Heenan, though. I loved Bobby Heenan.
Perfect is top ten for me too. And Bret is my favourite ever wrestler. That Summerslam match is possibly my favourite ever too.

To the stuff above about Benoit. I agree he doesn't deserve a place in the HOF, i don't really want to go into it because all of that still makes me feel awful. I will say that he is one of the best in the ring i ever saw, and before all of that he was one of my favourites though.

Heenan was the best. Just unbelievable at working this stuff. He wasn't alone, though, as your post pointed out. Personally, after Heenan, I always liked Slick.

To the stuff above about Benoit. I agree he doesn't deserve a place in the HOF, i don't really want to go into it because all of that still makes me feel awful. I will say that he is one of the best in the ring i ever saw, and before all of that he was one of my favourites though.
Same here.

Really Benoits reward from the business after his death was the 2 hour tribute RAW they ran before the news of how it happened broke. McMahon knew as towards the end of the show he said many people would hear many things in the coming weeks but his accomplishments had to be noted. I think he did it for his own companies closure regarding him. Sadly its happened so much theyve become masters on how to send someone off on RAW after they die. Today when a legend dies, the RAW ratings go up a full point or more from viewers wishing to see the tribute.

TONGO is safe and happy right now in his embryo of Flair podcast goodness.....WOOOOO!!!!!

Btw Camo if you want to hear a good interview with Brett Hart go to Austins podcast. Flair has a tendency to start telling better stories than his guests.

TONGO is safe and happy right now in his embryo of Flair podcast goodness.....WOOOOO!!!!!

Btw Camo if you want to hear a good interview with Brett Hart go to Austins podcast. Flair has a tendency to start telling better stories than his guests.
My friend keeps telling me to listen to his podcast. Will at some point just haven't found the time.

My top 10 favourite Wrestlers. Some of these are here because i love everything about them, some where just great in the ring, some are because of nostalgia, etc.

01.Bret Hart
02.The Rock
03.Kurt Angle
04.Macho Man
05.Stone Cold
07.British Bulldog
08.Ricky Steamboat
09.Triple H (i'm and attitude era kid, despite all of the backstage crap he was possibly my favourite heel)
10.Dean Malenko (would be top 3 if he had more personality and/or a title push. Easily one of the best in the ring ever)

My top three least favourite wrestlers. Meaning important guys not throwaway gimmicks like Gilberg haha, or even mid card awful guys like Viscera.

1.Shawn Michaels
2.Hulk Hogan
3.John Cena