Worst movie to be based on a computer game


Registered User
I didn't think Final fantasy was a terrible movie but everybody I know did. Pokemon 1 and 3 were OK but pokemon 2000 was atrocious and Tomb Raider was liked by some people but not me.

Street fighter 2 the animated film was ace but the Street fighter 2 film with Van damme was pure pants.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
I wish you could vote for more than one on this. Also, you forgot Double Dragon.

I only liked Street Fighter because it was Raul Julia's last picture. I thought the guy did well in the pictures he was in, and it was a shame to lose him.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Street Fighter had it's moments...I voted for Super Mario Brothers. At least Street Fighter kept the basic feel of the game there throughout...but SMB didn't feel like the game at all. It was pretty stupid in that respect. Final Fantasy comes in second for me, BTW, saved only by it's technological achievements.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Yeah, Final Fantasy lacked story but made up for it in visuals. I mean WOW, I kept forgetting that it was all CG.

Never saw SMB, but never had a desire to either. I think that the second Mortal Kombat sucked very much only because the characters from the first one were not the same, except for like one. Liu Kang.

Final Fantasy was horrid. Man, isn't there anything I like??

I looked at these movies, thinking, man this is a tough call... They so bad!
Then I noticed SMB was on the poll and I clicked faster than a speeding bullet.

Was based on the cartoon. But the cartoon was off of a comic book.

Yeah...a damn good comic book. I read the first issue, and it's way better. It's darker, and more serious, but obviously a little tongue-in-cheek. If I ever find the time, I'm gonna go back and see if I can find more related material.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
I wondered about that, since they made games for it, and whatnot. Never knew it was off of a comic.

With Resident Evil out sometime in the next year or so it's too early to call this thread, and it will never be fully closed when it comes to finding the worst one, this should say the worst movie based on a game yet.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I like all computer game related movies! I think thats just me though. But out of those, street fighter blew the most.
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I voted for Final Fantasy, if only for the reason it was absolutely NOTHING like Final Fantasy (or any other RPG series for that matter). It should have been called Final Science Fiction.

Beware the Moon
The Worst ones that spring to mind would have to be

Street Fighter (Van Damme & Kylie Minogue - ha ha ha)
Mortal Kombat 2:Annihilation
Tomb Raider (His ignorance amuses him??????!!!!!!!)

So far........
Mostly Harmless! - Logan & Glitz's Movie & Cult Pages. http://www.loganandglitz.com

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Originally posted by Logan
Tomb Raider (His ignorance amuses him??????!!!!!!!)
So far........
Out of all on that list, Tomb Raider shouldn't have been there. I mean there are a few more worse than Tomb Raider. One of the good things about Tomb Raider is that each game was a different story, different villian. So the only thing you really had to look forward to in the movie was Lara. Jolie captured the look and feel very well if you ask me. Yes, the dialogue was corny, but what do you expect...they don't really talk in the game, they do, but not much.

Registered User
Film is a complete different medium from game.

Now With Moveable Parts
I think the cool thing about Final Fantasy games, are that you don't need to have played the first one to understand the second one. They are unrelated stories...and different characters. The movie was good. It didn't have to be about the game, cause the games don't even maintain the same story all the way through. I liked the whole" seventh spirit" concept...and theory of the phantoms being these ghosts from another planet...lost souls. It was a good movie.

Originally posted by Toose
The Mortal Kombat movies were all hokey...
Super Mario was a waste of Dennis Hopper's talent

Anyone remember "Tron"...ugh.
No, not really. I think I've blocked it out. I liked the first MK movie...hokey, but I was several years younger then, and I thought it was beyond cool...even if parts of it were crap. Bought the soundtrack...pretty decent.

Super Mario was beyond bad. Really, really, really bad. Giant mechnical boots? Dinosaurs? The goombas are not giant bouncer-looking dudes with tiny Beetlejuice-esque heads? What the?

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
The first Mortal Kombat(as silly as it may seem) wasn't bad. The second one was more unbearable than the first.

In the first Mortal Kombat, the character buildup was actually there. It did a background on those involved, and if you hadn't played the game got you in the "know" about who did what. So to say it is hokey is a little unfair, if you want to call anything hokey...call Annihilation hokey.