The year of Joseph Gordon-Levitt?


And yes I know I spelled his last name wrong. But when I edited it, it wouldn't show. And it won't let me delete.

Every year we have one or two young actors make the official transition to A list leading men in Hollywood usually accompanied by an academy award nomination. In 2010 it was James Franco and Jesse Eisenberg. Last year it was Ryan Gosling. Even though Ryan didn't get a nomination last year, he did get an academy award nomination for his performance in Half Nelson. And he got huge critical acclaim for Drive, The Ides of March, and Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Now Joseph Gordon Levitt. He has been around for a while and has been a star for a while. It's been cool to watch him become who he is because I remember when he was a child actor. He almost stopped acting, but came back and ever since Brick has been back on the rise. Other films like 500 Days of Summer, Inception, and 50/50 show his talent ability and have gotten him two golden globe nominations. This year he has the box office and decent Dark Knight Rises which he provided the best performance in. He has Premium Rush which was a great movie and he gives an amazing performance. He has Looper next which looks awesome, and Lincoln which he plays the president's oldest son. This could be the film that gets him the Oscar nomination.

It seems like about time he has his year. I've liked him for year. And the future looks really bright for him.
Going 18600 miles per second.

I am the Watcher in the Night
I've only seen one ad for Premium Rush here in London but I'll still watch it. JDL is definitely a good actor, I still think the likes of Gosling and Franco bring more charisma but to the big screen but JDL makes some pretty solid choices. I'm not sure if he can be the driving force behind a big movie but as a supporting actor in a number of big blockbusters he has proven he can hold his own.

It's a strange one this... he's been acting for over 20 years and I'm at a loss for why he's only just becoming 'noticed' by the mainstream now.
He was winning awards when he was 9-10 years old back in the early 1990s.

I saw him in his first film role in Beethoven the other day and was surprised when I saw him, I'd completely forgotten that he's been around for near 25 years.
His role in 3rd Rock From The Sun was also awesome... he was holding his own against (if anything he was better than) the veteran actors and comedians he was alongside in that show.

I've always liked Gordon-Levitt. He's always shown professionalism in everything he does and always shines onscreen.

Sounds like he's played it right though... if he'd become massively massive in the public eye all those years ago, would he be getting the work hes getting now or would everyone have become bored with him?

Premium Rush seems to be getting strong reviews from all the places I get my reviews from that are usually quite harsh towards films. I'm a fan of cycling so it's one I'm really really looking forwards too.

One of my favourite actors since seeing him, like Rodent mentioned, in 3rd Rock from the Sun, then the first film I saw him was Halloween H20 during the pre-credits kill sequence, been in love with him ever since.

I recommend the film Manic, he's excellent in it:

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I first saw him in Angels in the Outfield. Want to watch a really good performance from him, check out Mysterious Skin if you can handle the content....

I almost forgot about Angels in the outfield. I loved that movie when I was a kid. He was nice in that one. I didn't like Manic much. But I did dig his performance.

Premium Rush may not be a box office hit. But hey neither were Drive or Ides of March for Ryan Gosling, or 127 hours for James Franco. But there thing is they received huge critical acclaim and that is what made them A list leading men. The thing about JGL is unlike Gosling and Franco he isn't think pretty boy (not to take away from those two they are still phenomenal talents). But he is still able to carry a movie and get into a character. In Premium Rush he carried that movie. He made his character's attitude seem authentic and it was easy to buy into it.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Premium Rush may not be a box office hit. But hey neither were Drive or Ides of March for Ryan Gosling, or 127 hours for James Franco. But there thing is they received huge critical acclaim and that is what made them A list leading men. The thing about JGL is unlike Gosling and Franco he isn't think pretty boy (not to take away from those two they are still phenomenal talents). But he is still able to carry a movie and get into a character. In Premium Rush he carried that movie. He made his character's attitude seem authentic and it was easy to buy into it.
Premium Rush is nothing like any of those films you just mentioned, which were applauded for performances are the art of the craft. Premium Rush is a thriller, brainless edge of your seat entertainment. It suppose to make money, not garner attention for performances. Bad comparison man.

^That's not the point. I understand what Premium Rush is. A btw Drive was advertised as an action movie and even was going to be released in july as a blockbuster (though it is really an arthouse film). But the point is that even though it isn't making the kind of money it expected to be making, he is getting a lot of praise for his performance. And that goes a long way. More people are taking notice of his acting prowess. He proved again that he carry a movie. His name just isn't well known enough yet. Looper should do much better since Bruce Willis is in it.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Drive was never advertised as an action film, imo. He can be getting high praises for his performance sure, but again, you wouldn't compare a performance in a film like this to a performance in a film like Ides of March.

Does it matter if he can carry a movie if it doesn't do well? I think Taylor Kitsch does a decent enough job, but he had two high profile bombs this year. This was his first high profile film that depended on him and him alone. Everything else he's been in he was able to play off other people, even the upcoming Looper.

But this is besides the point. I'm a big fan of JGL and look forward to anything he is in.

I am the Watcher in the Night
Drive was never advertised as an action film, imo. He can be getting high praises for his performance sure, but again, you wouldn't compare a performance in a film like this to a performance in a film like Ides of March.

Does it matter if he can carry a movie if it doesn't do well? I think Taylor Kitsch does a decent enough job, but he had two high profile bombs this year. This was his first high profile film that depended on him and him alone. Everything else he's been in he was able to play off other people, even the upcoming Looper.

But this is besides the point. I'm a big fan of JGL and look forward to anything he is in.
That's kinda what I've been thinking, I like JGL, good actor and always seems charming on screen plus he makes good choices, which can't be said for many young actors out there. My concern is, can he carry a big money maker all by himself? Inception and The Dark Knight Rises are two movies in which he was part of a big ensemble cast, alongside Hollywood heavies such as Dicaprio, Bale, Freeman and Caine.

I belive that he's going to be a Heath Ledger, or Gary Oldman.

A great actor, who isn't noticed. And this saddens me. He's my favorite actor. Next to Gary Oldman.

I'll support JGL in pretty much anything he is in. He picks his projects with integrity and he doesn't make decisions based on money. (GI Joe being the only one that might fall under that category but I can excuse him, every actor probably likes mindless projects every now and again, as long as it doesn't become a trend)

He picks projects he wants to be apart of because he wants to do it. Should be a lesson for a lot of young actors, once they begin to be able to choose what projects to be in. Because now when I think of JGL i think of quality.

Also I'm sorry I feel like JGL should have gotten more Oscar consideration if not nominated for his performance in 50/50. One of the most underrated performances of last year, probably didn't get the recognition because it was half comedy half drama.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Must be doin sumthin right
Unpopular opinion alert - I've got an irrational hatred for Gordon-Levitt that goes all the way back to hearing him on an episode of Loveline years ago and finding him a prat. There's something about him that rubs me the wrong way. Still willing to like Looper and I do think he'll probably be a commercially viable leading man going forward. Everybody knows who he is now and 50/50 and 500 Days of Summer were pretty popular

I Loved Levitt in Inception & 500 Days Of Summer.He was also amazing in the Dark Knight Rises.
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

I liked 3rd rock from the Sun.