House of Cards series discussion


So what did you think? Personally I quite enjoy it, halfway through. Spacey's excellent as usual. Music is great, every episode so far has been absorbing. Epi 5 was the highlight, though! My only quibble is the intro; it's kind of blah.

Any thoughts on season 2?

Also, what was your method of watching? I'm curious, since this series was released in full, if anyone watched it all as a marathon (!), or an episode or two a day/night, or maybe in two or three sittings like a miniseries?
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

I watched it 3-5 a day for a little under a week, I think it was. That's how I watch almost everything I have total access to. I have to really be nuts for something to take in more than a few a day, and even then it's usually half-hour comedies or something.

So, thoughts. Spoilers below...

I liked it a lot. Great opening scene. I think the first two episodes are far and away the best, though. It meanders a little in the middle. There's some character background which is definitely interesting, but doesn't feel particularly woven into the other story, which feels far more urgent and engrossing. I don't have any problem with what Underwood ended up doing: pretty much everything the show had shown us up to that point pointed to it, and it's obvious early on that the series is asking for just a little bit of license in terms of reality.

Still, it's hard to suspend disbelief when a show only wants you to do it a little. When it wants to be 75% real, like this one does. I kept getting hung up on little things, like the implausibility of a President using an Inaugural address to push a specific piece of legislation.

But hey, Spacey's fantastic, the character's a lot of fun, and I was genuinely engrossed in trying to figure out what his plan was, which was both a blessing (for obvious reasons) and a curse (it made every side story feel like a pointless diversion). I feel it's very clearly in the second-tier of television programs: not the absolute best, but just below that. A notch below the Breaking Bads and Game of Thrones' of the world, but a clear step above most of the other dramas. A very-good-but-not-great first season.

I think it'll be tough to improve on the first season, because a lot happens and they've only left themselves so many places to go. I think it's very likely we've seen the best of it already. But I'll definitely be waiting eagerly for season 2.


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I watched about three episodes a week for a month. I enjoyed it quite a bit but would agree with yoda that it is in the second tier of television. No where near Mad Men or Breaking Bad for me. One of my main issues is I found nobody to connect with whatsoever, every single one of the main characters is reprehensible. I think they tried to make Mara's character more sympathetic towards the last third of the season, but too little too late for me.

I also felt that there were three or four episodes towards the middle of the season that were so bad they almost lost me. I didn't need to see Underwood singing or hear about his sexual experimentation. He was a prick before, he was a prick after. The series picked up again though and finished strong. I still wish the biggest twist had not happened, but looking forward to season two.

Shall we bump this for season 2?

I just went from liking to loving this show in the space of one episode.

WARNING: "House of Cards Season 1 & S2E1" spoilers below
I absolutely love what they're doing with Spacey's character. I feel like the anti-hero has been done pretty thoroughly on TV in recent years (Dexter Morgan, Don Draper, Walter White) and Frank spent much of Season 1 as the brilliantly smart, manipulative, charming a**hole you can't help but root for just a little. The use of direct-address, involving us in his plans, obviously played a big part in that. But when he killed Russo, he went from anti-hero to straight-up villain, but we were already trapped in his web. The incident in episode 1 of this season (ballsy move to put that in the first episode, by the way) cemented that feeling, with it being a direct, opportunistic action rather than the more passive Russo murder. Holding off on breaking the fourth wall until the very end was a brilliant choice: we think we've escaped the chaos, only to be told, "Did you think I'd forgotten you? Perhaps you hoped I had." Chilling.

Starting the second season in just a few minutes! Knowing me I'll probably watch quite a few this weekend and have it finished by early next week.

Unfortunately, someone spoiled something for me. Something sizable. But hopefully the rest of the show's interesting enough that it doesn't end up ruining much.

I was so excited for the second season...imagine my excitement when i realized they dropped the ENTIRE second season on netflix as opposed to just the first episode..

Here we go...
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

Finished here. It's been fun.
I'm only 4 episodes in but I think its great so far, especially ep.4. I must say "the Moment" in episode 1 really caught me by surprise.

Amusingly, my parents are four episodes in, too, and that's how many I watched. Seems like a natural stopping point for a lot of people.

I'm definitely finishing this weekend. The only challenge now is to keep myself busy enough with work today that I don't go through more than 5-6. Because if I get up into 7 or so, the temptation to cram the last 2 in is going to be hard to resist, and that's a bit much.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Just starting season 2, watched the first one months ago and probably should have re-watched it before jumping in again, seeing as how we're dumped straight into things.

Season 1 was the best TV I've seen since The Wire ended, no question.

Incidentally, has anyone seen the original BBC series? It's on Netflix UK anyway, don't know about elsewhere.

I watched it again after the new version's first run, having not seen it since it first aired nearly a quarter of a century ago. It's slightly dated, but not anywhere near as much as I'd feared, and the late Ian Richardson's Urquhart is a masterful performance.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Yeah, I can't wait to go back and watch the old one--Netflix smartly has that all streaming, too. I hear it's obviously less polished/produced, but has exceptional dialogue, so I'm looking forward to it.

I liked season 1 a fair bit (as you can see from my post above), but I like it even more now. For whatever reason I decided I wanted to rewatch it a couple of months ago, and I found I liked it even more the second time. I think I take back what I said, putting it below the top-tier of programs. But in a weird way: I wouldn't tell someone else it's one of the best. But I'm finding it hard to deny that I, personally, enjoy it a whole lot. I can't say with a straight face that it's writing or plotting is as exceptional as the best series' out there, but just in terms of sheer enjoyment and entertainment value it's up there.

The People's Republic of Clogher
You'll not be encroaching on spoiler territory watching the original either, if that's stopping anybody.

You've got the rise to power of the scheming Chief Whip of the ruling party with a young (and attractive, natch) cub reporter seemingly the only one who's wise to what he's doing. The intricacies of each version differ.

To Play The King is also wonderful.

EDIT - Yep, I know what you mean about writing and plotting but it's masterful television.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Got to episode 6 and, well, I'm not enjoying things as much as season one.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
Asides from thinking the whole Dark Web stuff really heavy-handed, they're missing Kate Mara.

Spacey's performance in both seasons is hugely watchable but it's a role he can do in his sleep. The real enjoyment in terms of performance, for me, came with Mara and particularly Robin Wright.

So far, the strong female characters from Season one - Sandrine Holt, Constance Zimmer, Kristen Connolly and Rachel Brosnahan in addition to the two above - feel a bit marginalised.

That first episode of the 2nd season watched and moved more like a season finale. Incredible stuff! I just finished the second episode and think I have a good guess on something thats gonna happen in a side storyline. Im pretty sure to the point Ill put it in spoilers...

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
Im guessing the pig story Franks friend told him at the rib shack comes into play with Claires person she encountered as a freshman.

Dont tell me if Im right

Getting close to the end. Gonna try to finish it tonight. Like season 1 it seems to dip a little in the middle, but really, that's a relative complaint due to the fact that both start so incredibly strong. And I'm guessing this year, like last year, it'll end on a strong note, too. They get the Big Things right.

Finished here. It's been fun.
Just finished the season finale, I rate the overall season a
. The final episode was incredible in my eyes, and the final scene gave me chills. It is going to be extremely interesting to see where the series goes from here. It really is a shame that we have to wait another year, but oh well.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Sad that Deadite started this thread.

As Yoda says House of Cards is definitely a second tier TV series, funny as I was just saying the exact same thing to a workmate the other day. That aside it's a really good series that really sucks you in especially at the end of series 1 and 2, but yes as others said it dips in the middle. I wonder if in the future episodes we will get an insight into Frank and Claires past, what bad deeds remain unknown etc, we really know very little even 2 seasons in. Shocking start to season 2 but I suppose when you think about it perhaps it makes sense from the writers point of view, I mean where could the character go from there.

When is series 3 coming?

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Whats up with all of the propaganda in season 3? Its good series but get downgraded with stuff like this...
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

The People's Republic of Clogher
Season 3 hasn't grabbed me at all. The 'give Claire a job, any job' sub plot would have been a lot more palatable had her character not become so two dimensional. Lady Macbeth etc etc, we get it.