The Spectacular Now

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My full review is up on our site and I must say, this is one of the best films I've seen this year. I called it this generation's Love Story.

It's so heart-warming and brilliantly honest and down to Earth.

So few films have impressed me this year compared to last year so hopefully this marks a turning point.
/commment Movie Reviews
the last word on just about everything...

I would think that'd be rather obvious. I summarized the review here. I was told it's not acceptable to put up snippets of existing reviews so I didn't do that. However, it defeats the purpose of writing for our own site if I just duplicate everything here.

I'm wide open to input on this and what's fair for everyone.

Who told you it's not acceptable to put up snippets of existing reviews? Don't listen to whoever that was, even if it was Yoda. Oh, please. The only thing you can't do around here is cuss (even though you can find ways to bend this) or post naked pictures or offensive stuff. Other than that, this is Sodom & Gomorrah.

I was Yoda and, since it's in the rules, it seems to make sense to follow that.

We do hope to spread the word about and think it's a worthwhile effort but we also realize there's a fine line there.

Oh, well, it's probably a new rule. Some guy the other day kept posting his reviews that he wrote on -- over and over and over and over and over.

When I did the snippets I was absolutely careful to make sure it was a complete review, just not 100% of the original. If you wanted all the sordid details you could get it from the site but that didn't seem to work for Yoda so we complied with his request to stop doing that.

I knew something was up when I spotted Jennifer Jason Leigh, and then in quick succession, Andre Royo (aka Bubbles from the wire!) This is the same territory covered by every single horny teen graduation sex comedy. What distinguishes the film is that it goes 180 degrees in the opposite direction and is told entirely through character.

The Spectacular now -

Agreed. I too thought we were in for a ride south starting out.