90's movie with kids and mortician neighbor similar to Rear Window?


I saw a movie as a kid that I now know is similar to the Alfred Hitchcock classic Rear window. There were two boys in it, one was very wealthy and the other was the son of the building manager for the building that they both lived in. The wealthier boy's family had a balcony next to the balcony of a mortician and one night they think they see him kill his wife and wrap her in a carpet. The movie involved a lot of spy stuff that the one boy was into and they ended up having to go to the morticians funeral home and were almost cremated I believe. I can't find this movie anywhere! The only things that come up are Disturbia and Clubhouse detectives, neither of which is this movie. A name would be greatly appreciated!!

I've racked my brains on this one, Rear Window is a film that has been copied many a time...

The only one from the 90s that's possibly a match that I can think of is Eight Days A Week (1997) where the main character is in love with his neighbour and thinks his other neighbour has killed his wife... but it's been a long time since I saw it.

I know, it's tough! I've looked everywhere for some clue! It was definitely a kids movie though. :/