Saw7's ending was plagarized.


I was a huge Saw fan. Was. Then I saw Saw7 and I was so disgusted with the movie I stopped watching Saw movies for three whole years. My disgust wasn't just for the movie itself, but the ending because that's how it was predicted the series was going to end back in 2005.

I'm serious.

After Saw2 was released I joined House of Jigsaw forums, and one of the biggest threads was about someone's crackpot theory, based on no evidence, that it was Dr.G that did they eye surgery for the guy in the VenusFlyTrap in the beginning of Saw2.

He theorized that Dr.G survived Saw1 and was working with Jigsaw whenever a trap construction required surgery. And that Jigsaw is going to die at some point in the series, and whoever takes up the mantle of Jigsaw will taint and pervert his message and philosophy. The end of the series will be this false Jigsaw being captured and chained in the bathroom, and Dr.G will slam the door saying 'Game Over!'

Once again, this was written back in 2005.

So, after watching Saw7 and telling the above to a few friends that the ending was plagarized, but I couldn't prove it because HOJ didn't keep archives going back that far. So, I just kept it to myself mostly.

Until tonight, I went 3 years without watching a Saw flick. So I had an urge to see Saw6, my favorite after the first two. I watched it and enjoyed it. Then I rewatched it with the commentary on with the director and writers.

During the scene of the Shotgun Carasell trap, one of the writers mentioned they posted a preview of the scene on House Of Jigsaw and it recieved high praise. Go listen for yourself if you have a copy of Saw6.

I said "That SonofaBitch."

Until that, I could maybe have thought the writers just thought like that idiot that came up with that horrible ending. But after a writer admits he's a member of a forum where 5 years earlier the ending of the movie franchise was predicted, and they practically copy and pasted it onto the official script.... wow... just wow.

I made an account here to get this off my chest because I was a Saw-Fanatic... and I can truly say that its ending was one of the biggest dissappointment of any series ever... worse than Mass Effect 3's ending... worse than Dexter's ending.

-Saw series ending was predicted, in detail, on House Of Jigsaw forum back in 2005.
-In Saw6 audio commentary, Saw4-7 writer mention he was a member of the House Of Jigsaw Forums.

I have to say it was an obvious possibility. Back when I still liked the series (let's say up until IV, then I declared war to all except the first one) I always thought they might do something like that. Can't say an obvious ending is plagarized. It's just obvious. And yeah, bad.

I don't care much though. I saw the ending, but didn't even really sit down and watch 6 or 7. I sort of kinda saw some important parts while my brother watched it. I kinda hate the saga as a whole.

A system of cells interlinked
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I enjoyed the first two, but after I saw the third of the series I stopped watching them. Can't say I really am invested. But plagiarism in Hollywood is not uncommon, so it is possible I guess. But given what I remember of the first movie and the ending you describe, it seems like bad writing either way.

I think, given people's propensity to speculate about twisty-turn plot-based films like these, it was inevitable that somebody would throw out a guess like this that ended up being corrected. I think that's a lot more likely than plagiarism.

-Saw series ending was predicted, in detail, on House Of Jigsaw forum back in 2005.
-In Saw6 audio commentary, Saw4-7 writer mention he was a member of the House Of Jigsaw Forums.
Thank you for the CliffNotes. I mentioned in JayDee's review thread the other day that he needs CliffNotes for his reviews.

During the scene of the Shotgun Carasell trap, one of the writers mentioned they posted a preview of the scene on House Of Jigsaw and it recieved high praise. Go listen for yourself if you have a copy of Saw6.

I said "That SonofaBitch."

Until that, I could maybe have thought the writers just thought like that idiot that came up with that horrible ending. But after a writer admits he's a member of a forum where 5 years earlier the ending of the movie franchise was predicted, and they practically copy and pasted it onto the official script.... wow... just wow.
Well, if the writer himself was the one who posted the prediction/preview on the forum, it's not really plagiarism, is it?

: Sorry, I misunderstood. The writer posted a preview of the Shotgun Carousel scene, not the Saw VII ending. I'm with you now!
TOP 100 | "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"

Thank you for the CliffNotes. I mentioned in JayDee's review thread the other day that he needs CliffNotes for his reviews.
Yeah, but they can be tricky... they need to be written in a way to encourage the reader to read the entire post.

As for Yoda's post, thats what I've been thinking for three years, the 2005 prediction was so Nostradamas to how the series ended. Then its revealed the writer/s of the later Saw films had memberships to the forums where the 2005 Nostradamas post was made?

Yeah, its not enough to convict someone of murder on, but come on use those Jedi senses of yours to see through the ********.

Saw got extremely disappointing after Saw III. It went nowhere. They dragged out an incredibly stupid and dull storyline that could have fit in one movie into four movies (4, 5, 6 and 7). It became all about the sick and twisted death scenes. The last Saw did nothing but kill off every single character who was still alive.

The franchise feels really pointless. It should have stopped at 3. I see no reason to really revisit those films unless you're just in the mood to watch some painful and graphic death scenes. And the last four films play out like a slow moving soap opera.

I gave Saw 7 a rating of
-- that's ZERO.

And I had given the other films pretty decent ratings, but that one was just incredibly stupid and pointless for a "final chapter."

Yeah, but they can be tricky... they need to be written in a way to encourage the reader to read the entire post.

As for Yoda's post, thats what I've been thinking for three years, the 2005 prediction was so Nostradamas to how the series ended. Then its revealed the writer/s of the later Saw films had memberships to the forums where the 2005 Nostradamas post was made?

Yeah, its not enough to convict someone of murder on, but come on use those Jedi senses of yours to see through the ********.
Except that if it's a major fan site, he has a perfectly innocuous reason to be a member. The more famous the site, the more likely it is to both a) catch his attention and b) contain a lot of guesses as to potential endings. The thing that makes one likelier also makes the other likelier, so they may simply share a root cause.

And, of course, how many other hundreds of guesses went nowhere? It's easy to notice these sorts of things after the fact. And more to the point, I'm not sure how possible it is to rip off such a general idea. The idea that the final installment should bring the story full circle is a no-brainer, and that inevitably means bringing back one of the initial characters. So right off the bat the range of possibilities is narrowed down.

On top of that, you say the writer admitted to being a member. I would think, if he had actually ripped off some novel idea that he himself had not already thought of, he'd be awfully loathe to concede something like that.

So yeah, I don't think it's much of a coincidence (or that incredible as a guess), I'm not sure the idea is specific or novel enough to be ripoff-able anyway, and I think it'd be odd for the writer to admit to any involvement if he had. But you never know.

I gave Saw 7 a rating of
-- that's ZERO.

And I had given the other films pretty decent ratings, but that one was just incredibly stupid and pointless for a "final chapter."
THAT says something! Must have really ticked you off...