Nostro's 10 Favorite Buildings


Apartments, gas stations, shopping strips, chain restaurants. The buildings i see every day look ... junky

Here's ten buildings that are just, like, way better

#10. Temple of Hatshpsut
Location: Deir el Bahari, near the Valley of the Kings
Year Built: 1400's BCE, 3,415+ years ago !

A temple dedicated to She-Pharaoh Queen Hatshepsut, designed by her lover and chief-architect, Senmut. So the building is basically a love letter. And also a tribute to the sun god, Amon-Ra, designed in such a way where the main axis of the temple aligns with the winter solstice sunrise every December, whatever that means. Apparently there was a massacre of 62 people here by Islamic extremists in 1997.

Master of My Domain
Lol this is a great idea for a thread. I might make a top buildings list myself.

Of course, the number 1 building will be: