Obscure 70s TV Movie: Witch Traps Modern Woman in Basement/Cellar


That's pretty much all I know, though it's part of a longer narrative pertaining to the well-worn allegory of a proud/naive/vulnerable urban family venturing into the countryside and encountering a centuries-old evil along with the intractable children of the corn types inhabiting such flicks.

It was originally shown on one of the 3 major networks, and had a feeling like it was being broadcast live a la Prince of Darkness, and very claustrophobic.

It's not Frailty - - nor is it Crowhaven Farm or Something Evil or Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, though these are similar in tone/feel, and perhaps worth a look for those intrigued by the hapless city mice in over their heads amidst the tall corn/inside the haunted house genre.

With what looks like a nearly 50% solve rate here, you all may be my best bet, but this is a toughie, and little to go on!

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So, this was broadcast in the 70s on TV. You say "three major networks" so I am guessing you saw this in USA? Did it take place in the USA (Your description sounds a bit like British Folk Horror). ? Did it take place in the decade you saw it, ie the 1970s? If it was an American made-for-TV movie from the 1970s, it would have been actually pretty tame, no stronger than a PG style.

So, this was broadcast in the 70s on TV. You say "three major networks" so I am guessing you saw this in USA? Did it take place in the USA (Your description sounds a bit like British Folk Horror). ? Did it take place in the decade you saw it, ie the 1970s? If it was an American made-for-TV movie from the 1970s, it would have been actually pretty tame, no stronger than a PG style.
It does sound like British folk horror, but it's definitely the US - Salem or thereabouts I'm guessing.

I saw a piece of it in some re-broadcast context, and could tell it was from the 70s and really seemed like a network TV flick.

What fascinated me was that it SHOULD have been tame/lame, but was really compelling in terms of psychological terror.

I'm just wondering if I was in some kind of emotionally vulnerable place, or if there's some lost genre classic floating around out there!

This sounds like the right timeframe, but I must have missed any Bette Davis scenes, as I'd remember her. (I only saw a few minutes of the movie, and got too scared to continue watching!)

I'll check it out & report back - thanks to all!


I've checked out the trailer, and am now thinking that maybe the mystery flick wasn't a TV movie, as the quality was similar to this one. I don't think this is it, though a superb guess. What made it so terrifying was a Dreyer-like claustrophobia which drew me in and made me feel like I was trapped in the cellar along with the woman!

This sounds like the right timeframe, but I must have missed any Bette Davis scenes, as I'd remember her. (I only saw a few minutes of the movie, and got too scared to continue watching!)

I'll check it out & report back - thanks to all!


I've checked out the trailer, and am now thinking that maybe the mystery flick wasn't a TV movie, as the quality was similar to this one. I don't think this is it, though a superb guess. What made it so terrifying was a Dreyer-like claustrophobia which drew me in and made me feel like I was trapped in the cellar along with the woman!
Just to clarify, Harvest Home was made-for-tv. That VHS box shows a 2hr runtime but it was originally a 3-4 hour miniseries.

Might want to give this site a look.

I've got a book written by the blogger but I don't currently have access to it. Seems to be the current TV Movie expert.

Also, now that I realize you've only seen a few minutes of the film, you might want to look into anthology series like Night Gallery, Circle of Fear, etc