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Kurt Russell, Zoë Bell, Rosario Dawson, Vanessa Ferlito View All


Robert Rodriguez (Director), Robert Rodriguez (Writer), Quentin Tarantino (Director), Quentin Tarantino (Writer) View All

Release: Apr. 6th, 2007
Runtime: 3 hours, 11 minutes
Two full-length feature horror movies written by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez put together as a two-film feature. Including fake movie trailers in between both movies.
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Reviewed by

I wonder just exactly where my enjoyment of the film itself ends and where my enjoyment of the experience I had watching the film with other trash lovers begins..
While I have seen a few grindhouse films, I can safely say that Death Proof has a more grindhouse vibe out of the two.
So, in recap- the first half of the film? A great treat and homage and an all-out fun experience. Then Death Proof began projecting onto the screen..
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