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Stephen Lack, Jennifer O'Neill, Michael Ironside, Patrick McGoohan View All


David Cronenberg (Director), David Cronenberg (Writer) View All

Release: Jan. 14th, 1981
Runtime: 1 hour, 43 minutes
After a man with extraordinary—and frighteningly destructive—telepathic abilities is nabbed by agents from a mysterious rogue corporation, he discovers he is far from the only possessor of such strange powers, and that some of the other “scanners” have their minds set on world domination, while others are trying to stop them.
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1 'Scanners' question
Towards the end of the movie, Cameron brings in an "informant" to consec and she almost gets killed by the spy interrogating her. Cameron and his father/handler (Dr. Ruth are on their way to...
0 Scanners TV Series
"In a competitive situation, Michael Ellenberg’s Media Res and Bron Studios have acquired the rights to David Cronenberg’s classic 1981 sci-fi thriller feature Scanners to develop as a TV ser...

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Reviewed by

The cast is rounded out by Jennifer O'Neill and Patrick McGoohan as the leader of a group that's trying to find Revok, and the doctor that's in charge of the scanner program of ConSec, a mysterious security company that might have ulterior motives.
(This quality continues in Videodrome, which is perhaps the definitive Toronto movie, giving the city some of the sleazy charge of a pre-cleanup New York.) And this quality even extends to the corporate names in the movie, with "ConSec" and "Biocarbon Amalgamate" both carrying a certain obfuscating ....


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