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Wait Until Dark

Wait Until Dark (1967)

I remember first hearing about this and being super pumped to see it. I’m sure this has given me a biased opinion of the film.

Hepburn gives an amazing performance as our blind main character, I’m sure someone who hadn’t heard of her before seeing the movie would actually think she’s blind. I think the the film being set in one apartment helps to build the tension and terror. It’s also cool to note that the apartment is mostly underground; Isolated from the outside world.

Now let’s talk about the REAL meat on the bone, the suspense and ending. The film does a fantastic job of being suspenseful, with the robbers getting more aggressive and violent as the film goes on. The last 10-15 minutes are absolutely insane, pure terror; The perfect climax to an hour and a half of build up. I was sweating mad, on the very edge of my seat and jumped out of my skin a few times. What I adored was the gimmick of having most of the end in pure darkness, very creative and terrifying. (It helps to watch the film in a dimly lit room!)

If I had any complaints it’s that the first hour and a half have a more Hitchcock-ian tone while the last 10 minutes are horror, the whole film would be much better if it was mostly horror. I also feel the ‘pure darkness’ bit was underused, they could’ve done a lot more with that and made the film much more scary.

One of the most nail-biting and anxiety-causing films I’ve ever seen.