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Forrest Gump
(directed by Robert Zemeckis, 1994)

This is one of the greatest movies ever made.

It's constantly ridiculed, constantly criticized ("Anyone could play a retarded person!") but it's pure gold and it'll be with us forever. Released in 1994, Forrest Gump became a cultural phenomenon and gave us so many memorable lines of dialogue. Everywhere I went, people were repeating things like, "Life is like a box of chocolates" and "Stupid is as stupid does."

Not too long ago, I decided to go running, and the sight of Sexy Celebrity running caused a young male passenger from a car driving by to shout out, "Run, Forrest, Run!" Maybe it was because I was wearing a baseball cap, which might have made me look Forrest Gump-like. Maybe it was just the power of the movie which had affected the shouter. I didn't get too mad about it.

Forrest Gump certainly isn't a bad name to be called -- although, I was shocked when my cousin named his son, Forrest. He's a darling of a guy, unlike most people you'll ever meet in your life. He's always out to do the right thing, and he won't have none of your foolish or sarcastic pieces of advice, simply because he won't understand them in the first place.

The movie is all about magic -- there is no way on Earth that anyone could cause so many major events in history to happen. Apparently, according to the movie Forrest Gump, which is fiction, of course - Forrest Gump has:

* Taught Elvis Presley to dance.
* Sparked the whole Watergate investigation.
* Been a muse for a ton of people, including the man who put a smiley face on a shirt and the man who invented the phrase, "***** happens".

And on and on and on. Tons more. I can't think of them right now. His granddaddy even started the Ku Klux Klan. I'm sure in the Forrest Gump universe, by now Forrest has done things like invent the iPod, create Myspace, Facebook and Twitter, helped Michael Jackson rehearse for "This Is It" the week before he died, etc. etc.

Forrest Gump has an IQ of something like 75. He's raised by his mother, played by Sally Field, who will do anything to keep Forrest in a normal school, including sleeping with the principal. He meets a lifelong friend named Jenny on the first day of school. Eventually he grows up, goes to college, and fights in Vietnam with a shrimp obsessed man, also from Forrest's home state, called Bubba.

It has just been released on Blu-ray, so the picture will be better than you've ever seen it.

Ignore all of the Forrest Gump dissenters, the ones who think it's hip to hate the film. Forrest Gump is a treasure, a classic, a monumental piece of work. I hadn't watched it in years until today and now was the best viewing of Forrest Gump I've ever experienced. I could watch it again and again.

Bring Forrest Gump into your life sometime -- knowing that man's kind of destiny, surely he will find you.