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(directed by Duncan Jones, 2009)

Sam Rockwell has an arse that deserves to be insured by Lloyd's of London. Moon will certainly do a good job preserving that magnificent arse on film, whether it's bare as he takes a shower (the best moment, for his arse and practically the entire film as well) or whether it's displayed nicely in the pajama bottoms he wears throughout the movie in some scenes. When I think of Moon in the future, I will most certainly think of Sam Rockwell's moon... 'cause that's about all that I found interesting in this Moon movie.

Oh, sure, this is a beautiful movie -- wonder cinematography. I was a bit unnerved by a lot of what I assume was special effects CGI stuff that took place on the surface of the moon... but you can get past that. What I can't get past is how totally unspectacular it all felt. I don't want to reveal the twists and secrets of Moon -- go somewhere else if you want it spoiled. I could spoil things here -- the spoilers certainly aren't impressive, in my opinion -- but I'll be extra nice tonight.

I zoned out a lot during Moon. I may not have paid the most severe special attention possible for Moon, but I stayed until the end credits and I got the gist of things. I personally feel that zoning out is an indicator of a rocky, iffy, sleep inducing movie. And I can't praise those kinds of films. Moon made me think, and yet I did not want to think. By the end of the movie, I felt that thinking wasn't really necessary, anyway. I think I overanalyzed things at first, then grew tired of that and gave up, then tried to pick it up again, then tried to FEEL something for the movie, and then I was let down. The overall impact was a let down.

I should have known beforehand that Kevin Spacey was an indicator that this movie was gonna be a mess. Now, don't get me wrong -- I have loved Kevin Spacey in the past. American Beauty, K-PAX and even Pay It Forward were all pretty good in my book ("K-PAX and even PAY IT FOWARD"... I'm sure some of you people are laughing that I wrote "and even PAY IT FORWARD" since many people hate K-PAX). But I haven't seen Kevin Spacey mania in awhile and here he plays the voice of a machine that moves around with a long, robotic arm and does a bunch of goofy smiley faces for Sam Rockwell, like these:

Why is Kevin Spacey playing a robot? Couldn't they have found a lesser known actor to do a voice-over? Not that I necessarily mind Kevin Spacey as a robot, but... I dunno. Honestly, I think this movie seems a bit (or perhaps very) pretentious -- and it does not pack a wallop and it is mostly boring.

I get that there's a message going on here regarding human life, but I'm not in agreement that it's a profound message or even one of importance. I think the movie was done wrong. If they had a message, it was done wrong. Moon seems pretentious in how glitzy and "original" it seems to be -- here we have a space movie that totally makes you forget about being in space. Or at least, I did. But I don't give them kudos for that. There's a lot of mystery and wonder going on regarding space and I don't think we've reached a limit about what we can explore about our ourselves and about space -- Moon is exploring pretentiousness in space, I think.

I'm sorry, I didn't get what the fuss was about. It started off very intriguing but then it just slid downhill like a sled after a snowstorm. I was also very bothered and bored by the lack of actors in this film. I don't automatically hate movies for lack of actors, but I feel that in Moon, it's a negative. And I'm bugged by the comparisons between this movie and 2001: A Space Odyssey. I can also think of some other films that Moon reminds me of, and it all comes together for me like it's some... arty experiment based on culture and popular movies. The fact that it doesn't blow me seems like evidence of this. GREAT movies have the power to affect even me -- Moon did not. Moon was dazzling with prettiness, but the overall effect was devoid of substance and life -- just like the actual moon.

If that was the point, I'm not impressed.

If you had trouble following me, this review was more for the people who have already seen Moon. I don't discourage others from watching Moon, but I feel that I have a different point of view of the movie and I encourage you to make your own opinion.