

Frenzy   7/28/15
by Iroquois
While Psycho held off on the reveal of its villain's true nature until its final scenes, Frenzy establishes the villain's true identity at a relatively early juncture, which does add a bit of an interesting cat-and-mouse dynamic as the audience frequently ends up being witness to the villain's murde...

Frenzy   5/30/14
by Captain Spaulding
Maybe Alfred Hitchcock was scarred as a kid from always taking the blame for his siblings' misdoings, or maybe he just had an irrational fear of being falsely accused of a crime, but the innocent-man-found-guilty is a recurring motif that he explored in several films (The 39 Steps, The Wrong Man, No...

Frenzy   4/05/12
by JayDee
Along with the familiar plot of an innocent man wrongly accused which was found in many a Hitchcock film (The 39 Steps, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Saboteur etc) there is the relationship between Blaney and Rusk that evokes feelings of Strangers on a Train's 'friendship' between Bruno and Guy.

Frenzy   8/02/06
by Richard X
Anthony Shaffer’s script is a terrifically wicked attack on sexuality, family life, and the sensationalism derived from the heinous crimes committed, even going so far as implicating the audience in its fascination with the murders.

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