

Prince of Darkness   10/12/22
by Takoma11
She's kind of a quiet lead, and she has to share screen time with bigger personalities, but she ends up being a very solid anchor for the events, including being part of the incredibly memorable conclusion.

Prince of Darkness   8/03/21
by KeyserCorleone
Well, Prince of Darkness should satisfy Carpenter fans, not just completionists, as well as fans of cosmic horror and cult classic buyers.

Prince of Darkness   8/04/18
by pahaK
Most of the horrors faced by the characters are (on a horror film scale) rather mundane but there's something far more sinister lurking behind the scenes.

Prince of Darkness   6/14/17
by Joel
A television transmission from the future haunts the dreams of science academics gathered together for a night at hell house in John Carpenter's 1987 horror film that is both brilliant and bad.

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