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Mary Loquacious
06-22-02, 12:13 AM
Too much miscellany in your Miscellaneous Chat? Can't say anything more about porn names and Viking names and the sexiness of Sades, which goes without question? :D Enjoy Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the celebrated television program?

Well, then, young man/lady, step right up and have a say in the brand-new, never-before-seen (until Holden tells me different :D) BtVS Thread, wherein you can talk your little head off about anything and everything related to the hit TV show! Wanna talk about Xander? Go ahead. Need to gush over Buffy's new hair-do? This is the place. Want to lament about Oz missage? I'm here to listen. Want to dish about Spike? Well, who doesn't?

Want to talk seriously about Buffy issues, like Joss Whedon and storylines and intellectual sorts of thingies? I say to you, "Come on it, fellers, the water is fine."

Don't like Buffy and wish to issue a complaint? Well... I guess you can... :laugh:

So, hurry, hurry, hurry! Don't all rush in and try to speak at once--there's plenty of room for everyone here at the BtVS Thread, one post at a time. I know you're out there, Buffy fans. It can't just be me and Monkeypunch... Can it? :D

06-22-02, 01:26 AM
Okay, you KNEW I had to get in on this. I can't wait until next season. I really want Spike to be the "big bad" of next year. I was watching the season 2 DVD set and I miss him being an evil sh*t. And they need to bring back Dru, and put out a "Once More, With Feeling" soundtrack CD. I loved Spike's song in that episode, and Amber Benson is a really talented singer. Who Knew?

Mary Loquacious
06-22-02, 01:38 AM
I really want Spike to be the "big bad" of next year.

That's interesting, especially considering

that he's now a vampire with a soul. It would be very, very cool to see a re-ensouled Spike be possibly even more vicious than the demon. Although I'm thinking they probably won't do that. There'll most likely be more Buffy/Spike angst, etc. Although all the rumors are that this coming season will be much less dark the last few.

Every Buffy fan in my little coterie is itchin' for the CD of the Musical. Why in God's name are they keeping it from us? I finally just downloaded most of the songs from audiogalaxy, but I'll definitely buy the CD if they will put it out.

The Season 2 DVDs are really, really great. It's lovely to see the episodes again in their entirety, especially after all the cuts they made for FX. I'll steal Chris' term: bleh. :sick: Bastard editor people.

So what did you think of Season 6, Monkey Man? :D I thought it was very well-done, although with a distinct lack of Joss.

06-22-02, 01:50 AM
I liked season six a lot more than other people I've talked to. A few really great episodes came out of this season. Obviously the Musical, but I also liked the Double Meat Palace episode, and Xander and Anya's botched wedding was pretty brilliant. Maybe it's because I'm a guy, but I really sided with Xander on that one. He was afraid that he'd end up like his abusive father and didn't want to put Anya through that. I just wish he could have just told her as such, maybe she wouldn't have screwed Spike...but I digress. It was depressing and dark, and I wish they hadn't killed Tara, but I genunely liked season six.

Mary Loquacious
06-22-02, 02:00 AM
We might have to be careful on giving stuff away... just in case people haven't seen the last few eps yet. Maybe use the Spoiler taggies, to be on the safe side. Me, I'm a spoiler fiend--I read everything I can find--but some people aren't. ;)

I do agree about Tara. I sure as hell didn't want to see her go. But it was very well done. That last episode with her and Willow was so heartbreaking, and then her dying words: "Your shirt." I was extremely impressed with Willow going nutso and becoming the Big Bad, and how they resolved that. Xander Harris, finally making a major contribution to the team. The only man who could stop her. It was excellent. It could have been better only if Joss himself had written and directed the episode.

Xander and Anya... I dunno. I felt for both of them, but I have to fault Xander more than Anya. He got scared, and he couldn't handle it. And he was the one who proposed in the first place, and then he handles the aftermath badly, too... not that Anya was any too great with it, herself.

I've had my ups and downs with Xander as a character. He goes from being quirky funny geek to total a*shole and then grows up a bit and then reverts. These are season-type moves I'm talking about. :D But all in all, he is one of my favorites.

06-22-02, 02:10 AM
D'oh! I'll have to remember the spoiler thing next time.

I also fall into the liking Xander category, though I do know people who don't. I like how the writers aren't afraid to make him unlikeable and immature at times. It makes him a more realistic character. I hate shows where all the characters are just perfect and always do what's right or socially acceptable.

(They need to make a D'oh! smiley face! Who is in charge of making those things?)

Mary Loquacious
06-22-02, 02:22 AM
Tell Chris. He's the Smilie Master. I think there's a thread on the Site Stuff forum. :)

Well, take Season Three, where he was the king of all a*sholes for a good long while. But after the Willow fling, he got it back together, which led the way to one of my all-time favorite episodes, The Zeppo.

The Buffy writers aren't afraid of anything, it seems. When they were finally able to actually do something with the Willow/Tara relationship, they did it in a big way, and it was handled very well, without a bunch of fuss. No Very Special Buffy where the characters all learn that It Is Okay To Be Gay And To Be Friends With Gay People. Willow and Tara just got together, and it was natural.

Okay--best villain. I say the Mayor, hands down.

If any person says, "Glory," I shall take it upon myself to slap that person. :laugh:

06-22-02, 02:34 AM
I thought the evil Angel was the best villain, myself. He just f*cked with everyone hardcore! It was such a shock!

Okay, here's a weird thing I noticed. Is it just me, or does Sarah Michelle Gellar seem kind of like she thinks she's too good for Buffy? I recently saw photos of the premiere of the musical episode, and everyone in the cast and crew was there...minus SMG. Same with a recent charity show they did with Joss Whedon, Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendan, Michelle Trachtenberg, Amber Benson, the entire trio of nerds...and no Sarah Michelle Gellar. She didn't even do her own voice for the upcoming Buffy Xbox game, while everyone else did theirs, and won't be appearing in the Buffy Animated show when it comes out, even though they have the rest of the cast lined up. She didn't even talk about Buffy at all in recent interviews in Entertainment weekly or on Jay Leno. What is up with THAT?

Mary Loquacious
06-22-02, 02:43 AM
Hmm... I've thought the same thing, although, in her defense, she has been pretty busy lately, while the other cast members probably have less demands on their time. But, still, Buffy was her springboard to real fame. She could be a little more invested in it.

I dunno. I'm not the biggest SMG fan, and, when it comes right down to it, Buffy herself is not my favorite character on the show. But there you go.

Evil Angel was a great villain, it's true. Although I would put him (and our girl from this season) in the "Temporary Insanity" Villain category. :D Better, perhaps, than the straight-up baddies... but the vamp triumvirate he had with Spike and the wonderfully crazy Dru was well-nigh perfect.

But the Mayor was just so great, so wholesome in his evilness. Some of my favorite one-liners are from him. And his father-daughter relationship with Faith... he was just a very well-written character. :yup:

06-22-02, 02:55 AM
The Mayor was a really great villain, I agree. Recently, Jane Espenson wrote a Buffy comic book that took place after the mayor was killed, but his soul could't die as long as Buffy was alive. He found he could possess dead things, and after being a bird and a vamp, He took over the body of a monster that was created by the.....What was the name of that group Riley belonged to in season 4? It's totally slipped my mind. Anyway, it was a really cool story and it featured Faith who was still in a coma at the time, but could talk to Buffy through her dreams. It was called Haunted, and It's well worth looking for if you like comics.

Mary Loquacious
06-22-02, 03:39 PM
Riley was in the Initiative. :)

That sounds interesting. I've checked out some of the Buffy comics, and I liked what I read, but not enough to plunk down the cash. Mostly, I've just loitered in the bookstore and read them while I'm standing there. :D

06-22-02, 03:51 PM
Thanks. My brain was freezing up last night. The weird thing is, nobody really talks about season 4 all that much. I got into the show kinda late, and I haven't seen much of season 4 at all. I've seen the entire seasons 1, 2, most of 3, about two episodes of 4 (The ones where Spike got his chip put in), almost all of season 5, and the entire season 6. (I got hooked midway through season 5, and played catch up with the reruns on FX). I was just thinking about the episode where Cordelia wishes that Buffy never came to sunnydale, and the entire town was vamps, and Willow tortured Angel with a pair of scissors and a book of matches. This is one of my all time favorite episodes. Is that in season 3? I think it has to be, since it's not in the season 2 box set, but Faith isn't in it, so I'm confused.

Mary Loquacious
06-22-02, 04:29 PM
Yup--that would be Season Three.

The episode is "The Wish," and it comes in directly after Lover's Walk (where Spike returns to Sunnydale, after Dru leaves him for a chaos demon, to get revenge on Angel). And it is a great, great episode. The absence of Faith was supposed to be partly because of what happened in "Revelations," with the evil Watcher lady and the bada*s glove--she got out of town for awhile, but came back in "Amends," the Christmas ep.

06-22-02, 04:46 PM
Thanx for clearing that up. You totally rock. Most people I know don't really like Buffy. This is my new favorite thread. Here's a question: I just started watching Angel, and I think it's pretty good so far, having seen only one episode, and reading two comix...What's your take on it?

Mary Loquacious
06-23-02, 02:50 PM
I've been watching Angel since the beginning, and I like it a lot. It's gone through some so-so periods, but the first half of the first season was great, and most of the second season rocked. This last season was the best, though--it really found its feet as a stand-alone show. :yup: No longer is it Buffy's Bastard Stepchild. Well worth the watching, although I was supremely pissed off by the season finale. :furious:

Not disappointed, but pissed. It's hard to explain... but I'll attempt it by saying that I have no freakin' clue how the hell they're gonna start off next season. Too much of the cliffhanger, you know?

How are the comics?

06-23-02, 06:06 PM
I just saw this show for the first time ever. I don't watch TV, but I was / am housesitting and there's really nothing to do, and they have a nice entertainment system, so I was watching some TV and there was Buffy.

And I don't get it. By which I mean I don't get the appeal of the show.

I don't think I'm cut out for modern pop culture.

06-23-02, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Mary Loquacious

How are the comics? [/B]

I only read 2 Angel comics, issues one and four, so I couldn't really follow the story too well, but since Joss whedon wrote them they seemed pretty consistant with the show, or what I've seen of it. My friend Jeremy was the one who told me to check the show out, and he knows more about it than I do. The episode I saw was good, and I liked the character Fred, she's just so hyperactive and cute. I guess I'll have to catch up with the reruns this summer.

Mary Loquacious
06-23-02, 08:29 PM
And I don't get it. By which I mean I don't get the appeal of the show.

You may have gotten ahold of a mediocre episode, Sully. Unbelievable as it seems, there are a few not-so-great ones. :D I curious to know which one you saw... Do you remember anything of the plot?

The episode I saw was good, and I liked the character Fred, she's just so hyperactive and cute. I guess I'll have to catch up with the reruns this summer.

I, too, like Fred. :D She and Wesley are two of my favorite characters on the show. You should, definitely, catch the re-runs, and hopefully we'll see a DVD of Season One soon.

06-30-02, 09:13 PM
I wish this thread hadn't died. Let's get this thing up and running again, huh?

any favorite episodes, lines, characters, comix, etc?

Mary Loquacious
07-02-02, 08:40 PM
Hmm... some favorite eps:

The Zeppo
The Wish & Doppelgangland
Becoming I & II
Once More With Feeling (the musical)
Prophecy Girl
The Prom
A New Man
Lover's Walk

Lines... cripes, there are so many good ones:

"I laugh at danger. And then I hide until it goes away."

"Good God, man, she's eighteen. You have the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone."

"Fire bad. Tree pretty."

"The Slayer. Look it up. Slayer comma The."

"That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil, and skanky, and I think I'm kinda gay."

"Ours is a forbidden love."

Spike: "Why don't you just rip her lungs out and get it over with?"
Angelus: "It lacks... poetry."
Spike: "Doesn't have to. What rhymes with 'lungs'?"

"No, this is a great place. All the big windows. They'll be great when we want the sunlight to kill us!"

Joyce: "Haven't we met before?"
Spike: "You hit me with a shovel. You know. 'Get the hell away from my daughter!' and all that."

"That's a big rock. I can't wait to tell all my friends. They don't have a rock this big."

Oh, there are so many more...

Tag! You're it! :D

07-03-02, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by Mary Loquacious

You may have gotten ahold of a mediocre episode, Sully. Unbelievable as it seems, there are a few not-so-great ones. :D I curious to know which one you saw... Do you remember anything of the plot?

Yes. Buffy was battling this other girl for the Homecoming Queen position, or some student body election. Then their mutual friends bought them a limousine, which turned out to be driven by some hell-spawned lackey who drove them into the woods and left them in an ambush zone. They holed up in a convenient cabin and talked about life while bad guys crawled around in the bushes outside. Eventually, the cabin blew up. That's as much as I saw.

Oh, and then I saw another episode where all the adults ate candy that made them immature. Novel idea ;) And then Buffy went into the sewers and lit a demon on fire before it could eat some babies.

Then, a few nights later, I caught an episode or two of Angel.....apparently Angel impregnated some vampire chick and there was some prophecy about her child and a collection of other events. They went to a hospital, got an ultrasound, beat up a vampire cult, and then went back to the hotel where Angel ran into what was apparently a bad guy with a sword and absolutely horrible facial hair. I thought it was mildly entertaining....moreso than either of the Buffy episodes I saw.

Mary Loquacious
07-03-02, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Sullivan
Yes. Buffy was battling this other girl for the Homecoming Queen position, or some student body election. Then their mutual friends bought them a limousine, which turned out to be driven by some hell-spawned lackey who drove them into the woods and left them in an ambush zone. They holed up in a convenient cabin and talked about life while bad guys crawled around in the bushes outside. Eventually, the cabin blew up. That's as much as I saw.

Oh, and then I saw another episode where all the adults ate candy that made them immature. Novel idea ;) And then Buffy went into the sewers and lit a demon on fire before it could eat some babies.

Ah. "Homecoming," with Slayer Fest '98, and "Band Candy." Yeah, those are pretty mediocre, as Buffy eps go, although "Band Candy" is damn funny if you know the show's history.

The Angel ep you saw was part of the big "Angel's child" story arc this past season. Good stuff. :yup:

07-03-02, 01:23 AM
Okay, Fave Lines:

"I don't like to brag, but....Who am I kidding, I LOVE to brag!"

"THAT'S what that song is about?"

"I think I actually heard Giles polish his glasses over the phone.."

"You play for Kittens?" "Yeah, they're delicious!"

"You're so amped about Hell...Then go there."

There are more, but I can't remember them at this exact moment....

Here's something I just found out. Amber Benson, despite Tara's death, will still be part of Buffy next year. She's writing a few episodes for the upcoming season. This is way cool, because she wrote 3 Buffy comics, "Willow and Tara," "Willow and Tara II," and "Tales of the Slayers #1" (all very good), and Joss Whedon gave her a job.

Mary Loquacious
07-03-02, 01:33 AM
I'd heard that she was under contract for next season. I'm glad it's as a writer and not as Tara.

Bringing her back would just cheapen her death. It's not like Buffy, the anchor character, dying. My friends are hypothesizing all these ways that she'll be brought back, since we'd heard the contract rumor. Hah! I can tell them now that I was right! :D

More good lines:

"All these people just walking around, like Happy Meals on legs."

"A werewolf. It's one of the classics. I'm sure my books and I are in for a fascinating evening."

"It seems that when Angel lost his soul, he regained his sense of whimsy."

"If the Apocalypse comes, beep me."

Jonny Goodboy
07-31-02, 09:51 PM
That ponce Riley practically ruined my Buffy lovefest from Season 4 on :furious: .
And I hate the fact that it took till midway season 5 for his ass to be shown the door!
I hated that guy soooooooo much!
I also don`t like the way Willow`s character has developed over the last few seasons either,(this is begining to sound like a rantathon...maybe I should head to the `Shout box` instead :scream: ).
I much prefer the Vulnerable,computer nerdy Willow of early seasons...She`s just ridiculous now.
I`m so happy I won`t get to see her and Tara fat arse tonsil-tickling again anytime soon too. :kiss: What a mess that was.
And what is happening to Xander? Did you see how Fat he looked in that wedding suit? :eek:I thought it was Pavarotti getting hitched!
Giles is missed big time for me.

On the plus side, I`m glad Spike will be back to evil form next season.

I do think Angelus was the best of the bad bunch to date.

Favourite characters: Anya & Spike

I can`t see this show going much longer though...It`s been on a downward spiral ever since season 4.

Mary Loquacious
07-31-02, 10:18 PM
That ponce Riley practically ruined my Buffy lovefest from Season 4 on.

Ach. I liked Riley okay, but he definitely has to be one of the weakest main characters of the show. I wasn't heartbroken when he left--he got awful damn whiny in Season 5. "Oh, Buffy, you don't need me, blah ditty blah..." :rolleyes:

I have to disagree with you about Willow. I think she's one of the best characters on the show, especially in terms of development. We've seen her go from shy technophobe to (too) powerful witch, not to mention her interesting love life. And Season 6, I felt, was her best season yet. I'm very, very interested in how they're going to handle her next season--rumors are running rampant, as they say. Should be cool. :D

I`m so happy I won`t get to see her and Tara fat arse tonsil-tickling again anytime soon too. What a mess that was.
And what is happening to Xander? Did you see how Fat he looked in that wedding suit? I thought it was Pavarotti getting hitched!

:laugh: Are you obsessed with weight issues or what? ;D With Xander, though, I have to say, it's a kind of Tommy Boy thing:

"Does this suit make me look fat?"
"No, your face does."

Ol' Boy has kind of a broad face. Although he's got nothin' on David Boreanaz. :D

I missed Giles, too--and f*cking loved him in the series finale. He kicks so much a*s. And he'll be getting his own series in the near future, although unless BBC America is kind to me, I won't be seeing it anytime soon. :(

I'm glad to see it's more than the Monkey and me who like Buffy. :) We need more Buffy fans to post on this here thread! :YUP:

Jonny Goodboy
07-31-02, 10:28 PM
Are you obsessed with weight issues or what? With Xander, though, I have to say, it's a kind of Tommy Boy thing:

:laugh: Sorry, but I can only put that down to the fact I`m a Personal Trainer...maybe I notice Flab more than most ;) .

I missed Giles, too--and f*cking loved him in the series finale. He kicks so much a*s. And he'll be getting his own series in the near future, although unless BBC America is kind to me, I won't be seeing it anytime soon.

Any clue when this all kicks off and what`s it gonna be called?

I'm glad to see it's more than the Monkey and me who like Buffy. We need more Buffy fans to post on this here thread!

I am surprised more people haven`t kicked into this thread.
I`ll certainly chip in when the times right Mary.

P.S...Still prefer old Willow ;)

Mary Loquacious
07-31-02, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Jonny Goodboy
Any clue when this all kicks off and what`s it gonna be called?

It'll be called either Ripper or The Watcher, and hopefully it'll be on the air as soon as early 2003. I've heard rumors about a late 2002 pilot, but that's doubtful, 'cause Tony Head's got a full plate right now with Manchild. Which I also will probably never get to see. :frustrated:

P.S...Still prefer old Willow ;)

Well, you go right ahead and prefer her. We all know who's better--THE NEW AND IMPROVED WILLOW! :laugh:

Jonny Goodboy
08-04-02, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Mary Loquacious

It'll be called either Ripper or The Watcher, and hopefully it'll be on the air as soon as early 2003. I've heard rumors about a late 2002 pilot, but that's doubtful,

Should be a blast whatever.
How much more do you about it Mary?
Is it a Joss Whedon vehicle...Any other characters stretching their wings over to this one...Is it set before the days of Buffy Sommers or present day...set in U.K.or U.S?

Like I said, should be a blast whatever. :)

08-04-02, 06:18 PM
I have watched every single episode of BUffy that has been on British TV. I love it. Funny, Good Storylines the characters everything.

Plus I happen to think Sarah Michelle Gellar is the best looking woman in the world ever. As my website shows.

Check it out if u wish.



08-04-02, 07:58 PM
The Brits are so lucky to be able to buy the first 5 seasons of BtVS on DVD. They are also way lucky to get to see Tony Head in anything.

I loved the musical ep (even though some of them cans sing and some certainly can't dance). BTW, at a Trek convention I saw some Musical ep soundtrack CDs for sale that had been given away at the premiere, I think. And later I saw one for sale on eBay. These discs looked like a promo item, not a bootleg CD.

Season 3 Angel was really good, and finally Fred is growing on me. Captain Cardboard never did. (Riley was a cute hunk o' beef, but so boring, IMO.)

Cannot wait for season 7 and more of Spike. :love:

Mary Loquacious
08-05-02, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Jonny Goodboy

Should be a blast whatever.
How much more do you about it Mary?
Is it a Joss Whedon vehicle...Any other characters stretching their wings over to this one...Is it set before the days of Buffy Sommers or present day...set in U.K.or U.S?

Like I said, should be a blast whatever. :)

Here's what I know:

Joss Whedon will be in the pilot's seat in terms of producing and whatnot, although I'm not sure how much of it he'll actually be doing writing- and directing-wise. There's a possibility of cross-overs with Buffy, but I'm not holding my breath (although I would love to see such a thing). And it will be set pretty much in the current continuity--Giles living in England after he leaves Sunnydale, trying to get his own life back on track, that sort o' thing. It looks to be pretty dark, and I'm certain we'll be seeing more of Ethan Rayne, a minor character that I love who is part of Giles's "dark past."

And I agree--it should kick a*s. :D

I loved the musical ep (even though some of them cans sing and some certainly can't dance). BTW, at a Trek convention I saw some Musical ep soundtrack CDs for sale that had been given away at the premiere, I think. And later I saw one for sale on eBay. These discs looked like a promo item, not a bootleg CD.

I want it, I want it, I want it! :D I've got almost all the songs downloaded off the 'Net, but as soon as they put a CD out, I'm buying it.

And BTW, for those who loved the Musical (otherwise known as "Once More... With Feeling"), there's a great little mini-doc of it up somewhere on the UPN site that has behind-the-scenes moments and some talk with the stars and with Joss himself. Pretty cool stuff. :yup:

Cannot wait for season 7 and more of Spike.

You said it, my friend. There's gonna be some interesting stuff happening in Sunnyhell for William the Bloody Awful Poet. :D

08-06-02, 02:15 PM
I had read somewhere that the mini series Ripper was only going to be on the BBC, which I hope is NOT true, because us poor people here in the states would have to wait for the DVD. I can't afford to move to the U.K.! Also, anyone know when the Buffy Xbox game is out? I'm dying to play it...

Mary Loquacious
08-06-02, 02:25 PM
The X-box game should be out later this month. :)

I had read somewhere that the mini series Ripper was only going to be on the BBC, which I hope is NOT true, because us poor people here in the states would have to wait for the DVD. I can't afford to move to the U.K.!

Unfortunately for us, it will be a BBC production. And since BBC America seems to be allergic to airing newer British shows (although I'm not knocking my Brilliant! and Father Ted re-runs, no sir), we will most likely have to wait for VHS or DVD.

And, yep, that sucks big hairy balls. Sucks 'em right straight to hell. :(

Jonny Goodboy
08-06-02, 05:43 PM
Here's what I know:
Joss Whedon will be in the pilot's seat in terms of producing and whatnot, although I'm not sure how much of it he'll actually be doing writing- and directing-wise. There's a possibility of cross-overs with Buffy, but I'm not holding my breath (although I would love to see such a thing). And it will be set pretty much in the current continuity--Giles living in England after he leaves Sunnydale, trying to get his own life back on track, that sort o' thing. It looks to be pretty dark, and I'm certain we'll be seeing more of Ethan Rayne, a minor character that I love who is part of Giles's "dark past."

Cheers ML, still sounds like a blast...I`d put money on Ethan`s mug showing up too (wouldn`t be surprised if he`ll be a regular).

Unfortunately for us, it will be a BBC production. And since BBC America seems to be allergic to airing newer British shows

Yup, that`s pretty much suck`s for ardent fans such as you.
Maybe, I`ll be a Gent and send you out some Videos ;)

Mary Loquacious
08-06-02, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Jonny Goodboy
Cheers ML, still sounds like a blast...I`d put money on Ethan`s mug showing up too (wouldn`t be surprised if he`ll be a regular).

Yup, that`s pretty much suck`s for ardent fans such as you.
Maybe, I`ll be a Gent and send you out some Videos ;)

If it comes to that (which it probably will), I've some connections in the UK I'll be hitting up for tapes. :D But thanks for the offer! :)

And if Robin Sachs isn't given a regular berth on the show, then there is no justice.

08-07-02, 09:59 PM
From IMDB (http://www.imdb.com):

The End For Buffy?
Sexy actress Sarah Michelle Gellar plans to give up Buffy The Vampire Slayer following the success of her latest movie Scooby-Doo. The 25-year-old star has played high-kicking evil-conquering lead character Buffy Summers for the past five years since the hit TV show began. But she now sees her future on the big screen following the box-office success of Scooby-Doo, in which she played Daphne Blake. She says, "It's important for me to go out on top. I don't want to be part of a show that runs eight years only to have people say of it, 'That should have ended years ago'." The producers of the show are now working on ways to continue the series, which will otherwise end after its seventh run. The most likely possibility would see Buffy's role taken by her teenage sister Dawn, played by Michelle Trachtenberg. There is also a chance that Sarah may be persuaded to make regular cameos. Buffy executive producer Marti Noxon says, "I'm not sure that Sarah will come back. It would be very hard to continue without her, although program makers 20th Century Fox might try." Sarah has been forced to miss out on a string of top movie roles due to the time- consuming constraints of the Buffy schedule and has also complained about the toll the show's stunts take on her body. However in addition to Scooby-Doo she did star in 1999's acclaimed Cruel Intentions and in 2001 flick Harvard Man.
Just FYI. :)

Mary Loquacious
08-07-02, 10:36 PM
Thanks for the news, Chris! :D

Yeah, I figured as much, although I hadn't heard this particular news. She's way too big to stay on the show much longer. All contracts for the series regulars will be up at the end of the coming season, so who knows what will happen? If enough of them stay, they'll probably find a way to keep it going, and I'm sure I'll be a'watching. Unless it blows, and then I'll stop. :D

'Tis depressing, but that's the way it goes, I reckon. And frankly, Sarah Michelle Gellar herself leaving the show doesn't really bother me, although I'll probably get reamed by the other Buffy fans here for saying that. She's the title character and the center of the show, sure, but it's the supporting players that keep me tuning in more than anything. If they stay, and she goes, then there's still hope for Buffy (the show, not herself), as far as I'm concerned. :yup:

Although, as titles, "Dawn the Vampire Slayer" or "Dawn the Vampire Slayer's Younger Sister" don't have quite the same ring to them... ;)

08-07-02, 11:08 PM
I'd still watch the show without Buffy herself appearing. They could call it "Sunnydale" or something, and make it more of an ensemble piece. If the writing was still top notch, I know I'd be there. (Buffy was always my least favorite character anyways.)

08-16-02, 11:21 PM
I love Buffy The Vampire Slayer! seriously the best show. Can't wait: Buffy the Musical is coming out on CD September 24th!

08-16-02, 11:53 PM
Cool. I need to get that cd. Most of those songs will not get out of my head.

08-23-02, 05:12 PM
Aargh! Double Posting!!!! But the Buffy XBox game is out now, and it's unbelievably cool. some of the vamps even yell D'oh! when they get dusted! Almost the entire cast except for SMG (big Surprise there) appear in the game doing their own voices, and you even get to fight Spike, who is a tough bastard and impossible to kill in the game. If you have an Xbox, get this game!

Mary Loquacious
09-21-02, 04:21 AM
New season's a'coming! New season's a'coming!

I'm so ready for Tuesday night. So, so ready. So ready you wouldn't even believe it if I tried to describe it in more detail.


What's unfortunate is the two weeks left of waiting for the Angel season premiere...

Jonny Goodboy
09-21-02, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Mary Loquacious
I'm so ready for Tuesday night. So, so ready. So ready you wouldn't even believe it if I tried to describe it in more detail.

I don`t believe you...try.

Sir Toose
09-23-02, 03:43 PM
Can someone tell me why this show is such a big deal? I've seen it, I like it, but it ain't the best I've ever seen.

Why do you people like it? What's special about it?

09-24-02, 02:54 AM
What's the deal? It's Buffy! It's just good! I can't explain to people why it's great tv, you either get it or you don't. I, for one, will be front and center on tuesday for the season premiere. And I will be getting the "Once more...with feeling" CD. (in stores on the very same day...JOY!) Buffy is the only show I really watch anymore. Once I start working again, it'll be the only show I watch at all.

Mary Loquacious
09-26-02, 03:01 AM
I dig Buffy for many, many reasons. The snappy, insightful writing, which is some of the best on TV. The characters, who've evolved so far by now that they're as real as you can get in fiction. The drama and the humor. The monsters. The many comings of the Apocalypse. The bad guys--again, some of the best on TV.

I dig the way it feels like real life, with real problems and real emotions--and, sure, the things that go bump in the night. There've been a lot of shows on TV that have dealt with the paranormal, and some of them are great. But it's damn hard to maintain a balance between the character's lives in the "real" world and their lives as evil-thwarters, and Buffy has maintained that balance consistently and believably for six years--and it still manages to make me laugh during every episode, and cry during more than a few.

This, I think, is as close as I can get to an explanation of why I like the show. I think there's an element of Monkey's "you either get it or you don't" in there--but then, there's an element of that in just about everything, yes? :)

Sir Toose
09-26-02, 10:30 AM
Thanks for answering Monkey and Mary... oooohh cool alliteration...Monkey and Mary sittin' in a tree..HeeHee

I digress

I think I've watched the show maybe three times. I like Sara Michelle Gellar, I think she's an awesome actress. I'm going to give it more of a chance this season, I mean all you Buffy lovers can't be wrong.

Mary Loquacious
09-27-02, 02:45 AM
(sings in Adam Sandler whine)

Twenty million Buffy fans can't be wrong...

This season would be a good one to get into, Toose--it's to be a return to the funny, with less of the angsty. And the last two seasons have been most angsty and dramatic, what with death, lust, evil, addiction, etc., figuring heavily into the storylines... and that's just the good guys.

Cripes, I'm ready for more. More, more, more. The season opener was a rockin' good time, with a nice glimpse of what looks to be this season's Big Bad. It's a doozy.

Hey, anyone else see the season opener? Any theories, conjectures, for what's to come? I've got a few, but I need company if I'm going to put my lame ideas out for public consumption... ;)

Sir Toose
09-27-02, 10:42 AM
Yes oh loquacious one... I'm on it. I'll let you know if i can dig or not.

09-28-02, 01:56 AM
New season of Buffy: Most excellent.

I loved the vamp getting stuck in his grave and asking Buffy to help him out. "I think my foot is twisted around a root..":laugh:
I loved Dawn getting Slayer Lessons.
Xander helped build the new Hellmouth High? weird.
I still wonder if Spike's going to be good or evil. (I choose evil, but I don't get to choose.)
and I hope both Giles and Willow return to sunnydale soon.

As for the new big bad? WHAT IS GOING ON? is it a combo of all previous villains, is it using Spike as it's minion, is it tormenting him because he's so weak and unable to stop it? It's all very intriguing. I can't wait to see how this turns out.

Mary Loquacious
10-29-02, 02:10 PM
Time to rev this thread back up again. This post is for the fans--Monkey Man, I'm talking to you. :D And, of course, any other big fans here (Jonny Goodboy, Dante, etc.).

I got an e-mail from a friend who subscribes to an online spoiler fan site (she's a very, very bad girl for loving the spoilers, but I digress). She was sent a survey for BtVS fans that's being used as the basis for a pop culture study on fandom, and, while it is fairly lengthy, it looks pretty neat. And, hey, if you're a Buffy fan, you should support any and all academia that recognizes the phenomenon that is our beloved show.

The link:


Check it out, won't you?

And I've seen the Buffy CD, but haven't gotten it yet. Arg! :frustrated: I hate being poor. And white. And trash.

10-30-02, 04:01 AM
Just took the survey. It's very thorough. :yup:

Anyway....I finally get what's going on with Spike. As a result of getting his soul back, he's getting bombarded by the voices and faces of everyone he's wronged as well as random flashbacks of his human life. Psychic feedback, if you will. I'm starting to like Dawn more this year. I think she's coming into her own as a character, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was to become the next Slayer after Buffy, who, I'm thinking is toast at season's end. I may be wrong. She may sign on for another season, I don't know. I read somewhere Faith is coming back by the end of the year. Now SHE has a higher chance of meeting her maker at year's end, I think. I hope they can get Angel to appear in at least one Ep if this is the last year. Last thing, I hope things turn out happy for Willow. She deserves it after last year. Tara getting capped was the single most disturbing thing I've seen on tv ever. (It's a tie with Anya getting Impaled against the wall on last week's Ep, actually...).

Mary Loquacious
10-31-02, 06:25 PM
Yeah, my friends and I have noticed the Dawn-coolage this season--definitely a gear-up for Dawnie taking center stage once Sarah moves on. No one'd want to watch the show if was all about whiny, bratty, klepto Dawn. And I think they've done a creditable job with the attitude adjustment--she's getting more power and more responsibility, so she's becoming much more cool and mature.

You think they'll kill Buffy again? I dunno... I read somewhere (wish I could remember) that Sarah's signed a deal to appear in a handful of eps next season, rather like what Tony Head's got going this season. Of course, it could be flashback material, but I doubt it.

And I'm definitely liking the Spike stuff, and I think you're right. However, I do think we're going to be finding that there's even more to it--the multi-facial Big Baddie, for instance...

11-06-02, 12:13 AM
Just watched the new Buffy ep. A few things: The Breeders are just....ROCK. One of my all time favorites. Almost as good as when Joey Ramone's "Stop Thinking About it" was playing at the Bronze in the recent giant worm episode. Dawn takes center stage again, she's starting to seem like a mix between Buffy and first season Willow, confident, yet....not. Spike and Xander teaming up actually worked...But for how long? Will trying to turn Mr. Football Hero into a girl.:laugh: Liked the 1970's "Starsky and Hutch" music, too.

Off topic a little, but not really. I was watching the movie S.F.W. today. Amber Benson was in one scene as a high school student who....well, not like anyone but me would watch such a bizarre flick, but I don't want to give away the ending. Anyway, It just made me laugh. I just saw her and said, out loud, no less, (Nobody was home) "Hey! It's Tara!" this got me thinking:

What are the best movies featuring Buffy cast members, and on the flip side, what are the worst?

My picks for best:

S.F.W. (Amber Benson)
Cruel Intentions (Sarah Michelle Gellar in her only watchable big screen role!)
American Pie (Alyson Hannigan)


American Pie 2 (Alyson Hannigan)
Scooby Doo (Sarah Michelle Gellar)
I Know What You Did Last Summer (Sarah Michele Gellar)

(honestly, the list of bad SMG movies just goes on and on...)

Jonny Goodboy
11-07-02, 10:21 PM
Damn!!!...Too..............many...............spoilers....:frustrated: ...........must.................refrain.............from..............reading...............any..... ......more.............new.............season............not............yet.................started. ...........here......................yet. :frustrated:


Anyway, where`s that survey.

11-13-02, 12:42 AM
If you don't wanna see any spoilers, even vague as hell ones, avert your eyes, children....

Just watched the new Buffy Ep. I was wondering when our morphing big bad would come back. It was back hard-core tonight. Liked Dawn doing spells to cast whatever the hell it was out of her house, the two surviving geeks are back, so's Cassie (sort of....Evil Laugh), and Spike is back to his old ways, which I don't get, or was HE our morphy pal too? (I want spike to be evil again so bad. He was funnier that way.) This was a fantastic episode all around.

Something I need to know: Who was the singer at the beginning of this ep? It's going to bother me if I don't know.

Mary Loquacious
09-26-03, 11:23 PM
Okay. Let's discuss Buffy some more, eh?

And, of course, the new season of Angel. :D See the "Buffy on Angel" thread for my single solitary bit of spoiler knowledge... if you dare...


09-27-03, 02:09 AM
Oh yes! I love the Buffy thread! Thanks for bringing it back!

New Angel eps start wednesday, but I gotta work! :bawling: I'll have my bro tape em for me. Spike shoulda stayed deceased, but I'll give them the benifit of a doubt. Hell, Ben Edlund, one of the producers of Angel went to HS with a guy I know, and he made up the tick, so....

Mary Loquacious
09-28-03, 04:04 AM
At least you'll have the taping of it.

Oooo, and I just realized something. Now that I'll be working days, I'll be able to watch Angel without the taping.

I'm very, very ready for the new season. Angel has seriously come into its own in the last two seasons--as much as I love Season One for its many great moments, it really did suffer from being in the shadow of Buffy. But Seasons Two and Three were consistently in top form--with the kicker being that holy-sheep-sh*t season ender.

And, no, I ain't talkin' about Connor's boring-but-loving new life. I'm talking about the Angel gang taking over at Wolfram & Hart.

I seriously don't think they could have made a bolder or more intelligent move. It introduces so much internal conflict for the characters--and the possibilities are endless. Mind-boggling, even. I am all agog. :D

It is with great, great interest that I'm going to tune in on Wednesday night. And now that two of the greatest Buffy writers are going to be scribbling for Angel now--Drew "Continuity Man" Goddard and the great god Joss Himself--as well as having people like Ben Edlund (!) and oldie-but-goodie David Fury on the writing team, I foresee great things to happen.

And there's that Spike guy, too. And some Buffy guestings.

Bring it on, folks. And, for God's sake, bring back Lindsay! Mr. Goddard, I believe I am talking to you. :D

09-30-03, 01:48 AM
Yeah, I'll see every ep about two days or so later, but I'll see 'em, so don't post any spoilers!

Fun Buffy Stuff:

Reading the latest Buffy comic series, a three part trilogy set after the ill fated Movie, and leading up to Buffy's parents divorce and to the first episode. This is some cool (and Joss Whedon approved) stuff. It features the story of Buffy's stay at a mental institution, AND just how Wolfram and Hart first found out about Angel! Plus, a conjoined twin Vamp, which is pretty funny.

10-03-03, 08:57 AM
I'm talking about the Angel gang taking over at Wolfram & Hart.

yep, totally agree there...the directions it cold go in now are limitless...CAAAN'T WAIT (it won't aire here in Oz for another 6 months at least :bawling: )

i had never watched Buffy until Angel started...and then my eyeballs got a load of Spike and i started to watch both shows just to perve on him...3.5 years later, i'm Buff-dicted (hey, i just made a new word :D )

i never got to see the Buffy/Angel lovestory unfold so when Buffy and Spike started to get it on, i was hooked - unlike die-hard fans of the show who loved the Buffy/Angel saga so much they "hated" the Spuffy bits....what about you guys? love or hate Spuffyness??

i know i'm not the only one on the planet who Spuffys (cause i can google and i've found heaps of Spuffy fansites :D) but i am beginning to think i'm the only one in Australia...i know not ONE person agrees with me...i used to talk Buffy every Tuesday morning with a girls at work (about the previous night's episode)...sometimes she had taped it and hadn't seen it yet, so if i told her there had been Buffy/Spike sex scenes the night before, she refused to watch the episode

anyway, thanks Mary for bringing up this thread :) would love to read your opinions about the new Angel shows seeing as i won't be watching them for ages yet

Mary Loquacious
10-04-03, 02:41 AM
i never got to see the Buffy/Angel lovestory unfold so when Buffy and Spike started to get it on, i was hooked - unlike die-hard fans of the show who loved the Buffy/Angel saga so much they "hated" the Spuffy bits....what about you guys? love or hate Spuffyness??

Oh, that you haven't seen the B & A saga... It truly is wonderful, in a completely tragic kind of way. :D

However, I don't mind the Spuffy--I actually thought it was a good plot development, especially the way they handled it this last season. Although I always held a secret hope, even when she turned gay, that he and Willow would hook up. :blush: It's dumb.

But thank God he got rid of Dru. As funny as she was, there's only so much you can take.

"I'm naming all the stars..."
"Can't see the stars, love. That's the ceiling. Also, it's day."
"I've given them all the same name, and there's terrible confusion. I fear there may be a duel..."

anyway, thanks Mary for bringing up this thread :) would love to read your opinions about the new Angel shows seeing as i won't be watching them for ages yet

Oh, I feel so bad for you. That's unfair in the unfairest sense of the word. I'll keep the spoilers to a minimum... unless you like them. ;)

My feelings, in brief, on the season opener of Angel:

I'm feeling good things. The episode itself, as so many season openers were, was good--and so very enjoyable--but not great. I'm not disappointed, though. It seems to be a tradition for both Buffy and Angel to start off as merely good (or even a tad subpar--anyone remember "The Freshman"? No? Exactly. :p ) and then pick up steam around the fifth-ish episode.

And thanks to Mr. Whedon, there is much of the great and quotable in this ep. :D

Peon Marine-type: "Whatever happened to mercy?"
Angel: "He just saw the last of it."

I've got more, but I'll add them later. This post is approaching its maximum velocity as it is. :p

Lots of stuff for the season set up, though:

I like Fred's new role--she seriously gets a take-charge girl kind of attitude--and while there's a smidge of sexual tension between her and Wesley, it's not being played up much as of yet. Very nicely done.

And Gunn. Hooo, boy. We got some hints that W & H were going to attempt to use him in some way--he met the new Conduit last season, remember--and we find out at least a bit of the company's plans for him. And things look... interesting. :D I'm ready for a Gwen Raiden ep, and I'm ready for it now.

Arg. I want to post more specifically, but this post is huge already and I don't know how much to tell. And the spoilers tags are just too much for me to handle right now. So, I'll leave it at this, and post more later. :yup:

10-04-03, 12:21 PM
I've had a rather disturbing and horrifying thought.

What if Dawn and Conner end up getting together? :scream:

Imagine the spawn of hell that would arise from this pair. :eek: shudder

Mary Loquacious
10-04-03, 02:29 PM
I've had a rather disturbing and horrifying thought.

What if Dawn and Conner end up getting together? :scream:

Imagine the spawn of hell that would arise from this pair. :eek: shudder

Ah, God--don't give the writers any ideas!

A whiny, homicidal, klepto kid with a serious inferiority complex and straight hair...

Kill it before it grows. That's all I've got to say. :eek: :sick:

10-06-03, 09:42 AM
oh pleeeeease don't limit your spoilers...WHAT WILL I HAVE LEFT?????

Mary Loquacious
10-06-03, 10:43 PM
oh pleeeeease don't limit your spoilers...WHAT WILL I HAVE LEFT?????

:laugh: The cry of the desperate fan. I feel your pain. And thus I shall soon post a quite spoiler-heavy--with tags, never fear, for those who don't want to be spoiled--review of eps one and two.

I cannot wait for Wednesday. I just freakin' can't. :D

10-07-03, 08:14 AM
you're a doll :D

Mary Loquacious
10-15-03, 04:41 AM
Ack. Sorry about the lateness--I've been meaning to post for days now, and I still haven't quite got the energy for a real review. :p

However, I'll put in a few thoughts whilst I'm here.

Again, I must say I'm digging on the new dynamic. Adding Spike into the mix has been good for the show: giving Angel someone he truly can't stand, and yet can't get rid of, for verbal jousts while spicing up the lives of the still-new, still-quite-uncomfortable-with-their-new-jobs Angelettes.

Spoilers below. Beware!

Spike as a ghost is almost as good as Spike with a chip. Once again, he's rendered incapable of doing the one thing he can do fairly well: kill, punch, kick, etc. And the writers are keeping up with the introspection that has come to our boy in the last few years, and not just because of the soul. He doesn't want to be alive, because he wants to have died a hero. A true hero. And yet he's afraid of "moving on" (something the writers are playing up with his frequent "fuzzing out" of the material plain) because he's afraid he'll go to Hell--and, as he says to Fred just before asking her for help, "That's not where heroes go."

And, funny thing about Fred: she and Spike have an interesting chemistry, different from but akin to the one he had with Faith. She's the only Angelette who seems to fully sympathize with him, and she's also the only Angelette who has the scientific know-how to possibly help him in his ultimate goals: either to live again (so to speak) or to make it to Heaven.

Hmm... ;D

And, of course, lest we forget that prophecy--the one about the "vampire with a soul"? Well, Angel ain't the only vamp-kid on the block with a soul now...

10-16-03, 01:28 PM
GOSH did anyone see the previews for the next episode whoa totally creepy and Icant wait.. I hope fred can help spike

Pappa Bear
10-17-03, 12:06 AM
hey BlackQueen, good seeing ya finally. fred and spike seem like are really hitting it off, not in a romantic thing, but as friends. She just all of a sudden feels for him and spike isit pushing her away (maybe cause he knows shes the only one who WILL help him). These two are going to be very tight i feel.

10-21-03, 11:03 AM
MARY: thanks so much for that review...there' sno one i'd rather hear it from...kiss kiss (and keep em coming pliiiiiiiizzzzzzzzz) :)

Mary Loquacious
10-21-03, 11:18 AM
MARY: thanks so much for that review...there' sno one i'd rather hear it from...kiss kiss (and keep em coming pliiiiiiiizzzzzzzzz) :)

I totally will. In fact, I'll post some more thoughts on last week's ep right this very minute. :D

Werewolves on Buffy shows: there must be something written down in the Book of Joss that states, "Thou shalt make certain that any werewolf costume must appear to be lame."

Seriously, folks. First we get Oz's terrier-wolf, then we get Veruca's Gwar-wolf, and now we get what appears to be... well, I just don't know. The Angel crew must have seen Dog Soldiers at some point, and while the look is much better--taller, less hairy--it's still so freakin' obvious that it's a costume. Surely they could spend more money, couldn't they, to make their werewolves scarier?

Ah, well. It's a beef I've had with them for a long time. Another beef with me is that they must always throw blonde women at Angel for potential love interests, and werewolf girl seems to be most definitely that. Another recurring character, another blonde love interest... Which reminds me: where the hell is Gwen Raiden, who of course is neither blonde nor an Angel love interest? I seriously want to know what she thinks of the Wolfram & Hart deal, not to mention Gunn's transformation to gansta lawya.

And, since I'm on the shallow end, I might as well throw this in, as well. :D Angel's hair this season makes me shudder. It's longer now, and gelled back. And yuck. :sick: ;)

10-21-03, 11:31 AM
"Thou shalt make certain that any werewolf costume must appear to be lame."


Angel's hair this season makes me shudder. It's longer now, and gelled back. And yuck. :sick: ;)

but its ok...we've got Spike now...hubba hubba

10-30-03, 10:23 AM
"Guess what i wanna do now you prissy son of a b@itch"
Spike (Angel 5x04, Hellbound)

quote of the season so far!!

i am mysteriously getting my hands on copies of season 5 :D

Mary Loquacious
10-30-03, 10:54 AM
i am mysteriously getting my hands on copies of season 5 :D

YAY! See, now I'm glad I wasn't posting spoilers all over the place--now you get to see it all happen new and fresh-like.

And now we can compare notes. One of my favorite moments:

"Blondie Bear?!"

:laugh: Harmony's mix-and-match metaphors have been lovely, too. :D

10-30-03, 09:12 PM
:laugh: Harmony's mix-and-match metaphors have been lovely, too. :D

Harmony has minions? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Another classic line.

She had so many good scenes.

I also loved the bitch-slap fest between her and Xander. :D

10-31-03, 02:13 AM
Okay. Finally need to start posting again. I like Angel, but don't love it in the same way I did Buffy, but it's all we got left, so...I'm never home to watch it, but my girl tapes it religiously for me so I get to see it. :love: (I am so her b*tch..)

First, I do like the addition of Spike. Brings a nasty sense of humor to the show that I think it needed. But I hope they don't hook up Spike with Fred. Amy literally screamed "NO!" when they started looking too chummy. Neither of us thinks spike has a chance with Buffy, but he should not hook up with Fred.

I like what they're doing with Lorne and Gunn, but they need to give Wesley something to do. He really hasn't done anything yet.

Angel is like a chick magnet this year! Eve, that werewolf girl who's name escapes me... ahh, just as long as cordelia doesn't come back. Angel/Cordelia was just wrong.

Lastly, am I the only one who thought Spike/Faith coulda worked? They so should have done that, but like Evil Spike and Faith. That would have made some kick-ass eps.

10-31-03, 05:50 AM
Spike and Fred...no no no no no no nooooo..it HAS to be Fred and Wesley...a jealous Wes would just sulk [eeewwwww] but a jealous Spike can be evil and do stupid things, in that oh-so-lovable way of his, always messing up and then trying to redeem himself

but they need to give Wesley something to do. He really hasn't done anything yet.
y'know, i hadn't noticed until you said that...i was still all excited that Spike was there...but yes, Wes needs a job!!! i liked him and Leila and we saw the naughty side of him (although i didn't like Leila, i thought she was too weak an actor)

Angel is like a chick magnet this year! ... ahh, just as long as cordelia doesn't come back. Angel/Cordelia was just wrong.
"this year"..the man is a WALKING chick magnet...he is daaaamn fine!!
and what is the story with Cordelia...she still in a coma?? anyone know if she has signed on for any more episodes??

Lastly, am I the only one who thought Spike/Faith coulda worked? They so should have done that, but like Evil Spike and Faith. That would have made some kick-ass eps.
spot on!!! that would have been cool

i'm a bit of a wallpaper-ho and this is the best new Angel wallpaper i have found which includes Spike
http://home.iprimus.com.au/n7of9/index/my%20site%20gifs/new%20angel%20small.jpg click here (http://home.iprimus.com.au/n7of9/index/Wallpapers/new%20angel.jpg) for the desktop size

11-04-03, 01:59 AM
From the "Charisma Carpenter" website: "We are able to confirm today that, as per the WB cast listing, there are no plans at the present time for Charisma to return to the show. However, if the opportunity presents itself, the possibility exists that she could return as a guest star or in a series recurring role (similar to Lorne). For the fifth season, Andy Hallett and James Marsters join the cast as series regulars."

This was posted in June of this year. Yep, still in a coma.

And yes, I agree, Wesley needs a little more attention. I did enjoy the "bad" Wesley and like the way his character has evolved. I think they ought to bring back Willow for a couple of guest spots.

12-06-03, 10:41 PM
Seems like this thread is dying.... Does anyone here have the Buffy video game (any of them) and do you like it and how far are you?

I have both of the xbox games. I like the first one better, but there is this one point I can't do without dying. I am progressing a bit more in the second one... but I want to kill the girl who does the voice of Willow.

For Christmas I am asking for a Gameboy Advance so I can get the Buffy Gameboy Advance game. That looks good and I don't know anyone who has played it. There is also a Buffy Gameboy Color game (which also plays on Gameboy Advance) out there, but it is out of stock. You can find it on www.half.com. I want to get that as well.

The games are the only way "Buffy" can live on.

12-07-03, 01:24 AM
I played the first Xbox Buffy game and was pretty impressed. As far as TV game adaptions go that was most impressive.

Revenge of Mr M
12-07-03, 09:53 PM
Hey I still haven't seen the last six ever episodes, as I'm cheap and don't have cable. So I'll um read this topic later. Oh yeah the Buffy game. I'd buy it but erm I'm short of cash and am going to get Counter-strike anyway ;)

12-12-03, 03:13 PM
Buffy related goodness:

I just got Joss Whedon's comic book "Fray," which is just fantastic so far. It's a THICK comic book, but it's well worth it for $20 bucks. It is about a future Slayer, named Fray, obviously, set way after Buffy and Faith's time, when the whole Slayer mythology has pretty much been forgotten and nobody even remembers what vampires are. Plus, it introduced the Slayer weapon that Buffy got in the last few eps of the last season! Much coolness. Every Buffy fan should pick it up, I think, and it should be made into a movie directed by Luc Besson! (Natalie Portman should play Fray. It is so obvious!!!)

12-19-03, 11:42 AM
Buffy related goodness:

I just got Joss Whedon's comic book "Fray," which is just fantastic so far. It's a THICK comic book, but it's well worth it for $20 bucks. It is about a future Slayer, named Fray, obviously, set way after Buffy and Faith's time, when the whole Slayer mythology has pretty much been forgotten and nobody even remembers what vampires are. Plus, it introduced the Slayer weapon that Buffy got in the last few eps of the last season! Much coolness. Every Buffy fan should pick it up, I think, and it should be made into a movie directed by Luc Besson! (Natalie Portman should play Fray. It is so obvious!!!)

Being a comic fan and a massive buffy addict, I will have to check this out! Thanks for the heads up :)

12-30-03, 02:54 AM
ok well I've never done this thread stuff but i saw this one and couldn't resist. To start I'm the biggest Buffy and Angel fan ever. all the character's are cool except Riley and Cordeila. they were just annoying. Riley and buffy were just YUCk. Especially after Buffy and ANgel :) Willow was Awesome especially in seasons 1-3. Dawn was kind of annoying afetr a while though. I am SO sad buffy is over and am now reduced to watching trailers for the next episode of angel on thewb.com and buying old seasons on dvd ( I just need seasons 1, 6, and 7!!!)

12-30-03, 04:33 AM
charisma carpenter IS coming back only for the 100th episode and SMG will not be appearing during the 5th season.

05-15-04, 12:52 PM
Hi people i am a massive buffy and angel fan i love it and ive been hooked since season 1!

Xander is my fave-he has the best lines, 'Maybe it's a vampire bat'

05-20-04, 11:11 AM

Angel finale last night was quite good.

Ciao Buffy-verse shows, we will miss you!!


05-20-04, 11:15 AM
i can't beleive two of the greatest shows ever are finished it sucks a$$

07-26-04, 02:03 PM

Been watching Season 6 again... Most don't like this season but I think it's great...

Mary Loquacious
07-27-04, 01:17 AM

Been watching Season 6 again... Most don't like this season but I think it's great...

Season Six was like a train wreck in so many ways for our beloved characters. I mean, it ain't no coincidence that two of the pivotal episodes were "Smashed" and "Wrecked." The whole season is just painful--I remember watching them going through their various breakdowns and thinking, "Oh, my God. I wish I could help them in some way, or at least give them each a hug and some hot chocolate." This doesn't in any way negate its quality (in fact, it was probably the ballsy-est season of them all, which is saying something) but I think it definitely adds to the not-likey factor for a lot of fans.

As for where I'd put it in my rankings... I can't say yet. I need to watch all the eps again. Cripes, I haven't seen any of them since their original airings...! And I call myself a fan. :nope: :blush:

But I've got Season Five on divid as we speak (borrowed, of course, as I'm poor as hell, and currently up to "I Was Made to Love You," which I'm very excited to see again) so hopefully I'll be moving on to Six within a month or so. :D That makes me happy, that thought.

I'll be posting my second-time-around thoughts on Season Five as a whole once I'm finished... not that this is, like, amazing news or anything :rolleyes:... but I gotta say that I'm surprised at all the stuff I didn't remember--little details that really make a difference when you know how it's all gonna end. Very cool stuff. Anyway, more on that later.

07-27-04, 01:32 AM
Season Six was like a train wreck in so many ways for our beloved characters. I mean, it ain't no coincidence that two of the pivotal episodes were "Smashed" and "Wrecked." The whole season is just painful--I remember watching them going through their various breakdowns and thinking, "Oh, my God. I wish I could help them in some way, or at least give them each a hug and some hot chocolate." This doesn't in any way negate its quality (in fact, it was probably the ballsy-est season of them all, which is saying something) but I think it definitely adds to the not-likey factor for a lot of fans.

I agree with you somewhat, but the second time around, I didn't find season 6 as depressing as I did the first time watching it. Probably cause I knew what was going to happen, but still. It was intended to provoke the fans, i think, but I ended up liking it more for all of it's "let's just torture the hell out of the characters" bravado. Honestly one of the reasons I like buffy so much is the constant turmoil the characters' relationships go through. If it was just buffy fighting the monster of the week, it wouldn't have been as addictive. Still not loving the tara killing, cause tara was one of my favorite characters, but I still love the whole season.

Mary Loquacious
07-27-04, 01:58 AM
It was intended to provoke the fans, i think, but I ended up liking it more for all of it's "let's just torture the hell out of the characters" bravado. Honestly one of the reasons I like buffy so much is the constant turmoil the characters' relationships go through. If it was just buffy fighting the monster of the week, it wouldn't have been as addictive.

Oh, absolutely. But there was something so much darker in all of the downward spirals in Season Six--they'd been in bad places before, but this time around all those bad places were rooted in themselves. Willow's addiction to magic, Buffy's resentment of being alive again and inability to adjust, Giles's debate over leaving (again), the sadness that was Xander and Anya's breakup...

This definitely ain't Monster of the Week, but it isn't your typical Buffy Big Bad-centric drama, either. The previous seasons were much more black-and-white--and even more innocent--but six is nothing but shades of grey. "We have seen the enemy, and it is us" (I'm mangling the quote, but the sentiment is the same): the real badness--Warren aside--of which there was plenty, was inside the characters. Season Six took all the turmoil that could possibly have been and twisted it into dark reflections of all the core Scoobies--without creating doppelgangers or robots. Nope. All of them screwed themselves up right and proper without it being the fault of a spell or the machinations of anyone--the way we all do, only in the Buffyverse people tend to die or get maimed more often. And this theme has been used in other seasons, o' course, but it hadn't before been so completely realized.

That's why Warren works well as a villain for this season: he's just a bad guy. Maybe he could have been an all right person under the right circumstances, but he's just an ordinary, everyday a*shole with two willing and useful lackeys--he's a human monster. And Willow as the real Season Six Big Bad is so perfect, and fits so well with everything that had been unfolding/set up during the last few seasons: one of the inner circle goes haywire and becomes everything they've been fighting for the last six years. We saw it with Angel, but it got perfected with Willow.

Ack. I feel like I'm blabbing in circles here, so I'm going to stop. But I just had to let some of my ideas out, 'cause your comment really got me thinking, MP... :)

07-27-04, 02:55 AM
Oh, absolutely. But there was something so much darker in all of the downward spirals in Season Six--they'd been in bad places before, but this time around all those bad places were rooted in themselves. Willow's addiction to magic, Buffy's resentment of being alive again and inability to adjust, Giles's debate over leaving (again), the sadness that was Xander and Anya's breakup...

Okay, here's something that I noticed because it is something I have first hand experience with, unfortunately, but watching season 6 again, i became painfully aware that Buffy's resentment of being alive again was a thinly veiled way to address what it's like suffering from depression. I mean, as I watched the eps again, i was like "Oh my god, I have felt like that!" or "I have said that!" Just the idea that you're not really living, you're just "going through the motions," That being invisible and not really existing would be better than having to deal with the pain of your every day life, shutting yourself off from those who are your closest friends, indulging in self destructive behaviour, and the intense guilt and self-loathing that comes from it....I recognized these as things i have done or felt in the past 8 or 9 months, and it really woke me up! Buffy as therapy...who would have known? Season 6 had finally turned Buffy herself into my favorite character because for the first time, I understood what she's going through. If I ever met Sarah Michelle Gellar, I would just give her the biggest hug that anyone has ever gotten, i swear. (she'd then call the police, I'm sure, but I mean, i haven't been touched that deeply by a TV show before or since....) Wow, I am just rambling on and on....but now I am really thinking about this a lot. I love having someone to talk Buffy with again! :)

Mary Loquacious
07-27-04, 03:17 AM
I love having someone to talk Buffy with again! :)

Same here. :)

And I know exactly what you mean about the depression thing, although at this time last year, I don't think I would have understood it so well. I've only been through one period of real, major, can't-eat-can't-sleep-can't-pull-myself-out-of-it depression, but that was enough--and I couldn't just let myself shut down. Instead, I just pretended everything was okay and that I was fine... which of course made it all that much worse (pretty much like Buffy). Before that, I'd never truly understood (or truly sympathized) with people who suffered from it--including Buffy during Season Six.

Now I do. And I just realized that re-watching Season Six is going to be a helluva lot more painful on a personal level now than it was two years ago. Is it sick that I'm kind of looking forward to some cathartic misery?

Hmm... I say no. Even when I was feeling my worst, I didn't try to destroy the world or flay anyone alive magically. So I've got that going for me, which is nice. :p

07-27-04, 03:33 AM
Same here. :)

And I know exactly what you mean about the depression thing, although at this time last year, I don't think I would have understood it so well. I've only been through one period of real, major, can't-eat-can't-sleep-can't-pull-myself-out-of-it depression, but that was enough--and I couldn't just let myself shut down. Instead, I just pretended everything was okay and that I was fine... which of course made it all that much worse (pretty much like Buffy). Before that, I'd never truly understood (or truly sympathized) with people who suffered from it--including Buffy during Season Six.

Now I do. And I just realized that re-watching Season Six is going to be a helluva lot more painful on a personal level now than it was two years ago. Is it sick that I'm kind of looking forward to some cathartic misery?

Hmm... I say no. Even when I was feeling my worst, I didn't try to destroy the world or flay anyone alive magically. So I've got that going for me, which is nice. :p

Yeah, I didn't understand it at all the first time I saw it either, but it wasn't till the second time around that I broke down crying during 90% of the episodes. (That and all the episodes about buffy's mum in season 5 just tear me up BIG TIME.) I just saw so much of myself in Buffy, even though I'm a guy...lol. Honestly, the first time I watched the eps, I sympathized with spike more, him being a man so madly in love with a girl who won't tell anyone about their relationship because she cares more about what other people will think than she actually cares about him...but I don't wanna talk about that...

But yeah, it's cathartic. I think that I have watched Season 6 more times than any other season for that reason. I mean, the final episode of that season is just a revelation, honestly. I mean, no, i really don't have friends who will stick by me through the bad times as many of them have so wonderfully demonstrated on many occasions, but that Buffy's and Willow's friends did not give up on them was just this awe inspiring thing.

Mary Loquacious
07-27-04, 03:41 AM
But yeah, it's cathartic. I think that I have watched Season 6 more times than any other season for that reason. I mean, the final episode of that season is just a revelation, honestly. I mean, no, i really don't have friends who will stick by me through the bad times as many of them have so wonderfully demonstrated on many occasions, but that Buffy's and Willow's friends did not give up on them was just this awe inspiring thing.

Nicely said. And that point is driven home so perfectly by the fact that it isn't superpowers that save the world this time. Instead, it's Xander, and his pure, unwavering friendship and love.

Kinda warms those cockle-thingies in your heart, whatever they are. :D And the most validating way to end a season that was built on all-consuming emotional and psychological suffering.

07-27-04, 03:55 AM
Once again, I totally agree. it was nice that Xander got to save the world for once, too. I've always rooted for him. when I first started watching Buffy, he was the character i identified with most, and not just because he was the only guy. haha.

I think I need to just have a Buffy Marathon on my next day off.

Oh, any idea when season 7 dvd comes out?

07-27-04, 07:50 PM
Season 7 should come out in OCTOBER!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

(sorry for that random burst on energy)

Anyway, been reading your discussion on season 6 and, yeah, I have to agree with you. When I first saw it for a while I was like, wow Buffy's being such a b*tch. But then I realized why she was acting the way she did. Took me a little while, lol. Then I was taken to a whole new understanding. I was a little younger when I first watched it, so I think rewatching the DVDs now has definitely had an impact.

07-29-04, 04:34 AM
Sorta related (in a Joss Whedon sorta way), but do any of y'all who watch Buffy like the show Firefly? I have become a huge fan of it, even though there are ony 13 episodes....oh, and 268 days left till the movie "Serenity"!!!! wicked cool show, though. Joss Whedon set up a really great backstory and a great premise for the show and then it got unfairly cancelled. (but hey, Nathan Fillion, who played the show's anti-hero, got to play Caleb on the last year of Buffy and poke xander's eye out...ewwwwwwww. lol...originally, he was supposed to actually kill xander, but Joss Whedon protested so loudly that Xander got off with just losing an eye.)

07-29-04, 12:42 PM
yeh i thought it was about time something nasty happened to xander, i mean buffy's died twice now and Willow's been all over the place, so Xander got a poke in the eye

07-29-04, 01:19 PM
oh, and 268 days left till the movie "Serenity"!!!

Sorry... I feel really stupid asking this, but what is "serenity"??

07-29-04, 01:23 PM
Sorry... I feel really stupid asking this, but what is "serenity"??

Serenity is the movie being written and directed by Joss Whedon, based on the TV show "Firefly!" If it's a success, he's promised fans two more, and a "Firefly" comic book is in the works at Dark Horse who published the Buffy comics!!! :) :) :) :) :)

07-29-04, 01:26 PM
Serenity is the movie being written and directed by Joss Whedon, based on the TV show "Firefly!" If it's a success, he's promised fans two more, and a "Firefly" comic book is in the works at Dark Horse who published the Buffy comics!!! :) :) :) :) :)

Wow, sounds pretty cool! I wonder why they didn't just call it "Firefly." But still, awesome.

Joss Whedon is my God.

07-29-04, 09:01 PM
I am a huge "Firefly" fan. I never missed it when it was on and I bought the dvd collection.

07-29-04, 09:06 PM
The movie was better then the show........ But the show was good (for the first few seasons anyway)

Mary Loquacious
07-30-04, 01:04 AM
Wow, sounds pretty cool! I wonder why they didn't just call it "Firefly."

I kinda wish they'd call it "The Big Damn Movie."
"Look like we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?"
"Big damn heroes, sir."

When Firefly was on the air, I caught a few episodes here and there and each one seemed to get better and better--the big story elements were coming together, the actors seemed much more comfortable with the dialogue and their characters, etc. Then I found out they were showing them out of order (bastard Fox bastards) and then I found out it was cancelled (see earlier parenthetical, add another "bastard").

But, I have to say, even then I wasn't devastated. I thought, "Well, it could've been great, but it wasn't as good as other Whedon shows that shall remain nameless. Buffy." And then, brothers and sisters, I borrowed the divids from a friend of mine... which seems to be my eternal lot in life, borrowing DVDs... and watched them all, in order, over the course of two days.

That was when I got pissed. What's terrible is that Joss had to have the poor timing to bring a show that is excellently done but... dum dum dum... costs money to make into the reality-show-soaked era of television in which we currently live. They could make five two-hour specials of "When Horrible Things Happen to Stupid People" for the cost of one episode of Firefly, and the execs know what's gonna make 'em more money.

So, goodbye, beloved space western. May you come back to TV land once upon a more enlightened time... and until then, we'll have a damn good time watching the movie and making sure Joss gets enough money to send his kid to college and to create another big damn show.

07-30-04, 01:25 AM
Yeah, I am a serious Firefly fan, I like it better than i like Angel, even. I found the whole premise to be just amazingly complex for a tv show, the special effects were really well done, and the characters were dead on. I can't wait for the movie...and the comic....and the other two movies.....and the very good possibility that the show will be picked up by a different network should the movie be a success. (or so says the god of TV, also known as Joss Whedon)

Favorite Firefly line:

Mal: "They say you should never hit a man with a closed fist, but sometimes it's hilarious."

Mary Loquacious
07-30-04, 01:35 AM
More favorites... bear with me on less-than-precise wordings, as I, of course, do not OWN the DVD set :( ...

"Ah! Curse you and your sudden yet inevitable betrayal!"

Jayne reads aloud from Simon's journal:
"'Dear diary... Today I was pompous and my sister acted crazy. Then we got captured by hill folk and were never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.'"

"I understand. Take me, sir. Take me hard."

"You've only got to scare him."
"Pain is scary."

"I wanna go to the crappy town where I'm a hero."

"Oh, don't worry, honey--he makes everyone cry. He's like a monster."

This one may actually be my favorite line, though...

"Did he just... go crazy and fall asleep?"

07-30-04, 01:49 AM
My all time favorite line, actually:

JAYNE: “You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who’s in ruttin’ command here!”

Mary Loquacious
07-30-04, 01:54 AM
Jayne's got some great ones.

"Well, if wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


07-30-04, 11:53 AM
can someone give me a really brief (im lazy spice) description of Firefly, i wanna kno what all the hoo ha is about?

07-30-04, 05:02 PM
All I know is that it's Sci-Fi... Sorry.

Revenge of Mr M
07-26-05, 06:44 PM
I've dragged up the Whedon topic to inform that for people like me deeply disappointed by the lack of Angel, that he and Spike live on after Not Fade Away! Albeit in comic form.


Gotta love the Angel puppet. As a note, I saw people talking about Jayne, and interestingly (to me anyway) Adam Baldwin's note from Joss when he was playing Hamilton on Angel was "The Anti-Jayne".

07-26-05, 10:16 PM
I've dragged up the Whedon topic to inform that for people like me deeply disappointed by the lack of Angel, that he and Spike live on after Not Fade Away! Albeit in comic form.


Gotta love the Angel puppet. As a note, I saw people talking about Jayne, and interestingly (to me anyway) Adam Baldwin's note from Joss when he was playing Hamilton on Angel was "The Anti-Jayne".

I've read the first two issues so far. good stuff. Spike won't appear in this initial story, it's a solo Angel story, but he will reappear in a Spike one-shot that tells about his origins as a vampire, plus the connection between Halifrek and Cecily, Spike's would be love when he was a human. Then he'll be in the Angel comic.

06-04-06, 05:19 AM
Well. So. I just finished the seventh season of Buffy and this thread was my only comfort. 150 or so episodes later, I have to say: that was an awesome tv show. I started watching it because years ago I dated a guy whose daughters were way into it. And although I've lost touch with them, I'm glad that they had that sort of tv role model - beat the hell out of Suzanne Sommers in 3's Company. Buffy was a brilliant character, and I like what they did with the character, and the supporting characters, over those seven seasons. TV has a new standard.

06-04-06, 05:39 PM
Delilah, I suppose you own all the episodes my correct? Or not.

06-04-06, 07:04 PM
Delilah, I suppose you own all the episodes my correct? Or not.
I own none of them.
I caught the whole series on dvd through Netflix.

06-06-06, 10:16 PM
ok, hands up who thinks buffy loves spike over angel?

06-07-06, 02:54 AM
I think she loved Angel over Spike. Spike screwed things up in many ways, and trusting him would be impossible. I liked Spike at the end, though. Once he got his soul back (and got over that bout of the crazies), he was pretty cool.

06-07-06, 04:20 AM
Obviously Angel.

I've been a fan since day one, I've got the DVDS, the magazines, the novels, the comic books...so on and so forth.

06-07-06, 11:20 AM
good im not alone. buffy clearly loves angel and always will, even spike knew it in the end

06-07-06, 05:43 PM
good im not alone. buffy clearly loves angel and always will, even spike knew it in the end

But didn't she walk away from both of them in Angel season 5? I don't think either of them end up with her.

06-07-06, 07:16 PM
watch the end of season 7 again and its clear who she loves....

06-07-06, 07:39 PM
Not quite sure if you are willing to spend $$$$$, but if you would want to own all the episodes (by any chance) stop by here (http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?PID=6944990&style=movie&frm=lk_kazart). It's basically the only place you will find it since it's discontinued.

06-07-06, 07:43 PM
yeah really dont have the dinero for that
my best friend has the entire collection at home as well as the complete ANGEL series, my own little rental store

06-07-06, 07:45 PM
...my best friend has the entire collection at home as well as the complete ANGEL series, my own little rental store

Perfecto. ;)

06-07-06, 07:49 PM
That's about $1.36 per episode... not too bad. It's backordered since the end of March there.

Also found it for $5 less, used on Amazon.

Still though, $200 for tv I've seen already... :/

06-07-06, 07:53 PM
Also found it for $5 less, used on Amazon.

Anything used I never buy. I won't take the chance. :nope:

03-01-07, 03:06 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that S3 is the weakest of the classic years (i.e. pre-S6)?

03-02-07, 04:19 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that S3 is the weakest of the classic years (i.e. pre-S6)?
Sounds about right to me. I've heard people speak ill of the 6th (the dark season) but I thought that was awesome.

Have you heard about the comic book Whedon's working on? :D It's working-titled "Season 8", I believe.

03-02-07, 04:36 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that S3 is the weakest of the classic years (i.e. pre-S6)?

It is one of my favorite seasons, but that is probably because that is when I picked the show up and really got into it. Hard to pick a weak season, but I would have to say season 1 and season 7 are my least favorite, even though I loved the whole Caleb arc in 7. I just hated the slayer-ettes. As far as the weakest episodes... I would think Season four clocks in with stuff like Beer Bad. I loved Six. I miss Anya :(

03-04-07, 09:14 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that S3 is the weakest of the classic years (i.e. pre-S6)?

I thought that season 3 was one of the best, actually. Season 4 is not good, though it has a few stand out episodes.

Pyro Tramp
03-04-07, 09:29 PM
I got all the Season on DVD for £15 each and rewatched them all around Xmas and I'm with Sedai; Season 7 and 1 are probably weakest. 7 got too tacky and had no real direction, got the impression they set up the First Evil thinking it was a good idea then realised they didn't know how to finish it, thank god for Nathan Fillion. Season 1 was more episodic and bit too 90s and the characters weren't fully realised. Season 2 was when the foundations were really laid i think, Season 3 was good with Faith and Angel, Season 4 and the Initiative was pretty cool. Season 5 was always least memorable but after rewatching there's a lot to enjoy in it, Riley became tired but they worked his character quite well i thought. Season 6 was really fun (The Trio) and a great potential finish to the franchise with Willow and Zander's character archs.

03-05-07, 01:41 PM
I really thought the comedy in 5 was great... The underlings of Glorificus always had me rolling...

I still miss Anya :(

Revenge of Mr M
04-04-07, 06:02 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that S3 is the weakest of the classic years (i.e. pre-S6)?

Wow, you're wrong! It's the best. I've always thought it was the best year. It's when the show really hit top gear. I stopped short of saying matured, because it did that towards the end of 2, but as a whole, everything about S3 was better, that is to say, the characters, character development, plot, guest characters, individuals and thematically.

Thursday Next
04-04-07, 06:09 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that S3 is the weakest of the classic years (i.e. pre-S6)?

I think S3 has some of the best individual episodes (Doppelgangland, Enemies etc.)...but the Buffy/Angel romance in this season is too much to sit through sometimes. Plus, I like Spike and he's barely in this season.

04-05-07, 08:54 AM
Wow, you're wrong! It's the best. I've always thought it was the best year. It's when the show really hit top gear. I stopped short of saying matured, because it did that towards the end of 2, but as a whole, everything about S3 was better, that is to say, the characters, character development, plot, guest characters, individuals and thematically.

I think it has one of the worst structured story arcs. It was their first attempt at having one overflowing arc throughout the 22 episodes (the Angelus thing from S2 is more of a mini-arc) and I don't think it quite worked. I know that many don't love S4 but I always felt that was the first one to have a brilliantly structured arc that truly felt like they planned it all from the beginning. Right from the end of the first episode, "The Freshmen", you see members of the Initiative appear. I loved how S4 put little clues like that throughout the season. You really got the feeling that the writers knew where it was going.

S3, though, didn't feel like that. I found it far too fragmented. I think it may be because of Faith, who we know is going to play a big part, and yet she kept disappearing in between episodes. And there's the fact that we thought Mr. Trick was going to be the Big Bad but then they dumped him half-way through, I think. S3 also had these overlong character arcs that didn't quite seem to go anywhere. The reason why is, I think, they were planning on moving Cordelia to Angel next year and so they had to make her split up with Xander. So they came up with the Xander/Willow thing that lasted about four or five episodes but got in the way of the main arc. What was also annoying is, after that event, Cordelia was reduced back to her S1 self. After "Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered", the character of Cordelia seemed to develop, but after splitting p with Xander, she went back to normal. Fortunately, they began working on her character again on Angel. They also had to bring Angel back from the dead, so he can also have his own show, but he spends the majority of the season not really doing anything, like Cordelia.

I also didn't like "Graduation Day Part 2". I think that's one of the weakest season finales they've done. And so, because it's the last episode, you remember that more clearly than the others. I think that when you're underwhelmed with the last episode of a season, you tend to not think that highly of the season overall, like a great movie with a bad ending. That and "The Prom" (also very near the end) are the two weakest episodes, but the rest of S3 is nothin gbut great episodes. It just doesn't work as one whole season.

04-05-07, 06:15 PM
well, great points, Nexus, and, I have to agree about the cohesiveness of the season. I do tend to look at the season on an episodic basis, and I guess I just don't mind the lack of a tight season-wide arc...

I did like four, but felt it contained some of the worst episodes of the series. The finale of four was stellar, though, in it's Lynchian trappings... Love me some Restless....

Revenge of Mr M
04-05-07, 07:59 PM
Ok, Ok, there's a major problem here. First of all, they started dropping clues for the whole Mayor storyline in Season 2. Second of all, while 3 was not the most cohesive, if you think that the arc in 4 was better structured then you must need to stop taking your welbutrin prescription or something because completely contrary to your opinion, it felt so painfully obvious to me that they changed their minds about what was going to happen in that year about three or four times. Right up until the final episode, and if you go and look at the production notes, among other things you'll notice that when they wrote that big fight that the gang had at the end of the Yoko Factor, they (the writers) had completely forgotten that they hadn't decrypted the discs revealing the location of Adam's lab and had to go back and add all thisstuff about them realising Spike was playing them, completly taking the sting out of any realisation the group had drifted. So in fact, they had no idea where it was going.

Now that having been said, the complaint you have with S3 feeling fragmented because it was more episodic and Faith wouldn't be there every time? I actually kinda liked that. Well to begin with, it point about Faith not always being there was that she wasn't that close to Buffy or any of the others which is what ultimately makes her more easily alienated. But I like the fact that it wasn't just the same thing every week, that something new happened if you will. If we flash forward to S5/S6/S7, you know what? It just got dull beyond a certain point. Though of course, there were other reasons for that which I'll get to later. But it was partly due to the fact the plot, well, plodded and got dragged out and on and on.

I don't know why you think Mr Trick would be the big bad, but it was certainly a jolt that he got killed off earlier than one might expect; That was good. Of course, he could have been so much more, but it kept you on your toes.

Overlong character arcs? I have no idea what you're attempting to refer to other than possibly the thing with the Buffy/Angel stuff and Angel not doing much which I will concede to you on. I got a kick out of it, cause I've always loved watching doomed relationships attempt to develop (I'm sick that way) but I can sure see why it would annoy people. But re: Cordelia, she did get cheated on and impaled. I'd be pretty pissed, wouldn't you? It's not like she was that the whole time; When called on, she still contributed to the group. I don't understand your complaint about the sub plots distracting from the main plot. First of all, the main plot hadn't hit top gear yet, second is the simple fact that if nothing else is going in these peoples lives, well thats kinda dull, no? The characters were at their most likeable during this season and felt relatable, something missing from them just about every subsequent season.

Graduation Part 2 was great - Hey, I thought it was better than the season 1, 5, 6 or 7. Obviously, 2 was the best finale and well I wouldn't put it above or behind 4. They're of different ilk. And I loved the Prom. I loved its maturity, I loved it subtlety. I guess I just look at the whole thing from an entirely different perspective than you. When it comes down to it, I look at a season, I don't look at how it flows or whatever artistic concerns, I look at how much fun I had watching and how entertained I was. So we'll have to agree to disagree. I know I just rambled on without actually making any real point, I kind of got lost and distracted by football stuff halfway through typing it, so I think the only part that probably is relevant is that last bit... :D

04-06-07, 01:51 PM
Funny, I never noticed the thing about "The Yoko Factor". I do agree that the plot dragged in S5 (I don't remember 6 and 7 that well) and I think it's because they introduced Glory too early. It always bothered me how they spent almost an entire season making Glory do nothing but wonder what/where the Key is. The story arc was definitely too stretched out with that one. Which is one of the reasons why I like S4 - Adam wasn't introduced until half way through and they kept dropping clues and stuff. Even if the writers didn't know what they were doing with S4, you (or, at least, I did) always got the feeling that they've got it all planned out, I think.

You make a good point about Cordelia, though it bothers me how she just became almost a minor character like that. The Bangel stuff actually doesn't bother me at all, in fact S3 was the first season that I really liked Angel's character. He always struck me as uninteresting before, though I loved Angelus in S2 and so when he came back, I started to like him all of a sudden. It does feel like both Cordelia and Angel are just hanging around to wait for Angel, the show, though.

05-21-07, 10:46 PM
The kids and I recently finished watching the entire series. It was great fun to do.

We all loved the musical show.

I enjoyed the extras where the writers try to explain the things they did that I HATED and explain how brilliant and perfect those plots were.

These things were easier to take through the kids eyes and the second time around.

09-29-07, 08:35 PM
Any1 like the Buffy comic besides me? Me likey much-much!

11-04-07, 11:05 PM
Any1 like the Buffy comic besides me? Me likey much-much!
I just read all of the ones that are out, about two weeks ago. Good stuff and I'm totally thrilled to see what goes on with the characters, post season seven. Also totally loving the Jo Chen cover art.

The Taxi Driver
03-21-08, 01:26 AM

Just finished this fantastic series. All my life I turned away from it just based on his sort of goofy premise and title but after being talked into watching the first two season by my brother I was hooked. I watched it constantly for three months until I saw it all.

I just finished with the finale and will be moving on to Angel shortly.

Just wondering if any of the newer or older members are fans and want to discuss some Buffy

03-21-08, 01:43 AM
I love Buffy. I miss it though the last season (and a few others) weren't much to my taste. I'd love to discuss the show!

03-21-08, 02:47 AM
Just wondering if any of the newer or older members are fans and want to discuss some Buffy

Starting a Buffy thread was recently brought up in the Lost thread. I didn't know that this thread already existed. I am going to do a rewatch of all seasons probably starting tommorow. If anyone wants to join me, I'd love the company.

I didn't think I'd like Buffy either, but I got hooked and it ended up being my favorite show.

The Taxi Driver
03-21-08, 11:58 AM
Yeah it really was like a hidden gem and even after 7 years didn't lose its ability to surprise me and be consistently interesting and well written.
The high points of the series for me was seasons 2,3,5 and 7. The 6th I was torn with, it had some really good episodes and story lines but also some stuff I was getting really bored with like they stayed on Buffy's losing her will to be alive for too long.

Seasons 1 and 4 also had some real good episodes like The Pack in 1 and Hush in 4 but for the most part the main story arcs and villains weren't all that well done. plus Riley is a punk

Powdered Water
03-21-08, 12:17 PM
It really was a great show, I tell anyone who will listen about it. I would agree with you about season 4 and yet it also gave me My favorite episode. "Primeval" is without a doubt for me the day that Buffy became a heavy weight show. Up until that point Buffy was so alone and really always was, sure she had her "Scooby's" that would help out but for the most part she was on her own. But "Primeval" was spectacular!

"You can never hope to grasp the source of our power. But yours is right here."

03-21-08, 12:50 PM
Seasons 1 and 4 also had some real good episodes like The Pack in 1 and Hush in 4 but for the most part the main story arcs and villains weren't all that well done. plus Riley is a punk

Riley was the only character I couldn't stand. I think season 3 may be my favorite.

The Taxi Driver
03-21-08, 01:48 PM
Yea season 3 by far is my favorite the duel slayer storyline was just done so well and faith was a great counterpart for Buffy. Just showing there isn't one way to be a slayer. My only gripe was the lack of Spike but we get plenty of him in the seasons after so its alright.

Riley wasn't even that intolerable in season 4 I sort of liked his story of everything he believed in ended being shady and evil but it was Season 5 when he was just turned into a whiny unneeded character. But watching Angel kick his ass was always great

03-21-08, 05:39 PM
S7 hasta be my favourite, cause every ep made my brain explode. In a good, funny/sad way.

And Crazy Spike?

Hell(mouth) yes!

03-21-08, 06:01 PM
You guys are making me want to dig my seasons out again...

03-21-08, 06:03 PM
Join us . . . . .joiiiiiiin us . . . . .

"Get outta my brain!"

Powdered Water
03-21-08, 06:17 PM
Spike [as Rachel, falsetto]: How can I thank you, you mysterious, black-clad, hunk of a night thing?

Spike [as Angel, basso]: No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a bad-ass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. Now I'm just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth. [Rachel sways closer to Angel; he steps back, warding her off with his hands.] No, not the hair! Never the hair!

Spike [as Rachel]: But there must be some way I can show my appreciation.

Spike [as Angel]: No, helping those in need's my job. And working up a load of sexual tension and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough!

Spike [as Rachel]: I understand. I have a nephew who's gay, so...

Spike [as Angel]: Ah. Say no more. Evil's still afoot ... and I'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair gel that I like so much. Quickly! To the Angelmobile — AWAY!

03-21-08, 07:02 PM
I was in shock over Joyce's death and that episode was so well constructed. The use of no score shows that it was ahead of its time, and people are catching on now with films like No Country.

One of my all time favourite shows, I think it was the first one in which I had to be home on those nights to watch it. I was so in love with Buffy.

The weakest season was definitely with Warren, Jonathan and Andrew as the bad guys.

03-21-08, 10:13 PM
But do you think it was the weakest because The Geek Trio were the bad guys?

03-21-08, 11:18 PM
I was in shock over Joyce's death and that episode was so well constructed. The use of no score shows that it was ahead of its time, and people are catching on now with films like No Country.

I agree that it was done well and also that SMG really showed her acting chops. I lost it when she called Joyce, "Mommie"

I also thought that how Anya's character reacts to the whole thing was nicely written.

03-21-08, 11:38 PM
But do you think it was the weakest because The Geek Trio were the bad guys?

If you don't mind me answering the question as well, partly yes. After all that Buffy and the Scoobies had fought and been through, I thought they made pretty silly nemesis. I mean they certainly weren't the Mayor, Faith, or Glory.

Also, it seems to me that this is the season where the writing really isn't as strong as seasons prior. I didn't like the whole "Buffy has to worry about financial matters and have a job now" arc either. I mean I guess it had to be addressed somehow, but I found it distracting and a bit boring. Dealing with the mundane problems of everyday life is not what I loved Buffy for.

Still there was much to love in that season as well. Just not as much for me as the others.:D

The Taxi Driver
03-22-08, 12:27 AM
I was in shock over Joyce's death and that episode was so well constructed. The use of no score shows that it was ahead of its time, and people are catching on now with films like No Country.

One of my all time favourite shows, I think it was the first one in which I had to be home on those nights to watch it. I was so in love with Buffy.

The weakest season was definitely with Warren, Jonathan and Andrew as the bad guys.

Everything about that episode was just eerie and really well done. When Buffy cracked her moms ribs trying to do CPR I just cringed hoping she would wake up. The short 10 second day dream about her coming back to life was great also then it just instantly brings you back to reality was another awesome touch.

I love how she died of natural causes it just goes to show you that no matter how many powers you have or how much ass you can kick bad stuff will still happen that you can't prevent.

on another note I really liked the trio just some nerdy guys who got carried away. I liked how at first they just wanted money and woman and once they realized what they were trying to do was in fact rape and kill the girl they know they are too far deep to get out. And they may be pretty pitiful villains but I always considered willow the villain of the season even though she doesn't start causing evil until episode 19 or so.

03-22-08, 12:46 PM
You could say Willow starts being evil the second she brings Buffy back , like Giles' righteous fury indicates.

The trio were also the funniest badguys, love their reappearance in 7 and it gives Johnathan a fitting climax to his overall arc.

Powdered Water
03-22-08, 01:03 PM
The whole "flaying" off of the skin was pretty sweet too, seriously, who didn't think that was funny? I don't remember the episodes name but it wasn't long after that that Xander had his big moment with Willow in front of that Statue thing. I though the entire scene was very touching and well done.

03-22-08, 01:25 PM
The whole crayon speech was touching and yes I was happy that Xander, the only normal guy, was finally given his chance to shine.

I found that season to be weak because, as it was stated, it wasn't the strongest written. Sure it was funny, one of the funniest seasons, but it just didn't gel with me too much.

03-22-08, 01:39 PM
*squirms in seat and raises hand* Oh, oh, another Buffy fan here!

This is the only TV show I own and it took me a year to gather all seven seasons. I've seen them all at least twice and some many many times (Once More with Feeling.)

Season 4 gets a bad rap from most fans, me included. But when I really think about it, it's actually a brilliant season. For one thing, Riley is Buffy's perfect match. The fans didn't embrace him and Whedon has even commented that he was surprised. But it's obvious that since Buffy is a brilliant show full of metaphors about growing up, Season 4 showed that Buffy hadn't. She still sought out dangerous passion over the easy, comfortable relationship. She and Riley were perfectly suited for a long-term relationship and even marriage but Buffy wasn't ready yet. And the show ended with Buffy not having that relationship -- how many of us have looked back over our lives and wondered about that one relationship we let go of?

And Whedon tackled the idea of a government out of control before our government really did get out of control. The season foreshadowed what we are doing today with terrorism, imo. And now Whedon is tackling that again with his season "8" comic book.

And I think Hush can be argued is one of the most brilliant hours of television. I'm not sure I've ever seen anything so well written and insightful. That ending where they can speak now but they can't. Wow. And the funniest moment ever for me was the scene in the lecture hall with the overheads. I chuckle just thinking about it.

I have a Buffy (season 3) poster in my classroom and my students laugh when I tell them that Buffy is the best TV series ever. I keep hoping they'll discover how great it is when they get older (they're 8th graders).

Another favorite episode is Zeppo. I think it's a tad underrated -- I just love how Zander comes into his own in that episode, even if his insecurities continue to surface through the years. This episode is a great example of how Buffy laughed at itself so well. Buffy was able to create insightful and heart-wrenching episodes yet there was always the wink to the audience that the show knew exactly what it was.

03-22-08, 08:00 PM
Season 4 gets a bad rap from most fans, me included. But when I really think about it, it's actually a brilliant season. For one thing, Riley is Buffy's perfect match. The fans didn't embrace him and Whedon has even commented that he was surprised. But it's obvious that since Buffy is a brilliant show full of metaphors about growing up, Season 4 showed that Buffy hadn't. She still sought out dangerous passion over the easy, comfortable relationship. She and Riley were perfectly suited for a long-term relationship and even marriage but Buffy wasn't ready yet. And the show ended with Buffy not having that relationship -- how many of us have looked back over our lives and wondered about that one relationship we let go of?

Riley was ok in season 4, it was in Season 5 that I started to dislike him. He became whiny and irritating, and I was glad to see him go. Plus he never was the intriguing character that Angel was, really. He was kind of bland, and hardly seemed a suitable replacement. Season 4 had the worst big bad out of all the seasons, Adam, which is why it's not as well regarded as any of the others. There are several season 4 eps I like a lot, and it did introduce Tara, who I loved, but on the whole it's just...there.

03-22-08, 08:23 PM
Interesting, my least favorite character of all was Tara. There were moments with her that I liked, but overall, the Tara/Willow storyline is my least favorite. I actually like the three stupid guy villians (I LOVE Andrew!) more than Tara/Willow together. (I hope it isn't because they're lesbians...I just didn't like it all.) And while I can respect the Willow/addiction theme that climaxed in season 6, I found it rather overwrought and tiresome.

I agree, Riley did get whiny in Season 5 and I wonder if that was their way to get rid of him. But I do think its rather intriguing to think about the fact that Buffy and Riley were the best match of all her relationships. But let's face it -- Angel and even Spike were much more interesting. But then again, passion always is. ;)

Adam was poor. But I read somewhere that the actress (forgot her name) that played the leader of Riley's group had a disagreement and they needed to kill her off quickly. I think Adam was an afterthought and not the way the season was supposed to go. That's probably why the season fell apart. But I do think the overall theme of the season -- Buffy's loss of identity and the insecurities that befall us when we leave high school and are suddenly thrown into an adult world were communicated rather well in certain episodes. But it's like the overall season didn't jell right.

03-22-08, 09:29 PM
I love HUSH and rank it in my top favourite episodes ever. The comical episodes are always fun to watch as well, like when they all had memory loss and Spike thinks his name is Randy and that Giles is his father only because they both have an accent. Too good!!!

03-22-08, 09:37 PM
I love HUSH and rank it in my top favourite episodes ever. The comical episodes are always fun to watch as well, like when they all had memory loss and Spike thinks his name is Randy and that Giles is his father only because they both have an accent. Too good!!!

Tabula Rasa (or something like that.) My son and I have watched that episode about 10 times. :laugh:

Powdered Water
03-22-08, 09:42 PM
Oh man I love that ep TUS!

Ok, A show of Internet Hands, How many of you cried when Buffy was crowned "Class Protector"? That to me is probably my favorite Buffy moment. And for the record I did indeed cry a little bit.

03-22-08, 09:49 PM
*raises hand*I cried.

03-22-08, 11:56 PM
I sniffled when that happened, but I cried when Buffy died in The Gift and in S7 when Spike tells Buffy he has a soul AND when he gives his hero speech to Buffy at the vineyard and they spend the night together.

The Taxi Driver
03-23-08, 01:02 AM
Class protector was touching but I didnt cry.

I do admit that i shed a small tear not really when buffy died in season 5 but right after watching everyones reaction to it cause dme to squirt a tear mostly out of seeing spike balling like a child. Not something you see Spike doing and it showed how much he really cared for buffy that he would just break down like that.

03-23-08, 02:00 AM
Class protector scene was indeed emotional....given to her by Future Enemy!!!!!

This show was so far ahead of it's time, how sad was it when Angel turned good at the last minute....but Buffy had to kill him to close the portal!!!!

Seems this thread has risen from the dead, glad to see people are still talking about this show!!!

The Taxi Driver
03-23-08, 11:45 AM
another episode I loved was when Faith tries to turn Angel evil again I forget the name of the episode but it was in season 3.

they completely fooled me I really thought Angelus was back and it ended up the demon doing the fake spell got introduced to his wife by Giles.

As cool of a character Angel is I preferred him in season 2 because he was such a badass as the villain. David Boreanaz is great its a complete change he goes through between the first couple of episodes of season 2 and after the change in Innocence

Powdered Water
03-23-08, 05:52 PM
Here's a little blurb from Joss on Friday from Sci-fi wire:

Buffy May Live On In Some Form

Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon told fans that a spinoff project is still a possibility when asked about the raft of rumored spinoffs that never came to fruition after the show left the air nearly five years ago.

Asked about future Buffy TV or film projects, Whedon said, "My answer would be, like, there are so many stars that would have to align [for them to happen]. But, you know, there's a reason I worked with all of these people for so long. They're enormously talented. And clearly, from the comic, it's a story that I can't let go of. I think it would be really cool."

Whedon spoke as part of a panel at the William S. Paley Television Festival March 20 in Hollywood that reunited him with his Buffy cast members Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon, James Marsters, Emma Caulfield, Michelle Trachtenberg, Charisma Carpenter, Seth Green and Amber Benson and fellow producers Marti Noxon and David Greenwalt.

Once the cult hit Buffy went off the air, reports circulated that Whedon was variously developing a spinoff series that would feature the vampire Spike (Marsters) or a British show that would feature the character of Rupert Giles (Anthony Stewart Head). None came to pass.

Since then, Whedon and several of his writers and artists have picked up the story of Buffy Summers and her "Scooby Gang" in a series of comics for Dark Horse, characterized as "season eight" of the TV show. Whedon let loose a spoiler that Green's character, the werewolf Oz, would appear in a future issue of the comic.

TV Guide critic Matt Roush, who moderated the Paley reunion panel discussion, asked whether the comic--which has morphed and developed the Buffy mythology well beyond the show's season finale--would ultimately affect any Buffy spinoff TV shows or films.

"Hypothetically, if you could make things align, that would be fun," Whedon said, adding: "And it would be lovely to make it all tie in. But if I had to shoot down everything I'm doing in the comics because we were doing a project [and] I was filming with these actual people, I wouldn't lose a lot of sleep."

Before the panel discussion, fans screened the musical episode "Once More With Feeling." Whedon later said that he had just wrapped production on another musical project. "I literally drove here from wrapping the shooting on a little independent short of my own called Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, my next musical, starring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion and Felicia Day. And it's going to come out somewhere, at some point, possibly on a computer. We haven't figure that out yet. And it's awesome." Noxon admitted that she also has a small part.

Could Buffy wind up in musical form on Broadway? "I would love to take a Buffy to Broadway," Whedon said. "It would not be this ['Once More With Feeling']. This is an episode of television. ... You would have to start from scratch. I've spent some time daydreaming about it, because I'm me."

Would any of his Buffy cast be on board? Most raised their hands--with the notable exception of Gellar, who smiled, shook her head and said, "I'm out." --Patrick Lee, News Editor ([email protected])

Damn that Joss, every couple of months he comes out and says something like this and then the entire Buffyverse gets all twitterpated and nothing ever happens. Oh well, just thought I'd pass my angst onto you. :p

03-23-08, 06:03 PM
I wish he'd kick that spoiler habit...

03-23-08, 06:06 PM
A musical Buffy on Broadway would be awesome! And you could get away with a new cast maybe....

Powdered Water
03-23-08, 06:13 PM
Yeah it's funny to me that Gellar still seems to think that she can't sing. And while I didn't think she was terrific, she wasn't terrible. I've seen a few different times Gellar saying she thought she was awful but I didn't think so. Or, maybe she just only wants to be in films. Who knows with actor's and actresses these days.

03-23-08, 06:35 PM
oooooh, SCORE. This thread reminded me to go check amazon for the hundredth time for the buffy series, and they had it on sale. With a gift cert, I just got all seven seasons in the box set for $75. woo hooo!

03-24-08, 01:20 PM
Yeah, Angel was really cool in S2, especially in that ep "Passion" when he voice-overed. S2 of Angel made him badass too.

Heh . . . . .it's funny cause SMG thinks she's a film actress now and "above" Buffy in some way.

It seems if they would ever do a TV/film in the Buffyverse it'd have to be without SMG which would be . . . .shall we say, tough.

The Taxi Driver
03-24-08, 06:38 PM
I honestly don't care much for Gellar, yea she was the main character but nowhere near my favorite character. I think the buffyverse would be fine without her and I'd love another spin off or hell just more buffy seasons with the whole gang minus her would even be awesome. In a perfect world she would come back but you know The Grudge and Scooby Doo escalates you to a level of stardom way above something like Buffy

03-24-08, 06:41 PM
Heh . . . . .it's funny cause SMG thinks she's a film actress now and "above" Buffy in some way.

I dunno, I think thats been her problem since the show became big and she started getting offers to appear in films. I try to just watch how really great she was in the role and ignore what she's like in real life. That said, I would not want Joss to ever re-cast Buffy if he wanted to do other projects. I love the comic series he's doing, and I'm happy to get my Buffy fix that way. :D

I do think he should make his comic book series Fray into a film, however.

03-24-08, 06:52 PM
Yeah, Angel was really cool in S2, especially in that ep "Passion" when he voice-overed. S2 of Angel made him badass too.

Heh . . . . .it's funny cause SMG thinks she's a film actress now and "above" Buffy in some way.

It seems if they would ever do a TV/film in the Buffyverse it'd have to be without SMG which would be . . . .shall we say, tough.

Passion is one of my favorite episodes in the entire series. A brilliant job, by all involved, and when I knew for sure, I was into this show until it finished its run...

03-24-08, 06:58 PM
I try to just watch how really great she was in the role and ignore what she's like in real life. .

Me too. And I am so very very very very grateful that Katie Holmes did not get the role. So as far as I am concerned SMG can be as aloof as she wants to be, at least she is not Katie.:D

The Taxi Driver
03-24-08, 09:14 PM
I dunno, I think thats been her problem since the show became big and she started getting offers to appear in films. I try to just watch how really great she was in the role and ignore what she's like in real life. That said, I would not want Joss to ever re-cast Buffy if he wanted to do other projects. I love the comic series he's doing, and I'm happy to get my Buffy fix that way. :D

I do think he should make his comic book series Fray into a film, however.

yea re-casting Buffy would be a big mistake but just eliminating her character and having a show revolving around all the other characters would work as it was always the supporting cast where I got the most enjoyment out of.

03-24-08, 10:24 PM
Xander:The Vampire Slayer
To each generation . . . . .a lovable nerd is born.

Spike:The uh........Vampire
Bloody,blimey,ponce,wanker . . . . .oh God I'm English.

03-25-08, 01:40 PM
I always had a crush on SMG. The only time she annoyed me was in the final season when in almost every ep she would rant off on some kind of monologue about being ready for the big battle.

I like the episode in which we follow Andrew and his camera and he makes note of this, at least the creators knew the fans were annoyed and poked fun at themselves.

03-25-08, 05:51 PM
Storyteller was a great ep, I always liked it when they focused on a different character for a whole episode. Xander's ones were probably thebest.

03-27-08, 03:21 AM
I think Whedon and Co opened up a world of possibilities with the end of the Buffy tv series. They're in no way hamstrung if SMG doesn't want to continue the Slayer role. I can kind of see where she'd want to branch out, even acknowledging that Buffy was a great character for her. No actor wants to be so identified with one character that they can never get work as anyone else. And in seven seasons, she had the opportunity to explore many, many angles of the Buffy character. I think she's a very skilled actress and I hope she finds better projects than The Grudge, soonish.

The Taxi Driver
03-28-08, 05:17 PM
I'm a little disappointed I have now seen all the Buffy's but I just started Angel I'm like half way through the first season. So far its interesting and funny but just doesn't have that same feel that Buffy episodes had.

04-04-08, 10:00 PM
Wait till you see Firefly. The thread that runs through all these is the witty dialog, humor and creativity. They are all very different shows.

Angel was darker in many ways. There were heavy themes of Dominance and incest in it.

Buffy was lighter in some ways until the season where they dealt with their own demons, essentially ruining some of the characters.

Firefly didn't have long enough to self destruct or deconstruct but it's a kind of western sci fi show not a supernatural one.

04-04-08, 10:34 PM
Buffy was lighter in some ways until the season where they dealt with their own demons, essentially ruining some of the characters.

I thought that season 6 deepened the characters, not ruined them. Nobody is perfect, and there comes a time in most people's lives where they go through a lot of bad times and come out the other side better for it. I would say that Buffy, Willow, and especially Spike did come out better people for the hell they went through that year. If you watch all the seasons, Buffy was always a broodier character than she let on, and in season 6 she let the facade drop entirely. It was also a fairly accurate portrayal of what life is like with depression, for which Joss should be commended.

04-05-08, 01:38 AM
I thought that season 6 deepened the characters, not ruined them. Nobody is perfect, and there comes a time in most people's lives where they go through a lot of bad times and come out the other side better for it. I would say that Buffy, Willow, and especially Spike did come out better people for the hell they went through that year. If you watch all the seasons, Buffy was always a broodier character than she let on, and in season 6 she let the facade drop entirely. It was also a fairly accurate portrayal of what life is like with depression, for which Joss should be commended.

I can understand why you would see it that. I could see it that way more when I watched it a second time than when it broke my heart the first time I saw it.

The Taxi Driver
04-05-08, 10:42 AM
Season 6 wasn't close to my favorite season but I still love it for how daring it was. I think when the show got canceled by WB and picked up by UPN was like a blessing in disguise. UPN let Whedon do a lot more darker and mature things. The 6th season was really something different and took the characters in directions I never expected. All the death and sex was just a big leap compared to earlier buffy.

Plus Whedon said on the dvd that the reason it took him until the 6th season to do a musical episode was because the network wouldn't let him until they went to UPN.

Powdered Water
04-05-08, 12:08 PM
Buffy quiz up! (http://www.goquiz.com/quizzes/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-quiz.html) Give it a shot folks! Is it to easy for you Hard core Buffy fans?

04-05-08, 12:47 PM
Damn, 18 out of 20....

Powdered Water
04-05-08, 01:23 PM
Nice. May I ask which ones you missed?

04-05-08, 06:48 PM
I got 17 out of 20.

04-05-08, 10:56 PM
I got the Nerf Herder one wrong and I also thought it was 3.

04-06-08, 02:15 AM
How about masking the spoiler there, Godoggo?

I got 18 out of 20 and am thinking that the question about original casting is not correct. "Auditioned for" does not equal "cast".

04-06-08, 02:35 AM
one of the questions (#14) is totally wrong!!! When Buffy sleeps with Angel
"she takes away his soul, she doesn't give it back."

So i should have gotten 100% correct.

The Taxi Driver
04-06-08, 11:14 AM
yea i got 18/20

got the Nerf Hearder question wrong and like Monkey fell for number 14 where the answer was just completely wrong.

Powdered Water
04-06-08, 12:38 PM
I am so sorry for that stupid way I worded that question you guys and gals. I totally had it backwards. I fixed it and hopefully the stats will reflect that. If not I'll try to have Chris fix it up. Again, I apologize. I spent a long time trying to make sure I got the wording for those questions to make sense and I completely goofed that one.

Powdered Water
04-06-08, 01:48 PM
I spoke with Chris and he's going to do me a favor and wipe the slate clean. Again, I apologize for the screw up and now I give you the new and improved (and hopefully accurate) Buffy quiz (http://www.goquiz.com/quizzes/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-quiz.html).

Edit: And since most of you regulars did so well on my admittedly poor first attempt I'll try and come up with a part 2 that will perhaps be a little tougher for you seasoned vets.

The Taxi Driver
04-06-08, 07:58 PM
Some of the questions were good difficulty wise but some like what town does Buffy live in were just a little too easy.

04-06-08, 11:31 PM
How about masking the spoiler there, Godoggo?.

Sorry, I wasn't thinking at all there.

Powdered Water
04-07-08, 11:30 AM
Buffy Quiz Pt. 2! (http://www.goquiz.com/quizzes/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-quiz-pt-2.html) And hopefully I didn't screw any of these up. I triple checked them. I hope it's tough enough for you regulars.

The Taxi Driver
04-07-08, 04:53 PM
Nice new quiz was tougher got a 16/20

didn't know Buffy's fathers name, Buffy's address, Riley's wife's name or the name of the gypsys that cursed Angel

04-07-08, 05:22 PM

I am the supreme Buffy dork! lol.

Should I be proud of this? :D

04-07-08, 05:25 PM
sweet i got 18/20

The Taxi Driver
04-12-08, 05:03 PM
So just trying to keep this thread thriving, what are some of you're guys favorite seasons. possible spoilers coming up::

Season 1: Probably the weakest of all the seasons but not really to it's fault. The show was picked up mid-season and could have been canceled any minute so there wasn't too much plot development with the exception of about 3 or 4 episode and more of a monster of the week type thing. Not to mention its half the length of every other season. Ultimately not terrible but does have it's flaws and makes it hard to get people into the series, not much to draw you in.
Favorite Episodes[B]: The Pack, Angel, Prophecy Girl

[B]Season 2: A big leap from the first season in terms of character development, long term story lines and just plain old entertainment. The introduction of Spike one of my personal favorite characters was awesome and just seeing how great David Boreanaz is as Angelus. When the switch happens its a completely different character and David plays it like a pro. This is the season that grabs you as a viewer and makes you want to see more.
Favorite Episodes: Halloween, Ted, Innocence, Becoming part 1+ 2.

Season 3: After the ride that was season 2 you would think it would be hard to live up to that hype but Season 3 takes it as my favorite season of the whole show. Deals with the final years of high school and the ending of an era. Adds faith and challenges the notion of what a Slayer should be. Great villains this time around with the Faith v.s Buffy story line being the highlight. This is also the last season before Angel, Cordelia and Wesley with his brief appearance leave the show for their own. One of my favorite Finales next to the 5th years. We also get to see Xander save the day for the first time in one of my favorite episodes The Zeppo. My only gripe with this season is there is only one episode with Spike and I can't get enough of him.
Favorite Episodes: Anne, Faith Hope & Trick, Band Candy, The Zeppo, Bad Girls, Consequences, Earshot, Graduation day 1 +2.

Season 4: All in all this is in my opinion the worst season for the series. Drastic change from how the show worked now that the characters have grown up from high school and are attending college. Riley has always been my least favorite character on the show and is in no way a suitable replacement for Angel. The Initiative was an interesting story line but ultimately was pretty predictable and Adam was just a bland villain. Not to say the season did not have its moments and included one of the most praised episodes Hush for the majority of it had no audible speech. I respect Joss for ending this season differently by defeating the villain in the 21st episode and doing something more artistic with the last episode.
Favorite Episodes: The Initiative, Hush, A New Man, Prime evil, Restless.

Season 5: Another top quality season here. This season is just one giant mystery. Added Dawn to the scoobies, and while the character herself was a bit irritating her story line was great. The reason for her existence caught me by surprise and it was great that they didn't explain the inexplicable little sister until 5 or 6 episodes in. Many people did not like Glory but she was one of my favorite villains. She was a very frightening big bad because when she showed up you knew there was nothing anybody could do to stop her. This was really shown well in the scene when Glory sucks Tara's mind. this was also the first time we see what Willow really was capable off when she faces off against Glory. Also contains the scariest episode of the series with "The Body" everything is just so eerie and real. The absence of music and most other worldy things just has our heroes dealing with something they aren't used to, Natural death. I shed a small tear during the finale and most surprising ending to any season.
Favorite Episodes: Buffy V.s Dracula, Family, I was made to Love you, The Body, Spiral, The Gift.

Season 6: The most daring season by far. Takes our loveable characters and just makes everything darker. Stories about Corruption, murder, sex and "drug" addiction. I was torn with this season as it had some great story lines but also was a little too much of a departure from the rest of the series. Even the trio who were just silly little villains end up taking dark turns which leads to evil Willow which was one of the best story lines. My feelings for the season like I said are torn because for instance I loved the idea that Buffy was in Heaven and finally at peace with everything and content with her death and she was just torn out of it to be brought back to a world filled with danger and worries. That was great but they stayed on that for too long and Buffy was getting annoying with her seclusions and it took too long for her purely physical relationship with Spike to go places. Another grip is the exclusion of Giles from many of the episodes, I understand Anthony Stewart Head wanted to do other things But Giles was always my favorite character next to Spike. I do however love Once More with feeling and never realized how well A musical episode would fit Buffy.
Favorite Episodes: Bargaining 1 +2, Once more with Feeling, Tabula Rasa, Double Meat palace, Villains, two to go, Grave

Season 7: The end of everything here. Whedon purposely veered away from the darker elements of season 6 and it felt like a trip back. The High School was opened again all the characters were all around happier and its easy to see how everyone has grown.The First was an interesting Villain because it was not something that could physically hurt anyone but caused serious damage just with its words. I really liked The story line between Wood and Spike by bringing back more of Spikes past and slightly touching upon the idea of a Slayer having a Child. I was pleased with the Ending in Chosen because not only did they stop the big bad and save the world like they did 6 times already it put some closure on the show and gave Buffy the chance to have a normal life and not be responsible for protecting the world.
Favorite Episodes: Same time Same Place, Conversations with dead People, Potential, Lies my parents told me, touched, End of Days, Chosen.

Wow never felt nerdier than after just typing all that Buffy talk. Buffy is one of my favorite series that is alot deeper and dynamic than most people assume.

04-12-08, 11:23 PM
Buffy Quiz Pt. 2! (http://www.goquiz.com/quizzes/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-quiz-pt-2.html) And hopefully I didn't screw any of these up. I triple checked them. I hope it's tough enough for you regulars.

18/20 - didn't know Buffy's father's name or the type of demon that Ethan turned Giles into.

Great questions and thanks for including some Anya questions - I loves me some Anya.

Thursday Next
04-13-08, 04:35 AM
Yay for Buffy quizzes. 18/20 on the first and 20/20 on the second.:)

Powdered Water
04-13-08, 11:44 AM
I know this is The Buffy Thread but would any of you have any interest in an Angel quiz or two?

04-13-08, 01:03 PM
Argh, 19/20.

I couldn't remember Faith's last name.

The Taxi Driver
04-17-08, 07:25 PM
Has anyone picked up the season 8 comic?

I got the first volume which is the first 5 issues I think but I'm not loving it. Maybe it's because I never read many comics and aren't used to the medium but it is just really convoluted and hard to follow.

Also everything that is going on is kinda hard to believe with Buffy having her own Army and base of operations and Dawn being a gianr and everything. i feel they are making everything absolutly crazy just cause it is a comic and they aren't limited with how over the top everything can be.

04-17-08, 07:31 PM
Has anyone picked up the season 8 comic?

I got the first volume which is the first 5 issues I think but I'm not loving it. Maybe it's because I never read many comics and aren't used to the medium but it is just really convoluted and hard to follow.

Also everything that is going on is kinda hard to believe with Buffy having her own Army and base of operations and Dawn being a gianr and everything. i feel they are making everything absolutly crazy just cause it is a comic and they aren't limited with how over the top everything can be.

I've read every issue so far, and I love it. It takes a while to really get going, but the writers (Joss Whedon, Brian K Vaughn, and Drew Goddard) have done a great job so far, and it's one of the few comics I still enjoy. Buffy has always asked for suspension of disbelief, so giant Dawn doesn't bother me at all. The show, I have no doubt, would have been just as nuts if they'd had the budget for it. lol

04-17-08, 07:51 PM
Any Dawn bothers me! I liked the issue that focused on Faith best!

I hear there is a gay love scene between Buffy and one of the Slayerettes in an issue. I haven't seen it yet.

04-18-08, 03:21 PM
Any Dawn bothers me! I liked the issue that focused on Faith best!

I hear there is a gay love scene between Buffy and one of the Slayerettes in an issue. I haven't seen it yet.

Yes, there is, and it honestly makes perfect sense in context, and isn't just a "shock value" thing. I'm interested to see where the story goes with that.

04-18-08, 05:48 PM
Yes, there is, and it honestly makes perfect sense in context, and isn't just a "shock value" thing. I'm interested to see where the story goes with that.

I'm looking forward to reading it.

04-18-08, 06:13 PM
Good quiz, although I remember Buffy dying three times in the show. Once in Prophecy Girl at the end of season one (they DID say she was dead...even if only for a few minutes), once when she sacrificed herself at the end of season 5, and then once when the show ended...wait, i am questioning whether or not she died when the show ended... Did she? Christ how can I have forgotten that... Some fan I am... Time to watch again.

Buffy dies in Prophecy girl, which empowers Kendra, who is then killed after Buffy comes back, empowering Faith. This causes a schism so that when Buffster takes the dive for Dawnie in season 5, another slayer is NOT generated. Then, at show's end, I thought Buffy sacrificed herself to empower a whole slew of women? Or....did she not die then? How can I not remember that... I guess I was too busy bawling over Anya :(

I miss Anya...

OK I am watching the series finale when I get home tonight... I feel like a bad fan :(

EDIT - She lived at the end. How I forgot that, I don't know... It has been since 03 that i watched the show tho...I am going to go ahead and play the age card on this one... else I be chastised by other Buffy heads for being a bad fan!

The Taxi Driver
04-19-08, 12:46 PM
Monkey Punch how many issues of season 8 are out as of now?

I have the vol. 1 which is the first 5 issues and have to admit after issue 4 it has gotten a little more interesting so I'll see how I feel after i finish the last one I have if I will buy more.

04-19-08, 06:32 PM
I have up to issue 13 so far.

04-20-08, 02:59 PM
Good quiz, although I remember Buffy dying three times in the show. Once in Prophecy Girl at the end of season one (they DID say she was dead...even if only for a few minutes), once when she sacrificed herself at the end of season 5, and then once when the show ended...wait, i am questioning whether or not she died when the show ended... Did she? Christ how can I have forgotten that... Some fan I am... Time to watch again.

Buffy dies in Prophecy girl, which empowers Kendra, who is then killed after Buffy comes back, empowering Faith. This causes a schism so that when Buffster takes the dive for Dawnie in season 5, another slayer is NOT generated. Then, at show's end, I thought Buffy sacrificed herself to empower a whole slew of women? Or....did she not die then? How can I not remember that... I guess I was too busy bawling over Anya :(

I miss Anya...

OK I am watching the series finale when I get home tonight... I feel like a bad fan :(

EDIT - She lived at the end. How I forgot that, I don't know... It has been since 03 that i watched the show tho...I am going to go ahead and play the age card on this one... else I be chastised by other Buffy heads for being a bad fan!


That's me shaking my head...not saying no.

07-17-08, 08:45 PM
Ok, is anyone else watching Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog (@ www.drhorrible.com)? It stars Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion, and is written, of course, by Joss Whedon (otherwise, why would I mention it in the Buffy thread?). It is just seriously funny, and fans of "Once More With Feeling" will love it. Parts one and two are out now, part three is out on Sunday. It's genius.

07-17-08, 09:25 PM
Buffy Quiz Pt. 2! (http://www.goquiz.com/quizzes/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-quiz-pt-2.html) And hopefully I didn't screw any of these up. I triple checked them. I hope it's tough enough for you regulars.

great quiz! i got 16 out of 20. I missed Who kills Kendra?, Where was Riley from? (which I realized like the second after i selected my answer), What is Willow afraid of? (which I should have gotten right, kicked myself for that one. I also missed the question about what Anya was the patron saint of, I though she was a vengance demon and her friend Halfrek that gets killed by D'Hoffryn was the patron saint of scorned women. I guess that vengance demon was generic title and both of them were the same kind of demon...I dont remember that well I guess, its been a long time since i have watched anything but season 5 of buffy...Tell me that Glory wasnt the best villan on the show, other than Angelus of course...

07-17-08, 09:27 PM
Ok, is anyone else watching Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog (@ www.drhorrible.com)? (http://www.drhorrible.com)?) It stars Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion, and is written, of course, by Joss Whedon (otherwise, why would I mention it in the Buffy thread?). It is just seriously funny, and fans of "Once More With Feeling" will love it. Parts one and two are out now, part three is out on Sunday. It's genius.

Its Great! just found the link a few minutes before @ www.filmschoolrejects.com (http://www.filmschoolrejects.com) good good stuff.

07-17-08, 09:34 PM
I spoke with Chris and he's going to do me a favor and wipe the slate clean. Again, I apologize for the screw up and now I give you the new and improved (and hopefully accurate) Buffy quiz (http://www.goquiz.com/quizzes/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-quiz.html).

Edit: And since most of you regulars did so well on my admittedly poor first attempt I'll try and come up with a part 2 that will perhaps be a little tougher for you seasoned vets.

First quiz is fun too, not as good as the 2nd, only because it was kind of easy, but great job!!!

11-17-08, 11:46 AM
I started the series again last night! It has been quite a while since I had a Buffy fix!

11-17-08, 12:14 PM
I sometimes get my fix by reading one of the novels. They have the same type of dialog and different some different story lines than the show.

11-17-08, 12:37 PM
Oh, I need to see lil bouncy Buffy doing the asskix chix thang! LT watched the first episode with me, but she was NOT digging the show at all. I am hoping she starts to like it after a few more episodes, even though season one has some really bad ones. Watching season one is sort of necessary...

The Taxi Driver
11-17-08, 02:17 PM
People tend to not like the show in the beginning, hell I didn't even really like it but chose to stick with it. When introducing the show to people who I know won't really be interested in season I usually just show them the first two episodes the Angel episode and the finale as thats all you really need plot wise.

I also throw The Pack in there as its not really too necessary plot wise I just think its a great episode.

11-17-08, 02:22 PM
I was thinking of not showing a few of the episodes in season one. Especially I Robot, You Jane, which is horrible...

The Prestige
11-17-08, 02:42 PM
I dunno, I just find something charming about season 1. I think it's the simplicity of the season. It serves as a great introduction to the show even though the latter season are MUCH more advanced. I thought that Witch was the weakest episode of Season 1, but I, Robert isn't far behind. What's your favourite of Season 1, Sed?

The Prestige
11-17-08, 02:47 PM
Oh, I need to see lil bouncy Buffy doing the asskix chix thang! LT watched the first episode with me, but she was NOT digging the show at all. I am hoping she starts to like it after a few more episodes, even though season one has some really bad ones. Watching season one is sort of necessary...

I think to speed up her interest you should just show her the episodes that are apart of the arc of season 1 because most of the standalone episodes in that season won't make her a fan. Don't worry, once she gets on Season 2 she'll be thinkin' it's the best show in the world...because it was.

11-17-08, 03:38 PM
I dunno, I just find something charming about season 1. I think it's the simplicity of the season. It serves as a great introduction to the show even though the latter season are MUCH more advanced. I thought that Witch was the weakest episode of Season 1, but I, Robert isn't far behind. What's your favourite of Season 1, Sed?

You know, I think I need to re-watch it all before choosing, although I remember really liking Prophecy Girl. Certain episodes stand out from the entire series, but, it's been years since I watched it, so I need a refresher! ;)

11-17-08, 04:56 PM
Remember the old video tapes that Fox put out of the show, where it had all the major plot point episodes from season one except "prophecy girl" which was totally confusing because that's a really important episode? Yeah, thats how I first saw the show and I got hooked. Thankfully FX started running the re-runs shortly afterward.

11-17-08, 05:18 PM
Yikes. That is such a key episode, especially since it activates another Slayer...

12-04-08, 03:15 PM
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite television show ever. I own the entire series on DVD, and I have Volumes 1 and 2 of Season 8 and plan to get Volume 3 shortly. I also have the first two volumes of Angel: After the Fall, which is also very good. They're the first graphic novels I've ever read, really, and I'm liking them a lot.

12-04-08, 03:24 PM
JUST started re-watching the whole series. Damn, I miss Buffy. Did you like Angel, as well? Another great series...

12-04-08, 04:22 PM
JUST started re-watching the whole series. Damn, I miss Buffy. Did you like Angel, as well? Another great series...

Hell yes I like Angel. :D I own the entire series of Angel on DVD also, and, as I said, the first two volumes of its graphic novels. The Angel series isn't quite as good as the Buffy series, but it's still one of my favorites. They're both connected, though, so you can't truly have one without the other. I'd say Buffy first, then LOST, and Angel right after that. :cool:

12-04-08, 04:39 PM
Yeah, Buffy is the original series, so I guess I have to put it up above Angel. I really liked Angel's last season though, while Buffy's last was severely uneven (I HATED the Slayerettes, but loved Caleb and the First).

The shows have been topped though since, IMO. For me:

Veronica Mars

I like them all about equally, though. Veronica owes a TON to Buffy, but it is seriously tight, and hard to find flaw with, while Buffy is flawed but great.

12-04-08, 04:47 PM
Yeah, Buffy is the original series, so I guess I have to put it up above Angel. I really liked Angel's last season though, while Buffy's last was severely uneven (I HATED the Slayerettes, but loved Caleb and the First).

The shows have been topped though since, IMO. For me:

Veronica Mars

I like them all about equally, though. Veronica owes a TON to Buffy, but it is seriously tight, and hard to find flaw with, while Buffy is flawed but great.

I enjoyed the final season of Buffy, but I do agree that the "Slayerettes" weren't one of the series' strong points. Caleb was awesome and the First was really cool, and the final episode of Season 7 is just about my favorite episode in the entire series. The final scene of the episode, I thought, was perfect. Where they're all standing there looking out into the crater that was once Sunnydale, and Willow says something like "What are we gonna do now?" And Buffy just stands there and smiles.


:D And I probably most enjoyed Season 4 of Angel the most. The Beast was insanely cool. The fight scene with him and Faith? Awesomeness.

12-04-08, 05:21 PM
Have you seen Dark Angel, La Femme Nikita, Dead Like Me or the 4400? Those were also great shows for me.

12-04-08, 05:23 PM
I haven't seen any of those, lol.

Yeah, The final Buffy episode was so, so good. I cried over certain events I shant spoil here...

12-04-08, 07:21 PM
Have you seen Dark Angel, La Femme Nikita, Dead Like Me or the 4400? Those were also great shows for me.

Yep, I've seen (and own) Dark Angel. Awesome show. James Cameron + Jessica Alba = awesome. :cool:

I haven't seen any of those, lol.

Yeah, The final Buffy episode was so, so good. I cried over certain events I shant spoil here...

I don't remember crying, but I got goosebumps like crazy during that last scene. Heh.

12-04-08, 10:39 PM
Yeah, The final Buffy episode was so, so good. I cried over certain events I shant spoil here...

I have to say that I'm not a fan of the ending of Buffy. In fact, I'm not really a fan of the whole last episode, but I really hated that ending. The ending of Angel on the other hand, was superb.

While I think that Angel was, arguably, the better series, I love Buffy the most. Angel really wasn't the same after season 3. If I had to choose one and never see the other again, it'd definately be Buffy that I chose to keep.

12-04-08, 10:45 PM
I think the fact that Angel brought Spike back really hurt the final episode of Buffy.

12-05-08, 01:35 AM
I have to say that I'm not a fan of the ending of Buffy. In fact, I'm not really a fan of the whole last episode, but I really hated that ending. The ending of Angel on the other hand, was superb.

So you like a more open ending that allows interpretation, one that's up for the audience to decide, as opposed to a more concrete one then? I think both endings to both series were fantastic (meaning the very last scenes of both shows), but how Willow asked Buffy that question and the expression on her face, I thought, I was brilliant.