View Full Version : Underrated music...

09-04-02, 06:11 PM
Okay, we already have the underrated movies thread, so I thought "Hey, why not an underrated music thread?" So how about it? Any music, bands, singers, etc. that you think are being criminally overlooked? Stuff that you think is freakin' brilliant, but nobody seems to notice? Older artists who are still putting out top notch stuff but nobody's buying?

I have a few in mind:

For new stuff, I think that everyone should be listening to:

And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead - Excellent art/noise/alt-rock band. Fans of Nirvana, Sonic Youth, Smashing Pumpkins(first 2 albums), and the whole late 80's, early 90's alt-rock scene (pre-Pearl Jam) will love this. It will never get on the radio, so look for it!

As for older acts:

Alice Cooper- Yes, a lot of Alice's 1980's material was garbage, but he's really come back into his own as of late. His last three albums ( The Last Temptation, Brutal Planet, DragonTown) were great. Alice Cooper has always been one of my favorites, and often times a really funny, satirical song writer. His 1970's albums kick much @ss. But folks that ripped him off (Kiss, Ozzy Osbourne, Marilyn Manson) with only HALF of the talent have stolen his spotlight...What an injustice.

Cheap Trick- Yet another band who's bad material in the 80's has doomed them to a loss in popularity. But listen to the first Cheap Trick album. It's a revelation of chaotic, melodic, sick humored pop-metal that just doesn't age! The next 3 albums (In Color, Heaven Tonight, and Dream Police) struggle with the demands of the record producer trying to make them "radio friendly", but still sound remarkably hard edged. Cheap Trick, even today, is one of the greatest live bands you will ever see.

09-04-02, 08:20 PM
I love Cheap Trick, saw them twice at the Oregon Jams in the early 80s. Along with Blue Oyster Cult, and some other forgettables.

David Gilmour - Lead Guitarist for Pink Floyd is extremely underrated for his playing abilities. He's my favorite guitarist, hands down.

Steve Harris - Bassist for Iron Maiden is one of the greatest bassists who ever lived. Will he be inducted into the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame? Doubt it.

GWAR - Pure Genius. But only if you know that they are the way they are on purpose. It's all tounge in cheek.

King Diamond - Scary and evil as H E Double Hockey Sticks! But an extremely talented and gifted songwriter. Is his message good? Nope. But ya know, somebody has to stick it to the establishment.:D

What about Elton John? oh wait, nm...

09-10-02, 06:23 PM
Sure their techno sounds cheesy now, but it was made in the 70's and early 80's. They were leauges ahead of their time.

09-10-02, 08:21 PM
king diamond, eh? the only thing scary about him is 'no more presents for christmas.'
underrated as in ones people have heard of, but not heard? or just plain obscure and beneath even being recognized?
i'd have to put scraping foetus off the wheel and the residents as far as obscurity goes.
also, herman's hermits and the kinks: when will people finally give them credit for being superior brittish invasion groups to the beatles?!
generally i think many 'post punk' bands are underrated, like how early p.i.l. is equal if not superior to the sex pistols, but not half as recognized.

Jonny Goodboy
10-06-02, 01:21 PM
I love listening to music by Mandalay.
Don`t think they`ve ever had a top 10 hit or anything, but they are responsible for two great albums...sexy chilly stuff! :yup: