View Full Version : Jackass

02-26-03, 08:34 AM
just saw my first episode of jackass :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

i thought it was pretty dumb...is it really liked in the US??...is the movie funny at all??

02-26-03, 08:37 AM
When i saw this thread I thought it would pay some homage to jackass. I'm glad it didn't.


It's stupid. I don't see any point in it at all. The only thing they could do to make me watch it is if they all got killed.

03-16-03, 12:12 AM
Jackass is full of all jackasses. Like minion says...they all should be shot.:sick:

03-21-03, 11:52 AM
A picture says a thousand words:


03-23-03, 03:18 AM
Garbage x 1000 :laugh:

03-25-03, 09:50 AM
ok you can all bash me up.............

I saw it at the movies........

:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

03-25-03, 11:52 AM
Awww come on, I wouldn't bash ya frrom seein' it . I can tell ya' hated it. Or .....

03-25-03, 11:53 PM
Ah, I saw Jackass the Movie in theaters and I LOVED it. Funny as hell, and I'm not ashamed to say it. Not everything needs to be Citizen Kane, or even smart, to entertain! I'm a college educated man, but I am not above enjoying stupid sh*t like Jackass the Movie! I just bought the DVD and I'm laughing my @ss off right now! Everyone needs to lighten up. The only folks getting hurt by Jackass are the Jackasses themselves!:D

03-26-03, 12:03 AM
I saw it in the theaters, too, and I'm not ashamed in the least. It's stupid, but it was hysterical and had me laughing my a** off, and in the end, that's, well, primarily what I'm looking for in a comedy.

03-26-03, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by Monkeypunch
The only folks getting hurt by Jackass are the Jackasses themselves!:D

The reason I haven't seen Jackass and will not is because it is really not worth viewing. The type of film that Jackass is for Jackasses themselves. Personally it takes the right brain intellect to think that would worth to even be called a movie by any means. I went to get a copy of a movie last night on DVD at a midnight sale...and there were three guys asking the store worker if they can get a copy of Jackass before it got put out on shelves. Please, to be that anxious to get or even see that you have to be at least somewhat outta your mind.

03-26-03, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by jrs1013
The type of film that Jackass is for Jackasses themselves.
You sure you wanna stand by this statement?

Originally posted by jrs1013
Please, to be that anxious to get or even see that you have to be at least somewhat outta your mind.
Why's that?

03-26-03, 01:21 AM
Firstly, the term "jackasses" is to strong of a term. Though, I do believe that, as I said before, it takes the right brain intellect to think that this would even worth to be called a movie by any means. So yes I in a way stand by that statement.
Secondly, what I meant was by going out to see it. It's worthless. Why go out spend your money on something that is garbage?

03-26-03, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by jrs1013
Firstly, the term "jackasses" is to strong of a term. Though, I do believe that, as I said before, it takes the right brain intellect to think that this would even worth to be called a movie by any means. So yes I in a way stand by that statement.
Secondly, what I meant was by going out to see it. It's worthless. Why go out spend your money on something that is garbage?

I have to partly agree with you there jrs, i hate this show although i wouldn't mind other people waching it as it's up to them where they get their kicks. I myself think all this self mutilation stuff is just wrong and is a stupid form of enetertainment.

Revenge of Mr M
03-26-03, 09:31 AM
I honestly can't see why anyone would actually want to watch Jackass, it would probably make me cringe horribly

03-27-03, 01:11 PM
I saw Jackass, and I thought it was hilarious. I too cringe at some of the things they do. Hey these guys make money by making an ass out of themselves. The only part of the movie that really curled my toes was the paper cutting between the fingers.

03-28-03, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by jrs1013

The reason I haven't seen Jackass and will not is because it is really not worth viewing. The type of film that Jackass is for Jackasses themselves. Personally it takes the right brain intellect to think that would worth to even be called a movie by any means. I went to get a copy of a movie last night on DVD at a midnight sale...and there were three guys asking the store worker if they can get a copy of Jackass before it got put out on shelves. Please, to be that anxious to get or even see that you have to be at least somewhat outta your mind.

Okay, you don't like it. Don't insult those of us who do.:furious:

03-28-03, 12:15 AM
I don't believe that's an insult.

03-28-03, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by jrs1013
Firstly, the term "jackasses" is to strong of a term. Though, I do believe that, as I said before, it takes the right brain intellect to think that this would even worth to be called a movie by any means. So yes I in a way stand by that statement.
Secondly, what I meant was by going out to see it. It's worthless. Why go out spend your money on something that is garbage?
Because it's not garbage much more than There's Something About Mary is garbage. Both are gross, but hilarious. I fail to see what's so hard to understand about that. I think most would consider me a relatively intelligent person who does not have a penchant for disgust for disgust's own sake. But I think the movie (and it IS a movie) is funny as hell.

Originally posted by jrs1013
I honestly can't see why anyone would actually want to watch Jackass, it would probably make me cringe horribly
It would make you cringe. So? :)

03-28-03, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by jrs1013
I don't believe that's an insult.
Calling someone who likes it a jackass and saying you have to be "outta your mind" to really want to see it isn't, in your mind, insulting?

03-28-03, 12:18 AM
Um, how is " The type of film that Jackass is for Jackasses themselves" NOT an insult? Or maybe you meant "Please, to be that anxious to get or even see that you have to be at least somewhat outta your mind" as a compliment?

03-28-03, 12:34 AM
I honestly can't see why anyone would actually want to watch Jackass, it would probably make me cringe horribly

Not said by me but by Revenge of Mr. M

1. You can't compare Mary and jackass....totally different.\

I did not say anyone here is NOT intellegent. Including you Chris.

2. When I said "Please, to be that anxious to get or even see that you have to be at least somewhat outta your mind" was my opinion!!!!

3. When said "The type of film that Jackass is, is for Jackasses themselves", I stated earlier that may have been to harsh of a statement to have said.

03-28-03, 12:38 AM
Not said by me but by Revenge of Mr. M
Yes, I know. :)

1. You can't compare Mary and jackass....totally different.\

2. When I said "Please, to be that anxious to get or even see that you have to be at least somewhat outta your mind" was my opinion!!!!
Yes, we know it's your opinion. And it is your opinion we are taking issue with. Just because it's an opionion, it doesn't mean it's impervious to criticism.

03-28-03, 12:45 AM
Why different? One has story (Mary) other does not (Jackass). Am I right?

03-28-03, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by jrs1013
Why different? One has story (Mary) other does not (Jackass). Am I right?
Uh, yeah. That doesn't explain why one is inherently garbage, however. A movie doesn't have to have a story to be entertaining -- documentaries come to mind. Comedies, aside from mindless action flicks, are probably of a genre that LEAST needs a story. It's aim is to make you laugh, and Jackass does that. It's gross, and stupid, but so are some of the more hilarious moments in a number of other films out there.

03-28-03, 01:01 AM
Mary has yes gross moments and to me they are funny. In Jackass, they have gross moments , as well as ridiculous/ nonsense moments. All of which I find assinine.
Heck yes, there are comedies out there that do wild stuff out there to make us laugh. Ok, Jackass may make some laugh, but personally it to me it's just not worth seeing.
I apologize if you thought I was offending you or putting anyone down.