View Full Version : Weird Al: Comic Brilliance OR Wacko?

03-02-03, 11:08 PM
Here is a debate Ive had many a times to me Weird Al, has some of the funniest music/parodies around and tis a comic genius. WHat is your opinion?

03-02-03, 11:26 PM

03-02-03, 11:37 PM
I totally agree with you Naisy… Weird Al is a comic genius and I love his stuff… :yup:

03-03-03, 12:53 AM
I have all his music. He is hysterical and is one heck of a comical genius when it comes to spoofing. I am still waiting for his next album. :yup:

03-03-03, 07:13 AM
Weird Al Yankovic for me is great, I have many songs/parodies on my computer and I get more and more each day, my personal favourites at the moment would have to be:

You Dont Love Me Anymore
Im Fat
and Eat It

03-03-03, 07:54 AM
I have 2 cd's of his........and he is BRILLIANT........

Sexy Celebrity
03-04-03, 10:25 PM
I wouldn't call him BRILLIANT... he's okay... I used to be really into him when I was a child. Loved "UHF" and all that... but now I can take it or leave it.

03-04-03, 11:12 PM
Got you all beat. Been a fan since 1978 -- before he had his first record deal. Saw him in concert six times, met him four times. Have three separate autographed items. Have all his albums, nearly all on every format available (vinyl, cassette and CD). Have UHF. Have T-shirts, posters, tapes of all sorts of TV appearances and specials over the years, cassettes of bootleg stuff he's never recorded on albums, etc. etc.

I think he's brilliant. No matter how down I get, he can always make me laugh. The good kind of laugh.

Double thumbs-up from me. (That's me, Al, and my two sons. Yes, one is Yoda.)

Sexy Celebrity
03-04-03, 11:38 PM
Yoda is the shaggy, curly haired, blue shirt wearing guy in the front, right.... ?

03-04-03, 11:55 PM
I fergit. (This is a 1997 photo.) But if not, then he's the one with the red John Lennon sunglasses and long straight hair in the back.