View Full Version : What band. . .

11-27-03, 11:22 AM
What band has influence Rock and Roll music the most? The Beatles DON'T count because they have influence practically all music in general. I'm gonna have to go with Led Zeppelin on this one. (duh, look at my screen name) But seriously, they have five albums on the top 100 selling albums of all time list, the song Stairway to Heaven is STILL holds the record of most requested song of all time, and oh yeah, they are second ONLY to the Beatles in record sales. They have countless of tribute albums, I don't know of any band that has more tribute albums than Zeppelin. They were the band that helped coin the phraze Heavy Metal. "It sounds like heavy metal being grinded together." Well Rolling Stone never did give good reviews, but if this isn't a band that influenced rock music, I don't know who is!

Henry The Kid
11-27-03, 11:28 AM
This is actually a pretty subjective question. Led Zeppelin would be the easiest answer, but I wouldn't hesitate to throw in a nod for Pixies, as they have been blatantly ripped off by more recent bands, similar to Zep. Zeppelin is probably the safest bet.

11-27-03, 11:41 AM
Considering how unrecognized they were when they made their albums compared to what kind of impact they've had on following bands, I would like to mention The Velvet Underground.

11-27-03, 01:15 PM
I know Garett, Pidzilla and I may be the only ones who will agree w/ this, but how about KISS?

11-27-03, 01:19 PM
It depends on what genre of rock and roll you're talking about. It can be argued that Led Zepplin are the pioneers of heavy metal, but not all rock & roll in general. It can be said that without motown and blues performers, rock & roll wouldn't even exist, so maybe they should be given the credit.

Black Sabbath created acid rock.

Metallica are the pioneers of thrash even though there was thrash before them, but they are the ones to make it mainstream.

What about the Sex Pistols and The Clash? Do they not get credit for creating a whole sub-culture?

Or Nirvana, would grunge have made it mainstream without them?

Nine Inch Nails made techno-rock popular, while King Diamond is the god of black metal.

Or Aerosmith and Run DMC?

I don't think that any of these bands can take credit for being the "most" influential, because they have all contributed in their own way to what is considered rock and roll today.

But if I have to vote....The Beatles, and I don't care if you say they don't count. ;D

11-27-03, 02:24 PM
KISS! boo ya!

11-27-03, 03:34 PM
Chuck Berry.

EVERY single rock and roll album, band, genre, etc would NOT exist without this man.

Robert Johnson.

There WOULD be no Led Zeppelin OR rolling Stones Or Kinks OR any other f*cking bands without this man.

these are my two choices...

11-27-03, 06:22 PM
Chuck Berry.

EVERY single rock and roll album, band, genre, etc would NOT exist without this man.

Robert Johnson.

There WOULD be no Led Zeppelin OR rolling Stones Or Kinks OR any other f*cking bands without this man.

these are my two choices...

ACDC would have no signature move if it wasn't for Chuck Berry. (duck-walk)