View Full Version : Sex and the City
03-19-04, 11:35 PM
Had a look throguh the Tv forum and there was not one thread on this marvellous show! Any fans here? I for one love the show, havnt always enjoyed it but after viewing an episode by mistake a few years ago, and catching Samantha having sex whilst on a trapeze screaming at the top of her lungs flying through the air...i was hooked.
As us Brits are a bit behind, i have just finished watching the last episode. thought it was an excellant way to round the brilliant series off. thought all the charecters were left in great situations and i loved the way we finally found out big's name. was a very sweet, emotional, slighty cheesy and fabulous ending. What did everyone else think? Anyone else fans of the show?
03-20-04, 08:25 AM
We here in Sweden are behind as well and they haven't even started to show the last season. I watch it every now and then and I think it is a really good show. I know there's a lot of guys around here that won't admit to liking it because it's a "girl show". I don't agree. I think that even though it is about these women it is still very entertaining for me as a man. I have also heard criticism from some women who are annoyed because the show "isn't about us" but about "unrealistic rich New York women" and they don't understand why the show could give them. The same women love it when Uma Thurman kick some male butt in Kill Bill, the most realistic movie the last few years wouldn't you agree?
Although I am male, I love this programme. I was out on Friday so missed the last episode, but I'm sure it will be repeated. It is a very clever show,with good actors. Samantha is my favourate, although all are good.
12-26-23, 04:48 PM
I recently had the opportunity to watch this show from beginning to end and I have to admit how much I enjoyed it for the most part. Sarah Jessica Parker was the ultimate clothes horse and I had forgotten how she talked directly to the camera during the first season, which they mercifully phased out before the end of the season because it wasn't really working. What did work but equally frustrated was the toxic relationship between Carrie and Big which found me often talking back at the screen. I did want to strangle Carrie when she cheated on Aiden with Big and actually invited Big to Aiden's cabin for the weekend...I don't know what the hell she was thinking doing that. The sexually uninhibited Samantha Jones was a bit over the top, but fun for the most part. Did love the breast cancer storyline though because it occurred during the time of one of the show's best romantic interests...along with Steve Brady and Aiden Shaw, Jarrod Smith was the perfect boyfriend who deserved a lot better than they got. Aiden didn't deserve anything Carrie put him through and neither did poor Steve...boy, Miranda made that guy jump through some major hoops, but he gave as good as he got. Loved Miranda and Steve's whole story. I initially found Charlotte annoying, but her struggles to become a mother definitely softened her for me and I LOVED her with Evan Handler's Harry. This show was also a boy watcher's heaven as every gorgeous actor who was working circa 1990 popped up on this show at some point.
12-27-23, 02:17 PM
I recently had the opportunity to watch this show from beginning to end and I have to admit how much I enjoyed it for the most part. Sarah Jessica Parker was the ultimate clothes horse and I had forgotten how she talked directly to the camera during the first season, which they mercifully phased out before the end of the season because it wasn't really working. What did work but equally frustrated was the toxic relationship between Carrie and Big which found me often talking back at the screen. I did want to strangle Carrie when she cheated on Aiden with Big and actually invited Big to Aiden's cabin for the weekend...I don't know what the hell she was thinking doing that. The sexually uninhibited Samantha Jones was a bit over the top, but fun for the most part. Did love the breast cancer storyline though because it occurred during the time of one of the show's best romantic interests...along with Steve Brady and Aiden Shaw, Jarrod Smith was the perfect boyfriend who deserved a lot better than they got. Aiden didn't deserve anything Carrie put him through and neither did poor Steve...boy, Miranda made that guy jump through some major hoops, but he gave as good as he got. Loved Miranda and Steve's whole story. I initially found Charlotte annoying, but her struggles to become a mother definitely softened her for me and I LOVED her with Evan Handler's Harry. This show was also a boy watcher's heaven as every gorgeous actor who was working circa 1990 popped up on this show at some point.
The first show I ever streamed. Long after it had begun. I own the box set.
Loved it. Especially the Carrie/Big arc. Chris Noth was so hot in this show.
I watched the ensuing movie, which was no more than okay. No interest in the movie after that or “Just Like That”. They need to stop wringing this dry.
12-28-23, 06:42 PM
The first movie was OK, but the second one was a steaming pile of crap.
12-29-23, 11:32 AM
I disagree, the first film was crap and just undid everything the season finale did in order to have a film. I've not even bothered with the next film.
It was a great series though, SC and I used to do episode commentaries sometimes. Unlike a lot of fans, I couldn't stand Aiden. :D
12-29-23, 02:56 PM
I disagree, the first film was crap and just undid everything the season finale did in order to have a film. I've not even bothered with the next film.
It was a great series though, SC and I used to do episode commentaries sometimes. Unlike a lot of fans, I couldn't stand Aiden. :D
I didn’t mind Aiden. It was sad when Carrie started wearing her engagement ring as a necklace instead of on her finger. I knew she wasn’t gonna marry him.
12-29-23, 02:58 PM
I have to agree that I, too, was troubled by Carrie wearing her engagement ring around her neck. The second she did that, I knew the marriage was never to be...there was no viable explanation for her doing that..."I wanted it to be closer to my heart" Please.
12-29-23, 03:06 PM
I have to agree that I, too, was troubled by Carrie wearing her engagement ring around her neck. The second she did that, I knew the marriage was never to be...there was no viable explanation for her doing that..."I wanted it to be closer to my heart" Please.
Yeah, no woman does that. One wants to show off an engagement ring.
01-03-24, 10:59 AM
i never watched the new one, i use to watched the old one from the 90s
i also haven't watched the new one, but I really enjoyed the old one.
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