View Full Version : Jeff's favorite music

03-02-25, 04:57 PM
Just one more thread, to cover music, proud and all knowing part of my trinity of interests.

My aim is to put together a wonderfully persuasive, and unexpectedly all-inclusive mix that totally makes sense, but shouldn't, if anything was just slightly different.

Each post in this thread will contain enough music that would be the running time of a feature length film.


1 --- Richard Tauber - Freunde, das Leben ist lebenswert aus Giuditta (Lehàr)

how Berlin Alexanderplatz begins


2 --- Björk Mother Heroic

my muse, special stuff here, i think it comes from her collaboration with John Tavener


3 --- Moon River - La Mala Educación

Haunting rendtion from one of Almodovar's better films


4 --- Musica Poetica I: Gassenhauer

I adore how this sounds, and i thank the movie Badlands for it


5 --- June Christy - Bewitched

I heard this in a Godard, and it's needed at this point


6 --- Soul Bossa Nova

one of the grooviest things i've heard


7 --- Parliament - Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker)

From groove to a funk standard


8 --- John Cooper Clarke - Evidently Chickentown

this is a weird little dittie i found long ago


9 --- Greta Van Fleet - Heat Above

a GREAT power ballad


10 --- Tom Waits - "God's Away On Business"

an edgy Tom hit


11 --- Skinny Puppy-Chainsaw

love me some classic industrial sometimes


12 --- Joséphine Baker "La Petite Tonkinoise" "Pretty Little Tonkin Girl" Il m'appelle sa p'tite bourgeoise

My favorite moment in Forbidden Zone when Frenchie sings this


13 --- Chantal Goya-Tu M'as Trop Menti

then we remember a classic 60's French pop hit


14 --- Santo & Johnny - Sleep Walk

Overture to the next string of doo-wop hits that are featured in a Kenneth Anger film -- Rabbit's Moon


15 --- The Capris -There's A Moon Out Tonight


16 --- Mary Wells - Bye Bye Baby


17 --- The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes For You


18 --- The El Dorados - Tears on My Pillow


19 --- Robert Schumann. "Gesänge der Frühe" Op.133. 1853

I feel this piano piece so much, it feels like it expresses the sad part of going crazy


20 --- Nick Lowe - "The Beast In Me"

The Sopranos gave me many songs to cherish, this seems very apt to end on here


03-02-25, 08:09 PM
Jeff's favorite music Part 2 of 366


I dunno if it's the case for others but playing videos on MoFo pages can be problematic, so i just refer to my playlist linked right above. This installment is more feel good song oriented on the whole.

21 --- Bach -- he was the best
22 --- Cole Porter -- its cited in my favorite Cassavetes in a bar scene
23 --- Bonzo Dog Dooh Dah Band -- Hello Mabel see the tie in here with the previous?
24 --- Ween -- more than just a novelty band
25 --- Rage Against the Machine -- this played when i was driven home from a memorable party during high school times, lovely memories
26 --- En Vogue -- Free Your Mind, awesome song, we need it now, more than we did in the 90s
27 --- Sparks, that funny song from Guy Maddin's late career effort
28 --- Grimes - Genesis -- I love a couple Grimes songs, this is one of them
29 --- Samiyyah - Never Mind -- this was a lucky find a little over a year ago
30 --- theme for season 1 of True Detective, cool dark country vibes
31 --- My favorite Talking Heads song
32 --- a couple Josephine Foster songs, she's unique
33 --- a super catchy "Russian" song
34 --- The Frights -- Tungs -- love these catchy ditties i wouldn't have known of without YouTube
35 --- Beck does catchy pretty damn good
36 --- Prince -- Partyman -- the long version, great moments, Prince was the first pop star i ever idolized
37 --- The Black Keys -- Everlasting Light -- this is feel good done right
38 --- New York Groove from that guy from Kiss
39 --- Sheryl Crow makes mistakes sound so good.
40 --- Joan Jett -- Bad Reputation -- a timeless energy track
41 --- Bowie's Young Americans is a time when Lars von Trier picked a goodie for the end credits
42 --- A Grease soundtrack goodie
43 --- Chaka Khan begs us to tell her something good

03-04-25, 05:16 AM
Music for when yer off yo rocker
