Conversation Between donniedarko and Kakarot89

Showing Comments 149 to 152 of 153
  1. 09-04-12
    Hmmm, in my mind that seems kinda pointless because it was specifically made in non linear order to add on to the mind ****. If Pulp Fiction was in order it would be crap, therefore I can't imagine that doing anything but hurting Mementos reputation to me. But I guess it would be intresting to see for a hardcore fan like The Prestiege or someone who didn't get it.
  2. 09-04-12
    Hey, I saw your talk with The Prestige. If you get the two disc edition of Memento, the chronological version is available to watch on there. It's finding it that's the pain in the butt. It's not as good as the movie the way it is but is a pretty cool thing to check out.
  3. 09-04-12
    I went to the Art Institute for a quarter when I moved to Denver from the Springs but it was nothing more than a waste of time and money. I've worked on a few things with guys who do go to the Film School. It's definitely a great experience.
  4. 09-04-12
    no I'm in Highschool. yourself?