Conversation Between The Gunslinger45 and Camo

Showing Comments 13 to 16 of 34
  1. 08-12-15
    Between you, Slob, Cap, and Seanc who I think put it on his list, I think the film will do very well. I myself am rooting for Stangelove. Though I am sad as it seems The Producers did not make it.
  2. 08-12-15
    Yeah you win this round Guns . Nah I'm just happy it showed up so high I wasn't expecting it to make the top quarter never mind so close to the top ten.

    Now as long as Once...West makes the top 5 this countdown would've been a success in my eyes
  3. 08-11-15
    Check the 60's list. You will be happy.
  4. 08-05-15
    It will make it.