Mr Minio's Avatar
Last Activity: 3 hours ago

Mr Minio

Reel Connoisseur
13,987 POSTS


11¾ years HERE

Activity Log
9 hours ago Posted
1 day ago Shouted
1 day ago Shouted
A few details about me? Why don't you tell me about yourself instead? Biography
Onomichi, Hiroshima, Japan Location
Film, music, and pretending I have other hobbies apart from these two Interests
I do stuff for money. Then again, don't we all? Occupation
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.
4 movies pseudo-arthouse

4 movies black metal

Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 68
  1. 02-12-20
    By any chance, are you on any other film-related websites such as letterboxd, ICM, etc.?
  2. 12-16-19
    Okay, but I'm not a stereotypical anime character with huge eyes. I have normal sized eyes!
  3. 12-16-19
    I'm a pseudo human? That's... the nicest thing anyone said to me today. -sniffle-
  4. 12-16-19
    Lesbian Sex is pseudo sex.
Mr Minio has not chosen any favorite movies yet.
Tokyo Story   1/24/21
After all, Ozu's films are, or at least this film - Tokyo Story is, pretty straightforward

Has the Film Already Started?   2/15/18
...invites the viewer to look at it solely through the prism of cheap provocationism, but seen as a single fil

Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta désert   10/24/16
The India Song's India Song is reused here, but not as exces

Ingmar Bergman
Tro och Dod: The Ingmar Bergman Club