Hondo333's Avatar
Last Activity: 08-05-07


I must become Caligari..!
1,487 POSTS



21¾ years HERE

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I like to do stuff. Biography
Perth, Australia Location
Film Interests
Student/Ripper Of The Mic, Ripper Of The State, Ripper Of The System Occupation
It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...
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Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World   12/09/03
I think that there was a (failed) attempt to transfer what w

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