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Showing Comments 1 to 2 of 2
  1. 12-05-20
    In case you hadn't noticed your Happy Birthday thread.
  2. 07-18-20

    I saw you on a thread I was posting on and thought you looked new here and it turns out YOU ARE! Then I saw High and Low on your list of favorite films. A FANTASTIC film by Kurosawa. Anyway, I just wanted to share my love of High and Low and welcome you to the forum.
The Advent Calendar   9/15/24
Theres a delicate balancing act in this film regarding Evas situation, and it does a very good job of showing

Double Down   9/15/24
On one hand, it feels a bit meaner to laugh at someone who is genuinely trying to do something good, but on th

Jessica Forever   9/13/24
Its a complex issue, and Im not sure that a movie review is the right place to unpack my many thoughts (some o

After Blue (Dirty Paradise)   9/08/24
Planet full of lesbians in sexy outfits doing sexy things sounds like the premise for a film written by the ar

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