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Yoda 12-10-03 02:16 PM

The MoFo Glossary
It's baaaaaack.

Sir Toose 12-10-03 02:21 PM

I forgot about T2.

I'll have to poke around on that thing... I bet we have some terms to add.

Caitlyn 12-10-03 02:44 PM

Thanks Yoda... :D

Originally Posted by Sir Toose
I bet we have some terms to add.

Especially under D ... ;)

Golgot 12-10-03 03:08 PM

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Thanks Yoda... :D

Especially under D ... ;)
I was amazed there was nothing there :)

Sexy Celebrity 12-10-03 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by Sir Toose
I'll have to poke around on that thing...
Oh my, I hope the MoFo Glossary gave you consent. :eek:

Sedai 12-10-03 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Oh my, I hope the MoFo Glossary gave you consent. :eek:
How about for A:

AFK - away from keyboard


Yoda 12-10-03 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai
How about for A:

AFK - away from keyboard
Generally, I would agree with you, but "AFK" isn't very applicable for a forum. Nobody posts just to let others know that they're stepping away for a moment. It'd make more sense in the context of a chat room or an IM, in my opinion.

Keep the suggestions coming, though. The more esoteric and MoFo-specific, the better.

Caitlyn 01-09-05 11:47 AM

I love the 'Random Glossary Term' feature... but would love to see some new ones…

Any ideas?

I still think we need a new one in the D's… ;)

r3port3r66 01-09-05 12:33 PM

How about (no indication to you Cait'--just a suggestion;)):

DOTM = Diarreah Of The Mouth. Yes I know the "O" & "T" shouldn't be included, but it looks better than just DM...

blibblobblib 01-09-05 05:12 PM

How about "Holy Helmet" Its an exclamation of suprise or bewilderment i use on a daily basis, and i think more people shoulduse, it rolls off the tongue nicely i feel. My nan is very fond of it indeed.


"What in the Holy Helmet are you doing in that cucumber field Sister Mary Joseph?"


"Holy Helmet i think i'm touching cloth."

MovieMaker5087 01-09-05 06:17 PM

What about anywho, Chris? It has the same meaning as anyways, only a different prononciation and I often use it.

Just a suggestion.

Yoda 01-09-05 07:20 PM

The glossary is more for listing inside jokes and phrases used often on MoFo; kind of a way to document the various gags and fads that have come and gone, as well as get newbies up to speed on just what the heck we're talking about. ;) Most of the entries, you'll notice, wouldn't work offline, or even on another site. That is -- albeit loosely -- the criteria that I try to use.

MovieMaker5087 01-09-05 09:47 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda
The glossary is more for listing inside jokes and phrases used often on MoFo
I do use anywho often on MoFo.

OG- 01-09-05 10:06 PM

I'm pretty sure anywho isn't some word incapable of being decyphered by your average MoFo reader, but that's just me....

I require a section dedicated to me...

blibblobblib 01-09-05 10:13 PM

I often use the word 'flagellum' and 'the'. If 'anywho' is going in they sure are.

Nitzer 01-09-05 11:58 PM

"Nitzer, The" - Someone everyone should love, respect, and hail, for the world would be a dull place without him.

MovieMaker5087 01-11-05 08:03 PM

How about:

TPM- An acronym for The Phantom Menace
ROTS- An acronym for Revenge of the Sith
SW- An acronym for Star Wars
ANH- An acronym for A New Hope
ESB- An acronym for The Empire Strikes Back
ROTJ- An acronym for Return of the Jedi

Just a couple of suggestions.

SamsoniteDelilah 01-11-05 09:11 PM

frogging - gerund form of "to frog" a form of free-associative posting which tends to leave people scratching their heads, but smiling. See also: A_L-ing, Gustavoing.

peppering the newbs - a form of warm welcome which doubles as prep for a Barbara Walters interview. Reigning Grand Champion of Newb Peppering: Aniko

blib - v. blibbed, blibbing; to laugh to the point of mild incontinence. Poor Caitlyn blibbed so hard at Sedai's joke, she had to go change her socks.

shizzification - n. the act of modifying one's speech in a ghetto-tastic manner.

nebbitize - v. a thread has been nebbitized when at least 5% of the posts are happy little pictures.

more as they occur...

SamsoniteDelilah 01-11-05 09:14 PM

pike - v. piked, piking To post in a movie game in such a way that even Roger Ebert would be stumped for an answer. Ironically, the one person who is never piked: Holden Pike.

Mose 01-12-05 09:40 AM

Not sure if anyone else uses it, but it seems to be needed as of late...

Reputation Whore - Members who beg for positive reputation points... See Uncle Rico :)

Caitlyn 01-12-05 10:57 AM

Originally Posted by Mose
Reputation Whore - Members who beg for positive reputation points...
I like that one... :p ... and I think a couple of Sammy's fit the bill too... :yup:

MovieMaker5087 01-12-05 10:58 AM

Originally Posted by Mose
Not sure if anyone else uses it, but it seems to be needed as of late...

Reputation Whore - Members who beg for positive reputation points... See Uncle Rico :)

blibblobblib 01-12-05 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by Mose
Reputation Whore - Members who beg for positive reputation points...
Yes. I like this one. There seems to be a lot of these on this forum of late, spesh in the User Feedback thread...

undercoverlover 01-12-05 04:06 PM

i definately think we should have something along the lines of 'being piked'

being piked is recieving a neg rep, as many of us have, from the delectible holden.

Used in the context of 'oh dude i just got piked!'

nebbit 01-13-05 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
nebbitize - v. a thread has been nebbitized when at least 5% of the posts are happy little pictures. .
:yup: :love: :kiss:

r3port3r66 02-01-05 07:15 PM

Problem: TPAM is not in the glossary! Why not...Chris?.

r3port3r66 02-02-05 01:42 PM

Perhaps I should clear something up about my last post on this thread. Nebb's gave me a positive rep point because she thinks that I endorse her name being added to the glossary. I do endorse the word "nebbitize" being added, but my main point was that the word "TPAM" (The Person Above Me) is not in the glossary at this time. Acccording to Yoda "TPAM" meets all the criteria for a word that should be added--or should have been a long time ago.

nebbit 02-02-05 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
Perhaps I should clear something up about my last post on this thread. Nebb's gave me a positive rep point because she thinks that I endorse her name being added to the glossary. I do endorse the word "nebbitize" being added, but my main point was that the word "TPAM" (The Person Above Me) is not in the glossary at this time. Acccording to Yoda "TPAM" meets all the criteria for a word that should be added--or should have been a long time ago.

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