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John Dumbear 08-31-23 08:05 PM

The Official NFL Thread
Surprised not to see anything here. Forgive me, I used the search function and found nil. Which really leads to if anyone cares. Sure, it's a movie forum but not even a sub/sub thread?

Anyway, a die-hard Detroit lion fan here, since '68, when I was ten. Am attending my first Lion road game in KC on Sept. 7th, the nationally televised season opener.

Any others?

Allaby 08-31-23 08:10 PM

Re: The Official NFL Thread
I'm a Packers fan.

John Dumbear 08-31-23 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by Allaby (Post 2409182)
I'm a Packers fan.
Thread killer...

Allaby 08-31-23 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by John Dumbear (Post 2409183)
Thread killer...
Sorry...(not really). The Packers are the best team ;)

cricket 08-31-23 09:01 PM

Pats fan, waiting for the next Brady. We had an NFL thread at some point, it was glorious.

doubledenim 08-31-23 09:10 PM

We had a non-fantasy NFL competition thread at some point, it was mucho glorioso 😋

Citizen Rules 08-31-23 09:41 PM

Re: The Official NFL Thread
I don't like sports:shifty:

doubledenim 08-31-23 09:42 PM

H[ow]TF do the Panthers waive Corral? Russillo had a good bit about how flawed the NFL is with these quarterbacks. Draft one, if they don’t stand on their head in limited reps, draft their replacement and keep wasting draft picks.

John W Constantine 09-01-23 10:23 AM

Good shot, was wondering whether to start one of these, not sure if it conflicted with the fantasy thread. Really started to get pumped a few days ago with the rosters being finalized. LFG.

John W Constantine 09-01-23 10:25 AM

The Trey Lance thing has been interesting to say the least, not in a off-season nothing really going on sort of way but glad he got out of San Fran if he wasn't atleast going to be a no. 2.

Yoda 09-01-23 10:38 AM

Re: The Official NFL Thread
I guess it's nice to realize you have such a potential gem at QB but man, sure sucks for them they didn't realize it until after they gave up a Herschel Walker level of draft capital for Lance.

John W Constantine 09-01-23 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2409314)
I guess it's nice to realize you have such a potential gem at QB but man, sure sucks for them they didn't realize it until after they gave up a Herschel Walker level of draft capital for Lance.
I'm hearing the pick was originally going to be Mac Jones, which they could well have picked @ 12 but some last minute reconsidering and they wind up trading up to no.3. The fact that they still reached two nfc cc games with him basically not playing more than a game and some change they have to be sic with the thought they have left maybe two titles on the table.

doubledenim 09-01-23 05:16 PM

3 1sts < 0.

Not only that, but the player they could have drafted with the Lance pick as well.

doubledenim 09-01-23 05:21 PM

If I start a “Please sit Bryce this year so he doesn’t get murdered behind that line and end his career for a wasted season” petition, can I count on you guys and everyone you know, their co-workers and neighbors to sign it? I’ll be good I promise and I’ll nvr ask for anything again 🥹

WHITBISSELL! 09-01-23 05:48 PM

I'm not sure anyone will ever top David Carr's stint with the Texans. He took 249 sacks in his five years there including 76 in his first year. SEVENTY SIX. Derek's never lived up to his potential either. Which leads me to wonder if some Carr ancestor wronged a Gypsy back in the old country.

doubledenim 09-01-23 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by WHITBISSELL! (Post 2409424)
I'm not sure anyone will ever top David Carr's stint with the Texans. He took 249 sacks in his five years there including 76 in his first year. SEVENTY SIX. Derek's never lived up to his potential either. Which leads me to wonder if some Carr ancestor wronged a Gypsy back in the old country.
Also a former Panther!

John W Constantine 09-07-23 09:21 PM


Allaby 09-07-23 09:25 PM

Re: The Official NFL Thread
Let's go Chiefs! Spank those Lions!

John W Constantine 09-08-23 12:54 AM

Certainly a way to start the season.

Captain Terror 09-08-23 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by John Dumbear (Post 2409181)

Anyway, a die-hard Detroit lion fan here, since '68, when I was ten. Am attending my first Lion road game in KC on Sept. 7th, the nationally televised season opener.
So this worked out well!

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