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JKro159 09-28-08 06:39 PM

Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
Hey, everyone. This is my first post on here. I think that Goodfellas is probably one of the best movies ever made. The suspense is great and the story line, action, and characters do not leave you wanting more. I was wondering what you all think about it.

Holden Pike 09-28-08 07:01 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
1 Attachment(s)

Yes, I too think GoodFellas is one of the greatest films ever made and Scorsese's masterpiece. You will find many fans here at MoFo. You can also join existing discussions and offer your opinions about GoodFellas in threads such as THIS ONE, THIS ONE and THIS ONE, among others.

"Where are the shovels, anyway?

Swan 09-28-08 07:18 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
Welcome. I find Goodfellas to be very overrated. It's a decent flick, but I personally didn't see what the big deal was.

Powdered Water 09-28-08 07:58 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
Yeah, well its no Shawshank Redemption but you know... It's OK.

"If you're part of a crew, nobody ever tells you that they're going to kill you, doesn't happen that way. There weren't any arguments or curses like in the movies. See, your murderers come with smiles, they come as your friends, the people who've cared for you all of your life. And they always seem to come at a time that you're at your weakest and most in need of their help."

JKro159 09-29-08 12:04 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
Thanks for the welcome and the other forums. I just think that it is so good because it really takes you through the life of a member of the mob. It doesnt just start out as he is already there. You see his rise and his eventual fall. Beautiful.

rufnek 09-29-08 05:30 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
Originally Posted by Swan (Post 465582)
Welcome. I find Goodfellas to be very overrated. It's a decent flick, but I personally didn't see what the big deal was.
Yeah, I enjoyed it at the time I saw it on the same level as I enjoyed Casino or Men of Respect or A Bronx Tale or a number of other films.

rufnek 09-29-08 05:53 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
Originally Posted by JKro159 (Post 465679)
Thanks for the welcome and the other forums. I just think that it is so good because it really takes you through the life of a member of the mob. It doesnt just start out as he is already there. You see his rise and his eventual fall. Beautiful.
Yeah, like you see the rise and fall of gangsters in Public Enemy which starts with two childhood buddies and how they develop into criminals. Or Angels with Dirty Faces which starts with two friends who later follow different careers--one a killer, the other a priest. Or The Roaring Twenties that starts with three friends who meet in World War I and later develop different roles in law and order. Or All Quite on the Western Front, which starts with idealistic school boys and follows them as they become bitter veterans in World War I. Or Sergeant York, which starts with a conscientious objector and follows his development into one of the greatest heros of World War I, or The Fighting Sullivans that starts with 5 young brothers and follows them through the fatal torpedoing of the USS Juno in World War II. Or Men of Respect, that starts with a young gangster's first act that gets him noticed by the mob leaders and follows his rise and fall. Or A Bronx Story which follows a young man as he witnesses the rise and fall of a local gangster. Or Once Upon a Time in America that follows a group of young friends from their boyhoods through their finishes in crime. Or Somebody Up There Likes Me, which follows a teenage hooligan through his rise to a champion boxer. Or Citizen Kane, that traces the rise and fall of an American newspaper publisher from his youth through his old age. Or The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond which records--well, you know.

Sedai 09-29-08 06:18 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
I love Goodfellas, and am due for another watch, soon...

The Swagtastic Hades 09-29-08 09:07 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
I remember seeing this on TV the first time and even tho it was editted i still loved it... I bought the dvd the next day an have seen it 4-5 times now...

also in a unrelated comparison I loved casino too... joe pesci is the ****in man!

rufnek 09-30-08 02:27 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 465726)
I love Goodfellas, and am due for another watch, soon...
Did you ever see the TV biography about the dweeb that movie was based on? As usual, the Hollywood version is a far jump from reality.

Sedai 09-30-08 02:32 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
Originally Posted by rufnek (Post 465917)
Did you ever see the TV biography about the dweeb that movie was based on? As usual, the Hollywood version is a far jump from reality.
I didn't, although I have read a bit about him. Didn't seem like the type to have been involved in all that mess, but, alas, there are witnesses. ;)

rufnek 09-30-08 02:53 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 465919)
I didn't, although I have read a bit about him. Didn't seem like the type to have been involved in all that mess, but, alas, there are witnesses. ;)
Oh, I don't question that things happened generally as depicted in the movie. But he sure wasn't as pretty as portrayed and didn't have such a happy ending. I know he and his wife divorced while they were in federal witness protection program. I think he also got busted a couple of times for committing rather petty crimes while under witness protection--maybe he was given a new identity and moved by the feds after the first offense but then either opted out or was kicked out of the protection program after the second one. But maybe I'm confusing that story with something else--can't say for sure. Anyway, like most crooks, he sold out the top two guys who been his buddies in the rackets to cut a better deal for himself. Reminds me of something I read somewhere about an FBI agent from the golden days of public enemies like Dillinger and Floyd and Machine-Gun Kelly in the 1930s: talking about the cops and robbers of that period, he said the most outstanding of both groups were unusually brave, but the big difference was that there was loyalty among the cops, none at all among the criminals who would throw each other to the wolves to save themselves.

meatwadsprite 09-30-08 05:45 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
I just watched it yesterday , it's incredibly detailed.

JKro159 10-09-08 11:08 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
I absolutely love this movie, but I think it was a little long...

rauldc14 03-23-10 03:19 AM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
I thought the movie was pretty good, but I still have to think that it's a tad overrated. Overall 8/10

earlsmoviepicks 03-23-10 07:40 PM

For me it has a great re-watchability factor! Love it

Justin 03-23-10 10:02 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
It's definitely a great movie, but it's not anywhere near Raging Bull and Taxi Driver....for me, anyway.

Plainview 03-23-10 10:12 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
Love Goodfellas, you can watch it over and over. Its one of the few I would give 10/10.

Darkrose 03-23-10 10:36 PM

Re: Goodfellas: Best Movie Ever
I have it on VHS, but have never watched it...:bashful:

ballstouweboll24 03-23-10 11:18 PM

Great film, watched it last night. I agree you can watch it over and over again.

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