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mikeython1 12-16-08 03:30 AM

Reputation Points?
What are these these reputation points and how they given?

mark f 12-16-08 03:39 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
Look at the top right corner of each post (except your own). Do you see the :up: and the :down: ? If you think a post is clever, insightful, relevant or worthy of praise, you can click on the :up:. On the other hand, if you think the post is hateful, irrelevant, and worthy of derision, you can give it a :down:. Just don't hand out too may :down: because you disagree with a person's opinion. It's better to disagree with a person's attitude than their opinion because in a free society, we all can have our opinion, but since here we're in a semi-closed society, you can slam somebody for having hateful attitudes. Then again, both reputations should only be handed out when something crosses a line, either good or bad, so try not to abuse this power. :cool:

mikeython1 12-16-08 03:47 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
1 Attachment(s)
Thank you for clearing that up for me! I just gave you a big thumbs up!
Attachment 6272

mark f 12-16-08 04:19 AM

Re: Reputation Points?

Thursday Next 12-16-08 11:00 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
Mark has so much positive rep he ought to have two lightsabres...or something ;)

Sedai 12-16-08 11:03 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
I think he is the Rep leader, with Cait just behind him...

Movie Maven 12-16-08 06:26 PM

Re: Reputation Points?
whats the purpose of these things ?

mikeython1 12-16-08 06:27 PM

Re: Reputation Points?
I guess to see if your respectable or a jerk?

Movie Maven 12-16-08 06:37 PM

Re: Reputation Points?
if thats how it works here then i guess ill make the best of it get lots :D

Harry Lime 12-30-08 04:41 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
Do people ever give negative rep points? And if they do, is there a blow back where the person who feels they've been unfairly 'dissed' goes to every post the 'disser' has ever posted and click on the thumbs down?

mark f 12-30-08 04:47 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
This is today's neg. points. You can track it as often as you wish. Some dissers learn their lessons and some get flown into the cement slab of oblivion. Peace.

Harry Lime 12-30-08 04:56 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
Since I've been slacking on giving out rep points, and as you were so quick to answer that question, I think I'll give you one.

mark f 12-30-08 05:00 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
I would greatly appreciate any and all pos rep, but I don't see any...

Happy New Year!

Harry Lime 12-31-08 04:05 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
I am sure I clicked on it last night, I'll give you two just for that.

Harry Lime 12-31-08 04:08 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
You can only click once and give a thumbs up right, and afterwards it says Thanks!? I don't think mine are registering then, is there some option I have to click on or am I just bunk?

mark f 12-31-08 05:01 AM

Re: Reputation Points?
It should work. You are certainly no pariah. Did you get my :up:, just now? If so, yours should work, but you won't see anything but the "Thanks!" from your end.

Harry Lime 12-31-08 04:08 PM

Re: Reputation Points?
No mark, I didn't get your thumbs up. Did you get the two I gave you on this page last night, for posts 11 and 13? When I clicked on it it said Thanks! but I'm doubting it went through.

Yoda 12-31-08 04:12 PM

Re: Reputation Points?
If it says "Thanks!," then it should have gone through. That's what it's supposed to say when you give rep. :)

Harry Lime 12-31-08 04:25 PM

Re: Reputation Points?
There, I just thumbs upped Yoda's post #18 and Markf's post #16. Did you guys get them? And I never got the thumbs up markf gave me when he asked if I had received it or not. If it doesn't work for me for some reason I can definitely live with that, but I figured you might want to know if it is some sort of bug in the system or something.

mark f 12-31-08 04:42 PM

Re: Reputation Points?
I haven't received any of the + reps, but I did + rep your last post. Did you get that one? Yoda, what's up?

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